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Release Notes |
- CVE-2017-5638; upgrade struts to 2.3.32
- documentation cleanup
- quickstart api key fixes
- Travis configuration
- issue
- issue
- TripUpdate.delay support
- agency id remapping for GTFS realtime
- prevent assignment of backwards travel on distance-along-shape
- issue with deployment of 1.1.12 release. Functionally equivalent.
- New Features:
New Features:
- spring parameter to turn off schedule deviation history
- support for GTFS-realtime export to onebusaway-api-webapp
Bug Fixes:
- New Features:
- none
- Bug Fixes:
- More verbose exception message for a particular build failure
- Changes to cacheManager naming policy to support newer EHCache version
- New Features:
- none
- Bug Fixes:
- Issue #35
- New Features:
- none
- Bug Fixes:
- Issue #32
- New Features:
- none
- Bug Fixes:
- Issue #21
- New Features:
- none
- Bug Fixes:
- New Features:
- Bug Fixes:
- More flexible support for stop-to-shape matching - issue
- Add federated method dispatch for agency id / entity id argument mix - issue
- Fix to detect and remove duplicate stop times, so OBA logic to interpolate them can be invoked - commit
- Fix issue where stops are not properly grouped when all trips have the same direction_id value - commit
- Fix typo in setter for refreshInterval in GtfsRealtimeSource - commit
- New Features:
- Add @ConfigurationParameter annotation for marking important OneBusAway bean configuration parameters. Also add support for automatically generating documentation for these parameters.
- Make the Google Maps API key a configurable parameter:
- Allow such bean properties to be overriden from the command-line for the webapp quickstart with the same -PbeanName.propertyName=value syntax used in the bundle builder command-line app.
- Add more content to the trip problem report page to make it easier to diagnose problems.
- Add a number of method for managing stale user accounts. commit
- Bug Fixes:
- A number of fixes for Trip and Stop Problem reporting to handle the situation when a report refers to a stop or trip that is no longer loaded in the transit bundle.
- Upgrade to struts, which hides those annoying GWT class exceptions on webapp startup.
- ConfigurationService config cache was not properly reset on application startup.
- In the VehicleLocationRecords API Action, the
, andtoTime
parameters were not being properly set for the action. commit - Make sure vehicleId is properly set when creating a TripProblemReportBean from a DB record. commit
- Better computation of agency coverage area, using the actual routes > trips > stops to compute coverage.
- Better display of agencies on agency map, expanding map to show agency bounds in addition to agency center point.
- Bug fixes for quick-start webapp, mostly to deal with quirks of embedded Jetty webapp container.
- Add 404 page-not-found behavior to the root onebusaway-webapp index action, since it's called by default if another action can't be found for a URL.
- Refactor ConfigurationService to accept the webapp context-path as a parameter. Attempting to detect the context-path automatically was proving to be a bit messy under different containers.
- Change how dynamic namespace matching works for the wiki (/p/*) action. The new name-based matching method doesn't require direct access to the underlying Struts ActionProxy and also gets rid of a ton of annoying log messages when running under Jetty.
- Add a configuration parameter to disable location interpolation in the BlockLocationServiceImpl.
- Remove a number of unused dependencies to get the size of release binaries down a bit.
- Merge some changes from the OneBusAway NYC branch.
- Fix problem with quickstart bundle.
- Make
part of the mainonebusaway-application-modules
module set. - Add a ui-only webapp artifact to
. - Tweak support for GTFS-realtime, including support for new OBA-specific delay field.
- Initial support for fixed-schedule trips with a headway-in-name-only frequency label, as indicated by frequencies.txt label_only feature proposal.
- Fix to make crossdomain action work whether its being called by the Struts Convention plugin OR the Rest2 plugin.
- Migrate to GitHub.
- More flexible trip matching in GTFS-realtime support
- Support for running transit data bundle building as a startup phase of webapps
- Expand onebusaway-combined-webapp to include SMS and phone support
- Expand onebusaway-combined-webapp to generate an additional API-only webapp artifact
- Move SMS actions into /sms namespace for onebusaway-sms-webapp
- Make SMS abbreviations optional in onebusaway-sms-webapp
- Additional documentation
- Initial Site Documentation
- Bump to require Maven 3
- Initial release