Several APIs need to be setup for us to deploy to Cloud Run.
Luckily the gcloud
cli can do most for us, so we run it once from a dev machine with sufficient credentials.
Subsequent deploys can happen via Github Actions. First ensure the required APIs are enabled
gcloud config configurations list # check that correct account and project are active
gcloud run deploy # follow the interactive prompts to do the initial deploy
- allow unauthenticated invocations: YES
- enable all APIs it asks you for
is a decent service name- select
since this is where other Makespace infrastructure is hosted (for GDPR reasons)
Needed to enable the Artifact Registry service:
gcloud services enable
Two service accounts (SA) are needed:
- one for Github Actions to use to do the build and deploy
- one for the Cloud Run instance to use
gcloud iam service-accounts create cloud-run-manager --display-name "Used for building and deploying to cloud run"
gcloud iam service-accounts list # determine the SAs email address
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create ./cloud-run-manager.json --iam-account <SA-EMAIL>
Store the content of the created key as a secret for this repo with the name GCP_GITHUB_ACTIONS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_CREDENTIALS
Assign the necessary roles for building and deploying with cloud run.
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${GCP_PROJECT_ID} \
--member=serviceAccount:${GCP_SVC_ACC} \
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${GCP_PROJECT_ID} \
--member=serviceAccount:${GCP_SVC_ACC} \
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${GCP_PROJECT_ID} \
--member=serviceAccount:${GCP_SVC_ACC} \
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${GCP_PROJECT_ID} \
--member=serviceAccount:${GCP_SVC_ACC} \
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding ${GCP_PROJECT_ID} \
--member=serviceAccount:${GCP_SVC_ACC} \
Now the service account used by the cloud run instance:
gcloud iam service-accounts create member-number-lookup --display-name "For permissio
ns required by lookup service"
gcloud iam service-accounts list # determine the SAs email address
Set the email address of this account as another secret in the github repo: GCP_MEMBER_NUMBER_LOOKUP_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL
Setting up the custom domain is probably easiest via the console.
- navigate to Cloud Run
- go to
Manage Custom Domains
- go to
Add mapping
- select the
service - select
Verify a new domain...
- enter
- follow the instructions to validate the domain
- follow the instructions to add the necessary DNS entries to route a new subdomain to this service