Make School Notes Tutorial Style Guide
- Only capitalize proper names of view controller.
- Add a button to the Gameplay View Controller.
- Segues allow us to transition to a new view controller.
- Bold the names of buttons.
- When you tap the + button...
- The Cancel button should...
- Italicize the name of applications.
- In Make School Notes...
- Looking at Apple's Messages application...
- Italicize new concepts when first being introduced.
- To fix this we will be using what are known as unwind segues!
- Write out numbers between 0 and 9, use numerical representation for all others.
- zero, one, two, ..., nine, 10, 11, 12...
- View controllers are referenced by their source code name.
- The view controller linked with the ListNotesViewController.swift source file, would be referenced as List Notes View Controller.
- Enclose references to source code files or code in backticks.
- Select the
file... - The