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MCBO: Framework and Benchmarks for Combinatorial and Mixed-variable Bayesian Optimization

This library provides an easy way to mix-and-match Bayesian optimization components in order to run new and existing mixed-variable or combinatorial Bayesian optimization. Motivations and principles are described in this paper

Disclaimer: the figure above shows that this library allows to build and run BO algorithms made of the same primitives as several published BO methods, but they should not be considered as their official implementations.

Installation of MCBO

Tested on Ubuntu 18.04 and python 3.8.

Create a conda environment and activate it.

conda create -n mcbo_env python=3.8
conda activate mcbo_env

# install MCBO to be able to run optimization on custom problems
pip install -e .

# You can specify the path where all results will be stored by default
echo './results/' > ./mcbo/tasks/eda_seq_opt/results_root_path.txt

# if you want to run optimization of built-in Black-box, run the following (may take a while to get everything installed)
chmod u+x ./

Implemented Tasks


  • 21 SFU test functions
  • ackley: Ackley 20 caterorical dimensions (11 categories each).
  • ackley-53: Ackley 50 binary dimensions, 3 numerical.
  • pest: Pest Control


  • antibody_design: Antibody Design
  • rna_inverse_fold: RNA Inverse Folding
  • aig_optimization: EDA Sequence Optimization (AIG sequence optimization)
  • aig_optimization_hyp: EDA Sequence and Parameter Optimization (AIG sequence and parameter optimization)
  • mig_optimization: MIG Sequence Optimization
  • svm_opt: SVM hyperparameter tuning and feature selection
  • xgboost_opt: XG-Boost hyperparameter tuning

How to access a task

All the tasks are accessible via the task_factory function. Below we show how to obtain the task and search_space class for the RNA inverse fold task.

from mcbo.factory import task_factory
import torch

task_name = 'rna_inverse_fold'
task = task_factory(task_name=task_name)
search_space = task.get_search_space()

Implemented Primitives

Surrogate model

  • gp_o: GP with overlap kernel.
  • gp_to: GP with transformed-overlap kernel.
  • gp_hed: GP with the Hamming embedding via dictionary kernel.
  • gp_ssk: GP with string subsequence kernel.
  • gp_diff: GP with diffusion kernel.
  • lr_sparse_hs: Bayesian linear regression with Hoorseshoe prior.

Acquisition function optimizers

  • ga: Genetic algorithm.
  • sa: Simulated Annealing.
  • ls: Exhaustive Local Search.
  • is: Interleaved search with Hill-Climbing and Gradient-Descent.
  • mab: Multi-Armed Bandit for categorical and Gradient-Descent for numerical.

Acquisition functions

  • ei: Expected Improvement.
  • lcb: Lower Confidence Bound.
  • ts: Thompson Sampling.


  • basic: Hamming distance for categorical variables, hyperectangle limit for numerical variables.

Non-BO baselines

  • rs: Random Search.
  • ls: Local Search.
  • sa: Simulated Annealing.
  • ga: Genetic Algorithm.
  • mab: Multi-Armed Bandit.

Simple optimization example

  • A simple script to build Casmopolitan optimizer and run it on RNA inverse fold.
import torch
from mcbo import task_factory
from mcbo.optimizers.bo_builder import BoBuilder

if __name__ == '__main__':
    task_kws = dict(target=65)
    task = task_factory(task_name='rna_inverse_fold', **task_kws)
    search_space = task.get_search_space()
    bo_builder = BoBuilder(
        model_id='gp_to', acq_opt_id='is', acq_func_id='ei', tr_id='basic'

    optimizer = bo_builder.build_bo(search_space=search_space, n_init=20, device=torch.device("cuda"))

    for i in range(100):
        x = optimizer.suggest(1)
        y = task(x)
        optimizer.observe(x, y)
        print(f'Iteration {i + 1:3d}/{100:3d} - f(x) = {y[0, 0]:.3f} - f(x*) = {optimizer.best_y:.3f}')
  • To run and save optimization results with several seeds and optimizers, we provide the ./experiments/ script calling run_experiment function.
python ./experiments/ --device_id 0 --task_id "rna_inverse_fold" --optimizers_ids gp_to__is__ei__tr --seeds 42 --verbose 2

Reproduce the results of the paper.


It is possible to reproduce our optimization results by running the script ./

chmod u+x ./experiments/

Results will be saved in ./resutls/ or in user specified path.


We provide notebooks to visualize rankings and regrets. Many plotting tools are available in

Extend MCBO

Adding a task

  • The task should be a class inheriting TaskBase
  • Create a folder containing the code of the new task in the tasks folder.
  • The folder can also contain a README providing a description of the task, associated search_space, dependencies
  • Add the new task to the factory script (prefer local import of the new task class if it depends on packages not listed in requirements.txt).
  • Add reference to the task in the present in the dedicated section.

Cite us

If you use this library, please cite MCBO paper:

Kamil Dreczkowski, Antoine Grosnit, and Haitham Bou Ammar. Framework and Benchmarks for Combinatorial and Mixed-variable Bayesian Optimization

      title={Framework and Benchmarks for Combinatorial and Mixed-variable Bayesian Optimization}, 
      author={Kamil Dreczkowski and Antoine Grosnit and Haitham Bou Ammar},


For official implementations of the existing algorithms that our library can build and which inspired some of our primitives, we refer to