WildWestResellerAPI is a SOAP connector for GoDaddy's Wild West Reseller API. It relies only on PHP's built-in SOAP functionality. If you previously looked at this library, you may have noticed it required Zend Framework. That is no longer the case.
The main thrust for writing this was to complete Wild West's ridiculously complicated OTE certification process. Thus, along with the SOAP API, I have included a wizard to complete each part of the certification process. To use it, simply place the entire project directory on a PHP-enabled web server, open "certifications/index.html" in your web browser, enter your OTE credentials, and voila you're done.
The WildWest_Reseller_Client class defines two URL constants for the WSDL files used during OTE Certification and Production API interaction. These constants are: WildWest_Reseller_Client::WSDL_OTE_TESTING and WildWest_Reseller_Client::WSDL_PRODUCTION
The easiest way to understand how to use this library is to examine the PHP files under certifications/tests/. While these are for the OTE certification, together they outline the basic operations available in the API.