Changes from v2.1.0
Hatch/Lair/Hive changes
more alternates for "select larvae": overlord, zergling, roach, hydralisk, mutalisk, corruptor
queen production moved to V
burrow moved to 4
zerg unit production keys adapted for easy en masse production + bridge method reapplied, checkout out new distribution
RapidFire area target alternates for "rapidFire caster target cancel split"
R (HT, sentry, oracle, ghost, raven, viper)
F for infestor
Space kept for ravager reaper liberator
Some key binding moved
sentry archon merge now CapsLock
raven seeker missile now CapsLock,C
raven seeker missile now E,R
oracle stasis ward now E,Space
oracle revelation now C,R
change RapidFire assignment for overseer spells
- polishing including table of contents