diff --git a/changes-report.html b/changes-report.html index 427c026a4..bce28a06d 100644 --- a/changes-report.html +++ b/changes-report.html @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ @@ -31,9 +31,9 @@
Description: An XML entity/uri resolver
URL: https://github.com/xmlresolver/xmlresolver
Project Licenses: Apache License version 2.0
Description: Apache Commons CLI provides a simple API for presenting, processing and validating a Command Line Interface.
URL: https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-cli/
-Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
Project Licenses: Apache-2.0
Description: An implementation of the GoF Chain of Responsibility pattern
URL: http://commons.apache.org/chain/
Project Licenses: The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
URL: https://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-compress/
Project Licenses: Apache-2.0
Description: Guava is a suite of core and expanded libraries that include utility classes, Google's collections, I/O classes, and much more.
-URL: https://github.com/google/guava/guava
+URL: https://github.com/google/guava
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
Description: JSR305 Annotations for Findbugs
URL: http://findbugs.sourceforge.net/
Project Licenses: The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Description: Checker Qual is the set of annotations (qualifiers) and supporting classes - used by the Checker Framework to type check Java source code. - - Please - see artifact: - org.checkerframework:checker
-URL: https://checkerframework.org
+Description: checker-qual contains annotations (type qualifiers) that a programmer +writes to specify Java code for type-checking by the Checker Framework.
+URL: https://checkerframework.org/
Project Licenses: The MIT License
Description: Sonatype helps open source projects to set up Maven repositories on https://oss.sonatype.org/
-URL: http://nexus.sonatype.org/oss-repository-hosting.html/error_prone_parent/error_prone_annotations
+Description: Error Prone is a static analysis tool for Java that catches common programming mistakes at compile-time.
+URL: https://errorprone.info/error_prone_annotations
Project Licenses: Apache 2.0
Description: A set of annotations that provide additional information to the J2ObjC translator to modify the result of translation.
URL: https://github.com/google/j2objc/
-Project Licenses: The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Project Licenses: Apache License, Version 2.0
URL: http://xml.apache.org/commons/components/external/
Project Licenses: The Apache Software License, Version 2.0, The SAX License, The W3C License
URL: https://logging.apache.org/log4j/2.x/log4j/log4j-core/
Project Licenses: Apache-2.0
Description: This is the core API of hamcrest matcher framework to be used by third-party framework providers. This includes the a foundation set of matcher implementations for common operations.
URL: https://github.com/hamcrest/JavaHamcrest/hamcrest-core
Project Licenses: New BSD License
URL: https://junit.org/junit5/
Project Licenses: Eclipse Public License v2.0
Description: JavaBeans Activation Framework
URL: http://java.net/all/javax.activation/
Project Licenses: CDDL/GPLv2+CE
BSD License: AntLR Parser Generator
Apache License 2.0: compiler
The MIT License: Checker Qual, JOpt Simple, jsoup Java HTML Parser
-Apache License, Version 2.0: Apache Commons CLI, Apache Commons Codec, Apache Commons Collections, Apache Commons IO, Apache Commons Math, Apache Commons Text, Apache HttpAsyncClient, Apache HttpClient, Apache HttpClient Mime, Apache HttpComponents Core HTTP/1.1, Apache HttpComponents Core HTTP/2, Apache HttpCore, Apache HttpCore NIO, Apache Log4j JUL Adapter, Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java, Joda-Time, Noggit, SnakeYAML, java-xmlbuilder
-Apache-2.0: Apache Commons CSV, Apache Commons Compress, Apache Commons Lang, Apache Log4j API, Apache Log4j Core, Gson
+Apache License, Version 2.0: Apache Commons Codec, Apache Commons Collections, Apache Commons IO, Apache Commons Math, Apache Commons Text, Apache HttpAsyncClient, Apache HttpClient, Apache HttpClient Mime, Apache HttpComponents Core HTTP/1.1, Apache HttpComponents Core HTTP/2, Apache HttpCore, Apache HttpCore NIO, Apache Log4j JUL Adapter, Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java, J2ObjC Annotations, Joda-Time, Noggit, SnakeYAML, java-xmlbuilder
