Command to move files from Download folder to current directory
> mvd -h
usage: mvd [-h] [-d] [-s] [-i] [-t [minutes]] [-n [N]] [args ...]
Moves the last downloaded file to the current directory.
positional arguments:
args Description of command.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d, --date Add date YYYY-MM-DD to the start of the file namefile.
-s, --sort Adds NN- to the start of the namefile.
-i, --invert Inverts the order.
-t [minutes], --time [minutes]
Matches all the files that have been downloaded in the last N minutes.
-n [N], --number [N] Matches the N most recent files.
To add the command to work with your terminal just added to your PATH or create a link like in this example:
ln -s mvd/ /usr/local/bin/mvd