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extending MESA

How do you extend MESA?

Sometimes MESA's many inlist options are not sufficient to tackle the problem you're interested in solving. Extending MESA is relatively easy and painless to do. MESA is designed such that for most uses, one should not need to touch the core MESA code.

MESA provides a file "run_star_extras.f" that has a variety of hooks. These let you do things that you can't do with inlists alone, like change parameters at each step using simple routines or override many of the default physics routines.

Someone may have already written something similar to what you want. Check the list of user-submitted routines to see. If you develop something new and useful, consider sharing it with the community.

Activate run_star_extras.f

The first step in making use of these capabilities is to activate them. In the MESA work directory you made as part of the tutorial, navigate to the src directory

cd tutorial/src

and open up run_star_extras.f in your text editor of choice. The stock version of run_star_extras.f is quite boring. It "includes" another file which holds the default set of routines.

include ''

The routines included in this file are the ones we will want to customize. Because we want these modifications to apply only to this working copy of MESA, and not to MESA as a whole, we want to replace this include statement with the contents of the included file.

Delete the aforementioned include line and insert the contents of $MESA_DIR/include/ (The command to insert the contents of a file in emacs is C-x f or in vim :r .)

Before we make any changes, we should check that the code compiles.

cd ..

If it doesn't compile, make sure that you cleanly inserted the file and removed the include line.

Adding History & Profile Output

If you already looked at run_star_extras.f you may have noticed the function `how_many_extra_history_columns' and the subroutine `data_for_extra_history_columns'. Adding new data to the history file is as easy as editing these functions.

Perhaps we're interested in quantifying how centrally concentrated the burning is. Let's add columns to our history file that track the Lagrangian mass and physical radius interior to which 90% of the nuclear energy generation takes place.

Let's indicate that we want to add two columns to our history file.

{% highlight fortran %} integer function how_many_extra_history_columns(id) integer, intent(in) :: id integer :: ierr type (star_info), pointer :: s ierr = 0 call star_ptr(id, s, ierr) if (ierr /= 0) return how_many_extra_history_columns = 2 end function how_many_extra_history_columns {% endhighlight %}

Now let's calculate the information we want to output. This subroutine has access to the star_info pointer, so you can make use of any of the quantities defined in star/public/ to compute additional information about the star. Here's a subroutine that calculates what we want to know. There are a few "best practices" shown in this routine that are worth remembering, so read through the code and pay attention to the comments.

{% highlight fortran %} subroutine data_for_extra_history_columns(id, n, names, vals, ierr)

! use MESA provided math routines use math_lib, only: safe_log10

integer, intent(in) :: id, n character (len=maxlen_history_column_name) :: names(n) real(dp) :: vals(n) integer, intent(out) :: ierr type (star_info), pointer :: s

real(dp), parameter :: frac = 0.90 integer :: i real(dp) :: edot, edot_partial

ierr = 0 call star_ptr(id, s, ierr) if (ierr /= 0) return

! calculate the total nuclear energy release rate by integrating ! the specific rate (eps_nuc) over the star. using the dot_product ! intrinsic is a common idiom for calculating integrated quantities. ! note that one needs to explicitly limit the range of the arrays. ! NEVER assume that the array size is the same as the number of zones. edot = dot_product(s% dm(1:s% nz), s% eps_nuc(1:s% nz))

! the center of the star is at i = s% nz and the surface at i = 1 . ! so go from the center outward until 90% of the integrated eps_nuc ! is enclosed. exit and then i will contain the desired cell index. edot_partial = 0 do i = s% nz, 1, -1 edot_partial = edot_partial + s% dm(i) * s% eps_nuc(i) if (edot_partial .ge. (frac * edot)) exit end do

! note: do NOT add these names to history_columns.list ! the history_columns.list is only for the built-in log column options. ! it must not include the new column names you are adding here.