+Apache-2.0: Apache Commons CLI, Apache Commons CSV, Apache Commons Compress, Apache Commons Lang, Apache Log4j API, Apache Log4j Core, Gson
LGPL, version 2.1: Java Native Access
GNU General Public License, version 3 (GPL-3.0): veraPDF Feature Reporting, veraPDF Library core, veraPDF Metadata Fixer, veraPDF Parser, veraPDF Validation, veraPDF Validation Model API
@@ -2716,7 +2712,7 @@Eclipse Distribution License - v 1.0: JAXB Core, JAXB Runtime, Jakarta XML Binding API, Old JAXB Runtime, Old JAXB XJC, TXW2 Runtime, istack common utility code runtime
Eclipse Public License - v 2.0: AspectJ Runtime
CDDL+GPL License: Old JAXB Core
-The Apache Software License, Version 2.0: Apache Commons Configuration, Apache Commons Logging, Commons BeanUtils, Commons Chain, Commons Digester, Commons Lang, FindBugs-jsr305, Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures, Guava ListenableFuture only, HPPC Collections, J2ObjC Annotations, Jackson dataformat: CBOR, Jackson dataformat: Smile, Jackson-annotations, Jackson-core, Jackson-dataformat-YAML, T-Digest, Woodstox, XML Commons External Components XML APIs, Xalan Java, Xalan Java Serializer, Xerces2-j, aggs-matrix-stats, jackson-databind, lang-mustache, mapper-extras, opensearch-cli, opensearch-core, opensearch-geo, opensearch-secure-sm, opensearch-x-content, parent-join, rank-eval, rest, rest-high-level, server, zookeeper
The Apache Software License, Version 2.0: Apache Commons Configuration, Apache Commons Logging, Commons BeanUtils, Commons Chain, Commons Digester, Commons Lang, FindBugs-jsr305, Guava InternalFutureFailureAccess and InternalFutures, Guava ListenableFuture only, HPPC Collections, Jackson dataformat: CBOR, Jackson dataformat: Smile, Jackson-annotations, Jackson-core, Jackson-dataformat-YAML, T-Digest, Woodstox, XML Commons External Components XML APIs, Xalan Java, Xalan Java Serializer, Xerces2-j, aggs-matrix-stats, jackson-databind, lang-mustache, mapper-extras, opensearch-cli, opensearch-core, opensearch-geo, opensearch-secure-sm, opensearch-x-content, parent-join, rank-eval, rest, rest-high-level, server, zookeeper
- | Yes | |||||||||||
error_prone_annotations-2.5.1.jar | -13.9 kB | -34 | -22 | +error_prone_annotations-2.18.0.jar | +16 kB | +38 | +26 | 2 | -1.7 | -No | 1.8 | +Yes |
failureaccess-1.0.1.jar | 4.6 kB | @@ -2832,10 +2828,10 @@1.7 | Yes | |||||||||
guava-30.1.1-jre.jar | -2.9 MB | -2060 | -2030 | +guava-32.0.0-jre.jar | +3 MB | +2052 | +2012 | 18 | 1.8 | Yes | - | No |
j2objc-annotations-1.3.jar | -8.8 kB | -23 | -12 | +j2objc-annotations-2.8.jar | +9.3 kB | +24 | +13 | 1 | -1.5 | +1.7 | Yes | |
java-xmlbuilder-1.2.jar | @@ -2936,12 +2932,12 @@1.3 | Yes | ||||||||||
commons-cli-1.5.0.jar | -58.3 kB | -42 | -29 | -1 | -1.7 | +commons-cli-1.6.0.jar | +59.5 kB | +46 | +31 | +2 | +- | Yes |
commons-codec-1.15.jar | @@ -3024,7 +3020,7 @@1.8 | Yes | ||||||||||
pds4-jparser-2.6.0.jar | +pds4-jparser-2.7.1.jar | 502.6 kB | 402 | 375 | @@ -3288,12 +3284,12 @@1.8 | Yes | ||||||
commons-lang3-3.13.0.jar | -632.3 kB | -420 | -390 | -18 | -1.8 | +commons-lang3-3.14.0.jar | +658 kB | +436 | +404 | +19 | +- | Yes |
commons-math3-3.6.1.jar | @@ -3376,18 +3372,18 @@1.7 | Yes | ||||||||||
log4j-api-2.21.1.jar | -317.5 kB | -224 | -190 | +log4j-api-2.22.0.jar | +332.7 kB | +239 | +204 | 9 | - | Yes | ||
log4j-core-2.21.1.jar | +log4j-core-2.22.0.jar | 1.9 MB | -1325 | -1221 | +1308 | +1204 | 55 | - | Yes | 1.8 | Yes | |
checker-qual-3.8.0.jar | -230.9 kB | -411 | -344 | -36 | +checker-qual-3.33.0.jar | +224 kB | +426 | +358 | +30 | 1.8 | Yes | |
- | Yes | |||||||||||
junit-platform-engine-1.7.0.jar | -180.9 kB | -141 | -125 | -9 | +junit-platform-engine-1.10.1.jar | +204.8 kB | +153 | +136 | +10 | - | Yes | |
junit-vintage-engine-5.7.0.jar | -64 kB | -47 | -33 | +junit-vintage-engine-5.10.1.jar | +67.5 kB | +49 | +35 | 6 | - | Yes | Debug Information | |
161 | -90.1 MB | -54237 | -47772 | -2277 | +90.3 MB | +54281 | +47799 | +2274 | 1.8 | -154 | 155 | |
compile: 132 | -compile: 78.3 MB | -compile: 46127 | -compile: 40353 | -compile: 1956 | +compile: 78.5 MB | +compile: 46157 | +compile: 40367 | +compile: 1952 | - | -compile: 126 | compile: 127 | |
test: 24 | test: 9.8 MB | -test: 6650 | -test: 6115 | -test: 244 | +test: 6664 | +test: 6128 | +test: 245 | - | test: 23 | |||
validate | ||||||||||||
Version | -3.3.3 | 3.4.0 | ||||||||||
Type | jar |