To use create a category of NIMConfigManager, such as NIMConfigManager+myApp
. We create dynamic acessors for each of the properties in your config.plist. For an example look at NIMConfigManager+Example.m
and exampleConfig.plist
If your config plist contains in the following:
<string>Hello World!</string>
Our NIMConfigManager+myApp.h
would look like:
@interface NIMConfigManager (myApp)
@property(readonly)NSString* labelText;
@property(readonly)BOOL hideBigButton;
And the NIMConfigManager+myApp.m
would be:
@implementation NIMConfigManager (myApp)
@dynamic labelText;
@dynamic hideBigButton;
Usage is pretty simple, we include the category and initialise the sharedManager, after pass it our config.plist
NIMConfigManager *manager = [NIMConfigManager sharedManager];
manager.configPlist = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle]
Accessing any of the properties we need is as simple as:
Currently this manager supports all native plist types, excluding NSDictionaries.
NIMConfigManager has no external requirements.
NIMConfigManager is available through CocoaPods, to install it simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "NIMConfigManager"
Big thanks to Amy Worrall for her talk at iOSConfUK. All of the clever code in this has been ripped studiously from her presentation slides.
John Nye, @john_nye
NIMConfigManager is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.