! column 1 names(1) = "m90" vals(1) = s% q(i) * s% star_mass ! in solar masses

! column 2 names(2) = "log_R90" vals(2) = safe_log10(s% R(i) / rsol) ! in solar radii

ierr = 0 end subroutine data_for_extra_history_columns {% endhighlight %}

New Profile Output

Adding new output to the profiles, proceeds by close analogy to the history, using the function `how_many_extra_profile_columns' and the subroutine `data_for_extra_profile_columns'.

Here I've just uncommented the stock example.

{% highlight fortran %} integer function how_many_extra_profile_columns(id) use star_def, only: star_info integer, intent(in) :: id integer :: ierr type (star_info), pointer :: s ierr = 0 call star_ptr(id, s, ierr) if (ierr /= 0) return how_many_extra_profile_columns = 0 end function how_many_extra_profile_columns

subroutine data_for_extra_profile_columns(id, n, nz, names, vals, ierr) use star_def, only: star_info, maxlen_profile_column_name use const_def, only: dp integer, intent(in) :: id, n, nz character (len=maxlen_profile_column_name) :: names(n) real(dp) :: vals(nz,n) integer, intent(out) :: ierr type (star_info), pointer :: s integer :: k ierr = 0 call star_ptr(id, s, ierr) if (ierr /= 0) return

! note: do NOT add the extra names to profile_columns.list ! the profile_columns.list is only for the built-in profile column options. ! it must not include the new column names you are adding here.

! here is an example for adding a profile column if (n /= 1) stop 'data_for_extra_profile_columns' names(1) = 'beta' do k = 1, nz vals(k,1) = s% Pgas(k)/s% P(k) end do

end subroutine data_for_extra_profile_columns {% endhighlight %}

Choosing when to output history or profiles

Frequently, you want to output a profile or update the history at a set of milestones along the way. This is especially true for the profiles, when it's not possible (or even desirable) to save and store a profile every few steps.

The star_info structure has a couple of flags – need_to_save_profiles_now and need_to_update_history_now – that let you tell MESA that it is time to output data.

The place to set these is in the function extras_finish_step which will get called at the end of each step.

For our massive star, let's dump a profile at logarithmically-spaced intervals in central density. We will let the user specify the number of divisions per decade. We need to be careful, because the trajectory in rho-T space is not guaranteed to be monotonic.

Here's some code to do just that. Again, read though it as the comments discuss some useful MESA features.

{% highlight fortran %} ! returns either keep_going or terminate. ! note: cannot request retry or backup; extras_check_model can do that. integer function extras_finish_step(id)

integer, intent(in) :: id integer :: ierr type (star_info), pointer :: s

integer :: f

ierr = 0 call star_ptr(id, s, ierr) if (ierr /= 0) return

extras_finish_step = keep_going call store_extra_info(s)

! MESA provides a number of variables that make it easy to get user input. ! these are part of the star_info structure and are named ! x_character_ctrl, x_integer_ctrl, x_logical_ctrl, and x_ctrl. ! by default there are num_x_ctrls, which defaults to 100, of each. ! they can be specified in the controls section of your inlist.

f = s% x_integer_ctrl(1)

! MESA also provides a number variables that are useful for implementing ! algorithms which require a state. if you just use these variables ! restarts, retries, and backups will work without doing anything special. ! they are arrays named xtra, ixtra, and lxtra, of length 30. ! they are automatically versioned, that is if you set s% xtra(1), then ! s% xtra_old(1) will contains the value of s% xtra1 from the previous step ! and s% xtra_older(1) contains the one from two steps ago.

s% xtra(1) = s% log_center_density

! this expression will evaluate to true if f times the log center density ! has crossed an integer during the last step. If f = 5, then we will get ! output at log center density = {... 1.0, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 2.0 ... } if ((floor(f * s% xtra_old(1)) - floor(f * s% xtra(1)) .ne. 0)) then

  ! save a profile & update the history
  s% need_to_update_history_now = .true.
  s% need_to_save_profiles_now = .true.

  ! by default the priority is 1; you can change that if you'd like
  ! s% save_profiles_model_priority = ?


