This is used for distribution of IPoIB CNI binary in a Docker image.
Typically you'd build this from the root of your IPoIB CNI clone, and you'd set the DOCKERFILE
to specify the Dockerfile during build time, TAG
to specify the image's tag:
$ DOCKERFILE=Dockerfile TAG=ipoib-cni make image
You may wish to deploy SR-IOV CNI as a daemonset, you can do so by starting with the example Daemonset shown here:
$ kubectl create -f ./images/ipoib-cni-daemonset.yaml
Note: The likely best practice here is to build your own image given the Dockerfile, and then push it to your preferred registry, and change the image
fields in the Daemonset YAML to reference that image.
Example docker run command:
$ docker run -it -v /opt/cni/bin/:/host/opt/cni/bin/ --entrypoint=/bin/sh mellanox/ipoib-cni