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prereqs & installation

What should you do before using MESA?

This page has information to help you prepare for using MESA. It is important to remember that MESA is under construction -- and probably will be for the indefinite future.

Several screencasts that will visually guide you through these instructions are available. You may want to take a look!

Look through this presentation; skim the MESA papers

Before you use MESA, you should get a feel for what it can do.

For a brief summary of the capabilities of MESA, take a look at this presentation by Matteo Cantiello. (He has also provided a Keynote version.)

MESA's full capabilities are documented in the instrument papers. Looking through the figures will give you a feel for the broad range of problems that can be studied using MESA.

Join the mailing list

The "how-to" documentation is largely embedded in the experience of the community of users. Therefore the first step to becoming a MESA user is to join the mesa-users mailing list. (Click the preceding link and complete the "Subscribing to mesa-users" section of the form.)

If you need help, you should post your questions to mesa-users. You should also search the mailing list archives to look for similar questions that may have been asked in the past. Once you begin to know how to use MESA, please help by responding to posts on the list.

Check the MESA map

Take a look at the maps below to see the locations of MESA users. To have your location added, email Frank Timmes.

Map of MESA users (World)

Map of MESA users (USA)

Ensure your system meets the minimum hardware requirements

MESA requires:

  • Mac or Linux operating system (Windows users may want to try MESA-Docker)
  • 64-bit processor
  • 8 GB RAM
  • 20 GB free disk space

Most laptop or desktop computers built in the last three years will satisfy these requirements.

Install the prerequisites (MESA SDK)

Before you can install MESA, you need the prerequisites. The MESA SDK provided by Rich Townsend provides a prebuilt set of compilers and run-time libraries that should make your MESA install go smoothly. Visit the MESA SDK website for the details of setting it up.

We strongly recommend using the SDK and support is limited if you don't. If you would prefer to build MESA without the SDK, replace the file $MESA_DIR/utils/makefile_header with $MESA_DIR/utils/makefile_header_non_mesasdk and adapt it to your system.

Regardless of what compiler and operating system you use to install MESA, its output should be bit-for-bit identical. If it's not, Bill considers it to be a bug. (This has been the case since Release 5819 in early January 2014.)

Download MESA

The simplest way to get the MESA software is to download a zip file of the latest MESA release.

The compressed file is about 1GB, so don't worry if it takes a little while to download. If the download is slow, you may want to change which mirror you are using. (After you select a zipfile to download, click the "try another mirror" link near the top of the page.)

The unzipped and installed package will be large, so make sure you have at least 20 GB free on your disk.

When you unzip the file, it will create a directory named mesa-r{{site.version}}. This will be your main MESA directory. You are free to rename it, just make sure to set MESA_DIR accordingly (see the next section).

You can also download zip files of older MESA releases. If you plan to do so, please read this FAQ entry.

If you'd prefer, you can instead checkout a copy of MESA from its git repository, using the command:

git clone
git checkout r{{site.version}} 

Note that there might be newer versions out there in the git repository, but they are probably untested, unstable, and generally not at all what you want, so please stick to the officially released ones. To repeat: always check out a tag that starts with a r and then follows an official MESA release. The repository is large so if you need to have multiple copies of the repository please clone from your local copy instead of repeatedly cloning from github.

The old SVN repository can be found at: [zenodo]: this is only needed if you need a unreleased version of MESA before r15140, all development after r15140 can be found on github.

Set your environment variables

The easiest way to make sure that your system is always configured appropriately is to define the necessary environment variables in your shell start-up file. The file that you need to edit will depend on which shell you're using. You can find out by running echo $0. The default on most Linux distros is bash, in which case you need to edit $HOME/.bashrc. If you don't set the environment variables in your shell start-up file, you will need to re-define them each time you open a new shell.

The exact paths depend on where you installed MESA and which operating system you are using. After you add these commands to your shell startup file, don't forget to open a new shell (or source the startup file in an existing one).

You will need to mix and match different aspects of the following example configurations depending on your shell, your operating system, and your installation method.

Here is an example from a machine that uses bash as its shell (and hence uses export to set variables):

{% highlight bash %}

set MESA_DIR to be the directory to which you downloaded MESA

export MESA_DIR=/Users/jschwab/Software/mesa-r{{site.version}}

set OMP_NUM_THREADS to be the number of cores on your machine


you should have done this when you set up the MESA SDK

export MESASDK_ROOT=/Applications/mesasdk source $MESASDK_ROOT/bin/ {% endhighlight %}

If your machine uses csh as it's shell, replace export with setenv.

One caveat is that if you put the MESA SDK in your shell profile, you'll always be using the MESA SDK supplied version of GCC, which may be a compatibility issue if you work with other other codes. Alternative (unsupported) initialization scripts are available here.

Compile MESA

Now we are ready to compile the code. This will take a little while, so do something else for a bit or get up and get a cup of coffee.


Note that there is no reason to use sudo. The MESA install does not require root privileges. Once MESA has finished installing, you should receive the message


MESA installation was successful


If so, move on to "getting started". If not, take a look below.

Learn about MESA best practices

Read the linked page that summarizes some best practices to keep in mind throughout the lifecycle of your project.

What should you do if MESA did not install successfully?

First, confirm that you can reproduce the error. Do


and see if you get the same error.

Check that your environment variables are set correctly

One of the most common issues is unset or incorrectly set environment variables. In the same terminal window where you are trying to install MESA, execute the command {% highlight bash %} echo $MESA_DIR {% endhighlight %} and if you're using the MESA SDK, execute the command {% highlight bash %} echo $MESASDK_ROOT {% endhighlight %} Confirm that these show the directories where you have installed MESA and the MESA SDK. If not, please re-read the instructions on how to set your environment variables.

Confirm that you installed the MESA SDK correctly

Please check that you followed the MESA SDK installation instructions. Pay particular attention to the prerequisites for your system.

Consult the FAQ

Check to see if there is any information about your problem in the MESA FAQ.

If you are using the MESA SDK and are having a problem with installation, you should also consult the MESA SDK FAQ.

Search the mesa-users mailing list archive

Search the mailing list archives to see if someone has had a similar problem before.

Post a question to mesa-users

If the previous steps have not solved your problem, send an email to [email protected] describing the problem.

Please provide the following information in your message (don't attach screenshots):

  • What version of MESA are you trying to build?

  • Are you using the MESA SDK? If so, what version?

  • Describe your computer (machine type, operating system, operating system version).

  • What is the output of each of the following commands?

uname -a
gfortran -v
echo $PATH
echo $MESA_DIR
  • What error message did you recieve? In addition, please attach the full $MESA_DIR/build.log file.

If the error message you received was ./build_and_test FAILED also attach the file $MESA_DIR/MODULE/test/tmp.txt, where MODULE is replaced with the name of the module that failed. The name of the module that failed should be printed on the line before the ./build_and_test message was printed.

If the file tmp.txt does not exist in the folder then run the tester program

./tester 2>&1 | tee tester.log

and also attach tester.log file to your mesa-users message. If the tester program does not exist, say so in your message.