! see extras_check_model for information about custom termination codes ! by default, indicate where (in the code) MESA terminated if (extras_finish_step == terminate) s% termination_code = t_extras_finish_step

end function extras_finish_step {% endhighlight %}

To prevent you from filling up your disk, MESA will only save a limited number of profiles. The default is 100. Here's what Bill has to say in star/defaults/controls.defaults.

{% highlight fortran %} max_num_profile_models = 100 ! < 0 means no limit ! maximum number of saved profiles ! if there's no limit on the number of profiles saved, ! you can fill up your disk -- I've done it. ! so it's a good idea to set this limit to a reasonable number such as 20 or 30. ! once that many have been saved during a run, old ones will be discarded ! to make room for new ones. ! profiles that were saved for key events are given priority ! and aren't removed as long as there ! is a lower priority profile that can be discarded instead. {% endhighlight %}

If you want to be sure the profiles that you're triggering in extras_finish_step stick around – perhaps you're making a movie – you should set max_num_profile_models to be greater that the number of profiles you anticipate generating. You might also want to crank up the priority which with they are saved by setting save_profiles_model_priority to be 10. This will prevent MESA from discarding them in lieu of other automatically saved profiles.

Adding a custom stopping condition

MESA provides many ways to choose when to terminate a run. If your condition can be expressed as "stop when quantity X rises above or falls below some limit", there's a good chance that you can choose to stop simply by setting a few existing flags. Take a look at the "when to stop" section of star/defaults/controls.defaults, which starts around line 230.

If your condition isn't there or is a more complicated logical combination of conditions, then you will probably need to implement it yourself.

The place to do this in the subroutine extras_check_model. (You can also use this routine to trigger backups or retries.)

Here's a routine that stops when the star's luminosity is dominated by neon burning.

{% highlight fortran %} ! returns either keep_going, retry, backup, or terminate. integer function extras_check_model(id)

use chem_def, only : i_burn_ne, category_name

integer, intent(in) :: id integer :: ierr type (star_info), pointer :: s

integer :: i_burn_max

ierr = 0 call star_ptr(id, s, ierr) if (ierr /= 0) return

extras_check_model = keep_going

! if you want to check multiple conditions, it can be useful ! to set a different termination code depending on which ! condition was triggered. MESA provides 9 customizeable ! termination codes, named t_xtra1 .. t_xtra9. You can ! customize the messages that will be printed upon exit by ! setting the corresponding termination_code_str value. ! termination_code_str(t_xtra1) = 'my termination condition'

! determine the category of maximum burning i_burn_max = maxloc(s% L_by_category,1)

! stop if the luminosity is dominated by neon burning if ( i_burn_max .eq. i_burn_ne) then extras_check_model = terminate s% termination_code = t_xtra1 termination_code_str(t_xtra1) = 'neon burning is dominant' return end if

! by default, indicate where (in the code) MESA terminated if (extras_check_model == terminate) s% termination_code = t_extras_check_model

end function extras_check_model {% endhighlight %}

Using the "other" hooks

MESA provides a way to override most of the physics routines with no need to modify anything more than run_star_extras. There are two main steps needed to take advantage of this functionality. In the following example, we will add controls that allow us to control the various non-nuclear neutrino losses (e.g. plasmon, bremsstrahlung) in our massive star.

Writing a routine

Navigate to $MESA_DIR/star/other, where you will see a set of files named with the pattern other_*.f, where the wildcard match describes some sort of MESA physics (e.g. other_neu.f, other_wind.f ).

Find the one corresponding to the physics that you want to alter. Open it up and read through the contents. Many of the files have helpful comments and examples.

Note that we do not want to directly edit these files. Instead we want to copy the template routines that these files provide into our working directory copy of run_star_extras.f and then further modify them there. The template routines are named either null_other_* or default_other_*.

For our neutrino example, copy the following subroutine into run_star_extras.f.

