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File metadata and controls

278 lines (211 loc) · 9.14 KB
js-draw logo


For example usage, see one of the examples or read the documentation.

If you're coming from version 0.25, read the migration guide!


Creating an Editor

With a bundler that supports importing .css files

To create a new Editor and add it as a child of document.body,

import Editor from 'js-draw';
import 'js-draw/styles';

const editor = new Editor(document.body);

The import js-draw/styles step requires a bundler that can import .css files. For example, webpack with css-loader.

With a bundler that doesn't support importing .css files

Import the pre-bundled version of the editor to apply CSS after loading the page.

import Editor from 'js-draw';
import 'js-draw/bundledStyles';

const editor = new Editor(document.body);

js-draw/bundledStyles is a version of the editor's stylesheets pre-processed by Webpack. As such, importing or including it with a <script src="..."></script> tag applies editor-specific CSS to the document.

Without a bundler

If you're not using a bundler, consider using the pre-bundled editor:

<!-- Replace 1.0.0 with the latest version of js-draw -->
<script src="[email protected]/dist/bundle.js"></script>
    const editor = new jsdraw.Editor(document.body);
    editor.getRootElement().style.height = '600px';

Note: To ensure the CDN-hosted version of js-draw hasn't been tampered with, consider including an integrity="..." attribute. Read more about using SRI with JSDelivr.

Adding a toolbar

To create a toolbar with the default tools:

const toolbar = editor.addToolbar();

Save and exit buttons can be added with the .addSaveButton and .addExitButton methods:

toolbar.addSaveButton(() => {
    const svgElem = editor.toSVG();
    console.log('The saved SVG:', svgElem.outerHTML);

toolbar.addExitButton(() => {
    // Save here?

    // Removes the editor from the document.

Custom actions can also be added to the toolbar. For example,

toolbar.addActionButton('Custom', () => {
    // When the action button is pressed

or alternatively, with an icon,

  label: 'Custom',
  icon: editor.icons.makeSaveIcon(),
}, () => {
    // Do something here

Loading from an SVG

        viewBox="156 74 200 150"
        width="200" height="150"
        <path d="M156,150Q190,190 209,217L213,215Q193,187 160,148M209,217Q212,218 236,178L232,176Q210,215 213,215M236,178Q240,171 307,95L305,93Q237,168 232,176M307,95Q312,90 329,78L327,74Q309,87 305,93" fill="#07a837"></path>

Note: While js-draw supports a small subset of the SVG markup language, it tries to preserve unrecognised SVG elements.

For example, although js-draw doesn't support <circle/> elements,

    viewBox="156 74 200 150"
    width="200" height="150"
    <path d="M156,150Q190,190 209,217L213,215Q193,187 160,148M209,217Q212,218 236,178L232,176Q210,215 213,215M236,178Q240,171 307,95L305,93Q237,168 232,176M307,95Q312,90 329,78L327,74Q309,87 305,93" fill="#07a837"></path>
    <circle cx=200 cy=100 r=40 fill='red'/>

renders as

screenshot of the image editor, displaying a green checkmark. The circle is invisible

but exports to

<svg viewBox="156 74 200 150" width="200" height="150" version="1.1" baseProfile="full" xmlns=""><g><path d="M156,150M156,150Q190,190 209,217L213,215Q193,187 160,148M209,217M209,217Q212,218 236,178L232,176Q210,215 213,215M236,178M236,178Q240,171 307,95L305,93Q237,168 232,176M307,95M307,95Q312,90 329,78L327,74Q309,87 305,93" fill="#07a837"></path></g><circle cx="200" cy="100" r="40" fill="red"></circle></svg>

which does contain the <circle/> element.


Disabling touchpad panning

Touchpad/mousewheel pan gestures can conflict with gestures used to scroll the document. To turn off touchpad pan gestures (and scrolling the editor with the mousewheel),

const editor = new Editor(document.body, {
    wheelEventsEnabled: false,

Alternatively, to only enable touchpad panning when the editor has focus,

const editor = new Editor(document.body, {
    wheelEventsEnabled: 'only-if-focused',


If a user's language is available in src/localizations/ (as determined by navigator.languages), that localization will be used.

To override the default language, use getLocalizationTable([ 'custom locale here' ]). For example,

const editor = new Editor(document.body, {
    // Force the Spanish (Español) localizaiton
    localization: getLocalizationTable([ 'es' ]),
Creating a custom localization

See src/localization.ts for a list of strings that can be translated.

Many of the default strings in the editor might be overridden like this:

const editor = new Editor(document.body, {
    // Example partial Spanish localization
    localization: {
        // Not all translated strings need to be specified. If a string isn't given,
        // the English (default) localization will be used

        // Strings for the main editor interface
        // (see src/localization.ts)
        loading: (percentage: number) => `Cargando: ${percentage}%...`,
        imageEditor: 'Editor de dibujos',

        undoAnnouncement: (commandDescription: string) => `${commandDescription} fue deshecho`,
        redoAnnouncement: (commandDescription: string) => `${commandDescription} fue rehecho`,

        // Strings for the toolbar
        // (see src/toolbar/localization.ts)
        pen: 'Lapiz',
        eraser: 'Borrador',
        select: 'Selecciona',
        thicknessLabel: 'Tamaño: ',
        colorLabel: 'Color',


Changing the editor's color theme

The editor's color theme is specified using CSS. Its default theme looks like this:

.imageEditorContainer {
    /* Deafult colors for the editor -- light mode */

    /* Used for unselected buttons and dialog text. */
    --background-color-1: white;
    --foreground-color-1: black;

    /* Used for some menu/toolbar backgrounds. */
    --background-color-2: #f5f5f5;
    --foreground-color-2: #2c303a;

    /* Used for other menu/toolbar backgrounds. */
    --background-color-3: #e5e5e5;
    --foreground-color-3: #1c202a;

    /* Used for selected buttons. */
    --selection-background-color: #cbdaf1;
    --selection-foreground-color: #2c303a;

    /* Used for dialog backgrounds */
    --background-color-transparent: rgba(105, 100, 100, 0.5);

    /* Used for shadows */
    --shadow-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);

    /* Color used for some button/input foregrounds */
    --primary-action-foreground-color: #15b;

@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
    .imageEditorContainer {
        /* Default colors for the editor -- dark mode */
        --background-color-1: #151515;
        --foreground-color-1: white;

        --background-color-2: #222;
        --foreground-color-2: #efefef;

        --background-color-3: #272627;
        --foreground-color-3: #eee;

        --selection-background-color: #607;
        --selection-foreground-color: white;
        --shadow-color: rgba(250, 250, 250, 0.5);
        --background-color-transparent: rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.5);

        --primary-action-foreground-color: #7ae;

To override it, use a more specific CSS selector to set the theme variables. For example,

/* Notice the "body" below -- the selector needs to be more specific than what's in js-draw */
body .imageEditorContainer {
    --background-color-1: green;
    --foreground-color-1: black;

    /* For this theme, use the same secondary and tertiary colors
       (it's okay for them to be the same). */
    --background-color-2: lime;
    --foreground-color-2: black;
    --background-color-3: lime;
    --foreground-color-3: black;

    --background-color-transparent: rgba(255, 240, 200, 0.5);
    --shadow-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);

    --selection-background-color: yellow;
    --selection-foreground-color: black;

disables the dark theme and creates a theme that primarily uses yellow/green colors.