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A C++ library to work with matrices.


This library was made for the Advanced Algorithms and Programming Methods class held by professor Andrea Torsello at Ca' Foscari University - Venice in the academic year 2018/19.

Made by Mauro Molin (857855) and Marco Marangoni (858450).


The basic idea for this project is to share data between subsequent calls. For example, taking the transposed matrix doesn't require a copy of the data.

The behavior of the copy constructior deep copies the data into a new matrix.

The library is templated to the type of the data contained in the matrix.



The class to use is called Matrix. To instantiate a new matrix you can use the following code:

Matrix<int> m(10, 20); //Creates a 10x20 matrix of integers

To read and write data, you can use the () operator:

m(1,3) = 10;
std::cout << m(1,3); //Prints 10

Deep copy:

Matrix<int> m2 = m; //Triggers copy constructor that does a deep copy
m2(1,3) = 20;
std::cout << m(1,3); //Prints 10
std::cout << m2(1,3); //Prints 20

Supports const version:

const Matrix<int> m3 = m;
std::cout << m3(1,3); //Prints 10
m3(1,3) = 30; //Compile error

Static matrix

If you know the size of the matrix at static time, you could use the class StaticSizeMatrix, which extends Matrix.

StaticSizeMatrix<10, 20, int> m; //Creates a 10x20 matrix of integers

You can use all the methods of Matrix on a StaticSizeMatrix, however all the methods add additional static information about the matrix dimensions.

For example

StaticSizeMatrix<10, 20, int> m; //Creates a 10x20 matrix of integers
//As in Matrix<int>
m(1,3) = 10;
std::cout << m(1,3); //Prints 10
//Unique for StaticSizeMatrix
m.get<1, 3>() = 10;
std::cout << m.get<1, 3>(); //Prints 10
m.get<40, 60>() = 10; //Compiler error! Index out of bounds

When using a StaticSizeMatrix, some methods will be enabled only for some specific matrices. For example, the diagonal can be obtained only for square matrices.

Additions and multiplications

Both Matrix and StaticSizeMatrix support addition and multiplication by another Matrix or StaticSizeMatrix.

When the size of the resulting matrix can be inferred at compile time, a StaticSizeMatrix is returned, otherwise a Matrix is returned.

The addition is allowed only for matrices of the same size and the multiplication is allowed only when the number of columns of the first matrix is the same as the number of rows of the second. When using StaticSizeMatrix, this check is performed at compile time, otherwise it is performed at runtime.

StaticSizeMatrix<2, 3, int> mA;
StaticSizeMatrix<3, 5, int> mB;
StaticSizeMatrix<5, 2, int> mC;
StaticSizeMatrix<2, 3, int> mD;


(mA * mB * mC).print("%02d"); //Prints the product of mA, mB and mC
(2 * mA + mD + mD).print("%02d"); //Prints 2mA + 2mD
auto err = mA + mB;//Compiler error: the matrix must be of the same size
auto err2 = mA * mC;//Compiler error: incompatible sizes

When performing a chain of multiplications, like mA * mB * mC in the example above, some optimization on the order of operations is made, in order to minimize the total number of calculations to perform.

Shared data

Returned matrices share data (until copy constructor is called):

m.transpose()(3,1) = 40;
std::cout << m(1,3); //Prints 40

auto sm = m.submatrix(2, 2, 3, 3); //Does NOT trigger copy constructor

sm(0,0) = 50;
std::cout << m(2,2); //Prints 50

m(3,3) = 60;
std::cout << sm(1,1); //Prints 60

Chained calls also share data:

m.traspose().diagonal()(1,0) = 70;
std::cout << m(1,1); //Prints 70


There are two iterators, one for row-major order, one for column-major order:

//For each row, for each column
for (auto it = m.beginRowMajor(); it != m.endRowMajor(); ++it) {
    std::cout << *it << std::endl;

//For each column, for each row
for (auto it = m.beginColumnMajor(); it != m.endColumnMajor(); ++it) {
    std::cout << *it << std::endl;

Implementation details

The library has been implemented using the decorator pattern. The full type information is added in the template of Matrix and StaticSizeMatrix, in order to increase performances.


