If you want to run the web app without having to switch to the tab in your browser or without having to have the browser open, then you can install as a standalone desktop app.
- Nativefier on Dev Resources.
This flow uses Nativefier from NPM. This makes a desktop app built on Electron, which just serves as a wrapper on the web app.
So you'll get the latest content (you might have to do CTRL + R to refresh). But also requires an internet connection to use the app.
- Node
$ npm install nativefier@latest --global
$ cd ~/Downloads
$ nativefier https://michaelcurrin.github.io/badge-generator/
- If you are upgrading, delete the old one:
$ rm -rf ~/Applications/badge-generator.app/
- Install the app by copying it from your Downloads into Applications.
$ mv badge-generator-darwin-x64/badge-generator.app/ ~/Applications
- There are just license files and metadata left - so you can delete the directory in Downloads.
$ rm -rf badge-generator-darwin-x64/
Open from your applications launcher.
It's icon will default to the GitHub octocat.