This is a boilerplate for using Graphql with an orm and authentication.
A quick documenation about folder structures and some pitfalls I have entcountered can be found Documentation
This boilerplate is in heavy development. More features will be added over time:
- Basic Express functionality (Routes for graphql, graphiql)
- Basic orm support (TypeOrm)
- RootQuery plus example queries
- Resolvers
- Mutations
- Authentication
- Tests
To use this boilerplate following steps have to be done:
- Clone this project
- Install dependecies
npm install
- Create and configure app. Configuration
- Start dev mode
npm run dev
oryarn run dev
- ts-node (to run typescript code easy)
npm install -g ts-node
- database (to store data) My suggestion for development is sqlite
- node (should I really mention this :D)
To configure a few aspects like the database or the port this boilerplate uses the .env file.
There is a .env.example file in the root folder of the project. Copy it or rename it to .env
and add the right values.
Remember this file is meant to hold local configuration and will not be pushed to your repo.
To persist data a database is needed. For development I suggest sqlite3. It is easy to use and install:
npm install sqlite3
or yarn add sqlite3
The database is installed as default database in this project. If you don't want to use it, uninstall and remove it.
This example config can be pasted straight into the .env file to test. For more information about the configuring databases have a look at the docs of typeorm