The library keeps full type information about the operation performed. This means that accessing the data doesn't require any call to virtual methods. This allows the compiler to fully inline the code, even after multiple call chains.

Take the following example:

Matrix<int> m(1000,2000);
auto m2 = m.transpose().submatrix(5, 5, 990, 1990).transpose().diagonal();
std::cout << m2(0, 0);

In this example, accessing data on the m2 matrix is completely inlined by the compiler.

This is achieved by keeping the full decoration information on the template.

The only exception to this rule is when performing matrix multiplication between three or more matrices. This is because the order of multiplications will be rearranged in order to reduce the total number of calculations needed.


The MatrixData class is an abstract class whose purpose is to expose the getter and setter for the data. In our implementation, the set can throw an exception if the operation is not supported.

The base implementation is VectorMatrixData<T>: it holds the data in a linearized std::vector<T>. Other implementations such as SubmatrixMD<T> or TransposedMD<T> wrap another MatrixData<T> and change the behavior of the getter and the setter.

The base (int, int) constructor of Matrix<T> creates a VectorMatrixData<T> by default.


The (int, int) operator of Matrix, used to access and set the cells, returns a MatrixCell<T>. This class exposes the operations required to use it as a T, and the = operator in order to change the value of the cell. This is done because for some operations (such as returning the zeroes in diagonalMatrix) it's not possible to return a reference to the value.

A const Matrix<T> cannot be modified, so it needs to return a const MatrixCell<T>. If we allowed the copy constructor it would be possible to assign a const MatrixCell<T> to a MatrixCell<T>, thus allowing to modify a const Matrix<T>. For this reason we decided to delete the copy constructor. We could have triggered a deep copy, but this behaviour would have been unexpected by the end user and has no practical use.

Static matrices specialization

When the size of a matrix is known at compile time, it is better to use StaticSieMatrix. This will enable additional checks at compile time, in order to reduce as much as possible the number of errors that can be raised at runtime.

To accomplish this, the library uses std::enable_if. This is a more flexible alternative to template specialization, since it allows to add some methods (e.g. adding the diagonal method for square matrices), as well as doing some parameter check (e.g. checking the bounds of the submatrix).

Using std::enable_if also allows the IDE to understand the checks, which doesn't happen when using static_assert or other similar alternatives.

Vectors and covectors

When using the class Matrix, vectors and covectors are not specially handled. They are simply a nx1 and 1xn matrices. There are the methods isVector() and isCovector(). We chose to do this because they are simply a property of a matrix, and are not a characterization (e.g. a 1x1 matrix is both a vector and a covector).

Multiplication optimizations

When performing a multiplication between three or more matrices, like m1 * m2 * m3, the order of operations will be rearranged in order to reduce the total number of calculations needed.

For example, then multiplying a 2x3, 3x5 and 5x2 matrices, the (3x5)*(5x2) multiplication will be executed first, since it will reduce by 5 the number of dimensions.

This is done inside the decorator class MultiplyMD. At the first access to the data, the following operations are performed:

  1. The chain of multiplications is saved inside a vector
  2. If the chain is only two matrices long, I can stop the optimization in order to keep accessing the data without using virtual operators
  3. While the chain has more than one element:
    1. Find the pair of matrices in the chain that will be the most efficient to multiply
    2. Replacing the two matrices with a MatrixData that represents their multiplication
  4. The last matrix in the chain is the result of the multiplication

In the end, there will be an optimized operation tree, which can be accessed in an optimal order.

Sum and multiplication between matrices of different types

To sum or multiply matrices of different types, you first have to cast one of them, so they are of the same type.

For example:

StaticSizeMatrix<4, 9, double> A;
StaticSizeMatrix<4, 9, int> B;


auto sum = A + B.cast<double>();


In the tests.cpp, multiplicationTests.cpp, multiplicationTests2.cpp files there is a main function that can be called to ensure that all tests are successful. Every major method is tested.

The library has been complied and tested with CMake under Windows 10.