This repository contains examples for anyone keen to explore how to use the Matatika service.
You will need to Sign Up to try out many of the examples.
You can find our documentation here: Matatika Documentation
You can also find our technical glossary here Matatika Techncial Glossary
An example Meltano repository after converting some Meltano reports into the Matatika dataset format.
Getting Started Tutorial - Converting Meltano Reports
An example of adding a custom data source to the Matatika Platform.
Getting Started Tutorial - Adding a Custom Data Source
A readme file containing snippets and links to examples of discovery formats to use as reference when adding your own custom data source.
A readme file containing snippets and links to examples of custom data import scripts.
Examples datasets files, for reference when creating your own datasets.
Our dataset documentation: Matatika Dataset Documentation
An example of a workspace repository to run your data import locally.
Getting Started Tutorial - Running Your Data Import Locally
A readme file that contains the Matatika technical glossary. We have a high level glossary in our documentation: Matatika Glossary, but the techncial glossary goes over things that happen in our API and breifly touches on other technologies used.
Example dataset used in the Getting Started Tutorial - Publish With Matatika Client Library CLI.
Example notebook used in the Getting Started Tutorial - Publish Notebook With CLI.
An example of fetching data from the Matatika API into a notebook.
Getting Started Tutorial - Fetch Data into a Jupyter Notebook.
An example of publishing data from a jupyter notebook into the Matatika API.