{% highlight fortran %} subroutine null_other_neu( & id, k, T, log10_T, Rho, log10_Rho, abar, zbar, z2bar, log10_Tlim, flags, & loss, sources, ierr) use neu_lib, only: neu_get use neu_def integer, intent(in) :: id ! id for star integer, intent(in) :: k ! cell number or 0 if not for a particular cell real(dp), intent(in) :: T ! temperature real(dp), intent(in) :: log10_T ! log10 of temperature real(dp), intent(in) :: Rho ! density real(dp), intent(in) :: log10_Rho ! log10 of density real(dp), intent(in) :: abar ! mean atomic weight real(dp), intent(in) :: zbar ! mean charge real(dp), intent(in) :: z2bar ! mean charge squared real(dp), intent(in) :: log10_Tlim logical, intent(inout) :: flags(num_neu_types) ! true if should include the type of loss real(dp), intent(inout) :: loss(num_neu_rvs) ! total from all sources real(dp), intent(inout) :: sources(num_neu_types, num_neu_rvs) integer, intent(out) :: ierr call neu_get( & T, log10_T, Rho, log10_Rho, abar, zbar, z2bar, log10_Tlim, flags, & loss, sources, ierr) end subroutine null_other_neu {% endhighlight %}

This template routine illustrates the interface and as is, it will produce exactly the same results as the default MESA routine. This is useful because the most frequent sorts of modifications that one wants to make are based on modifying information that MESA already calculates as opposed to a wholesale re-implementation of the physics routines.

In this case, we want to add controls that will allow us to toggle whether specific kinds of non-nuclear neutrino losses are included.

Let's rename the subroutine and add the functionality that we want.

{% highlight fortran %} subroutine tutorial_other_neu( & id, k, T, log10_T, Rho, log10_Rho, abar, zbar, z2bar, log10_Tlim, flags, & loss, sources, ierr) use neu_lib, only: neu_get use neu_def integer, intent(in) :: id ! id for star integer, intent(in) :: k ! cell number or 0 if not for a particular cell real(dp), intent(in) :: T ! temperature real(dp), intent(in) :: log10_T ! log10 of temperature real(dp), intent(in) :: Rho ! density real(dp), intent(in) :: log10_Rho ! log10 of density real(dp), intent(in) :: abar ! mean atomic weight real(dp), intent(in) :: zbar ! mean charge real(dp), intent(in) :: z2bar ! mean charge squared real(dp), intent(in) :: log10_Tlim logical, intent(inout) :: flags(num_neu_types) ! true if should include the type of loss real(dp), intent(inout) :: loss(num_neu_rvs) ! total from all sources real(dp), intent(inout) :: sources(num_neu_types, num_neu_rvs) integer, intent(out) :: ierr

! before we can use controls associated with the star we need to get access type (star_info), pointer :: s call star_ptr(id, s, ierr) if (ierr /= 0) then ! OOPS return end if

! separately control whether each type of neutrino loss is included flags(pair_neu_type) = s% x_logical_ctrl(1) flags(plas_neu_type) = s% x_logical_ctrl(2) flags(phot_neu_type) = s% x_logical_ctrl(3) flags(brem_neu_type) = s% x_logical_ctrl(4) flags(reco_neu_type) = s% x_logical_ctrl(5)

! the is the normal routine that MESA provides call neu_get( & T, log10_T, Rho, log10_Rho, abar, zbar, z2bar, log10_Tlim, flags, & loss, sources, ierr)

end subroutine tutorial_other_neu {% endhighlight %}

Instruct MESA to use your routine

There are two things that you must do in order to have MESA execute your other_* routine. Failure to do both of these is the most common problem people encounter when using the other_* hooks.

First, edit the controls section of your inlist to set the appropriate use_other_* flag to .true. . In our example, this means adding the line

use_other_neu = .true.

Second, edit the extras_controls routine in run_star_extras.f to point the other_neu at the routine you want to be executed.

{% highlight fortran %} subroutine extras_controls(id, ierr) integer, intent(in) :: id integer, intent(out) :: ierr type (star_info), pointer :: s ierr = 0 call star_ptr(id, s, ierr) if (ierr /= 0) return

! this is the place to set any procedure pointers you want to change ! e.g., other_wind, other_mixing, other_energy (see s% other_neu => tutorial_other_neu

end subroutine extras_controls {% endhighlight %}

Now, recompile your working directory


and run MESA as usual.