This application will help people with pets to find pet sitters, around their area. The pet sitter will be a verified pet enthusiast who like doing the job, people can register as pet sitters on the website. Pet Sitters will get a rating from the Pet Owners, this rating will help future Pet Owners decide the best Sitter for their pet.
PetPals was built during WildHacksII Hackathon hosted by MLH
PetPal is a platform where Pet Owners can hand over their pets to pet lovers ensuring that they are healthy and safe while you are away.
- A Pet Owner can choose the best hosts in their area and book them for a specific date and time.
- A Pet Sitter can accept or reject the request from pet owners as per their convenience.
- To become a Pet Sitter, they have to be approved by admin by filling a detailed form.
- A Pet Owner can chat and pay to the Pet Care Taker once the job is completed.
We built the frontend using HTML, Tailwind CSS and React. Firstly, we designed the outlook of the project. Then we took a part of it each and collaborated on GitHub to create our website. The backend is built using Node, Express, MongoDB and Twilio.