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+## Additional resources {#sec-systemd-additional-resources}
+[Systemd official website](https://systemd.io/)
+[Archlinux Wiki](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Systemd)
+[Systemd announcement from Lennart Poettering (one of the 2 original developpers of systemd)](http://0pointer.de/blog/projects/systemd.html)
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+## Environment and secret maangement {#sec-systemd-environment}
+The `environment` attribute is used to pass environment variables to the systemd service.
+environment = {
+ MY_ENV_VAR = "Something blue";
+A file can be passed as well with `environmentFile`. If both are passed, `environmentFile` takes precedence over `environment`
+Environment variables should not contain secret data.
+The main reason being that environment variables are accessible to unpriviledged users.
+See [systemd doc](https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.exec.html#Environment=) for a more detailed explanation.
+### Secret management {#sec-systemd-secrets}
+To pass secret data to a systemd service, systemd has the `LoadCredential` mechanism.
+By passing a file path to systemd, it will make sure that the file is available to the process under a specific path.
+The load credential attribute takes an id a colon and a file path
+let's have a look at an [example](https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/nixos/modules/services/web-apps/lemmy.nix#L182)
+LoadCredential = "jwt_secret:${cfg.jwtSecretPath}";
+Inside your application, the jwt secret will be available under `$CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY/jwt_secret` environment variable.
+Note that this requires your application to read secrets from a file.
+If your service can only read secrets through environment variables, the best alternative is to ask the end user to pass an `environmentFile` containing the secrets.
+If your service reads secrets from a configuration file, you can use the `script` attribute of your systemd service to populate that file with the secrets before starting the service.
+[example in nixpkgs](https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/nixos/modules/services/web-apps/lemmy.nix#L172)
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+## Handling dependencies {#sec-systemd-handling-dependencies}
+When a systemd service A depends on another service B.
+There are 3 choices to make
+wants vs requires vs bindsTo:
+- use `wants = [ "B" ];`, if service A can start even if B fails. Systemd will try to start B but will start A even in case of a failure of B.
+- use `requires = [ "B" ];`, if service A will not start without B. Systemd will try to start B and will not start A in case B fails.
+- use `bindsTo = [ "B" ];`, if service A should be shutdown in case of a failure of B.
+- use `after = [ "B" ];`, if service A needs B to active before it is started. Note that with this setting, if you shutdown B, A will be shut down first.
+- use `partOf = [ "B" ];`, if service A needs to re-started when service B is.
+Note that `wants,requires,bindsTo` are orthogonal to `after`. The most common occurence in nixpkgs is `requires` and `after`.
+### Examples {#sec-systemd-handling-dependencies-examples}
+- Web-app dependency on a database. If the web-app cannot start without the database, use `requires` and `after`. If you would rather have it operate even without a database use `wants` and `after`. [example in nixpkgs](https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/nixos/modules/services/web-apps/lemmy.nix#L169)
+- Database migration and setup script for a web-app. It is common to make a service for database setup and migration. This service should be `partOf` the webapp service as everytime the webapp is restarted, this service should be restarted as well.
+[example in nixpkgs](https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/nixos/modules/services/web-apps/lemmy.nix#L214)
+- A web-app has two separate services, a UI and a server. The ui `requires` `after` the server. [example in nixpkgs](https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/nixos/modules/services/web-apps/lemmy.nix#L205)
+Note there are many other settings, for a complete reference and more detailed explanations, see the [systemd manual section](https://man.archlinux.org/man/systemd.unit.5#%5BUNIT%5D_SECTION_OPTIONS)
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+## State management {#sec-systemd-state-management}
+State refers to files and directories for config or running a service.
+A special section is dedicated at the end regarding databases.
+TODO: section on RuntimeDir, StateDir, WorkingDir
+### Database connection {#sec-systemd-state-management-database-connection}
+Most databases have 2 modes of connection, over TCP or over Unix socket. Connecting over a unix socket can provide 2 advantages
+- 30% performance improvement as packets don't need to be encoder over TCP
+- The default authentication mode postgres on unix sockets is just with the user name. This will remove the need to manage the password secret
+Therefore the default for database connection for services is recommended to be with a unix socket. For postgres for example, the `host` needs to start with a `/`.
+### Database initialisation {#sec-systemd-state-management-database-initialisation}
+To initialise a database that a service depends on, it's customary to create another systemd service that will be `partOf` your main service.
+The initialisation service should be run by the database superuser so as not to require sudo.
+Typically it will involve creating the database and the user.
+There will be a step to see if the database is already created.
+That check is best implemented by going throug the created tables and exiting if the table already exists.
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+# Systemd {#sec-systemd}
+Systemd is a building block of most nixos modules.
+From the [project's webpage](https://systemd.io/)
+systemd is a suite of basic building blocks for a Linux system. It provides a system and service manager that runs as PID 1 and starts the rest of the system.
+systemd provides aggressive parallelization capabilities, uses socket and D-Bus activation for starting services, offers on-demand starting of daemons, keeps track of processes using Linux control groups, maintains mount and automount points, and implements an elaborate transactional dependency-based service control logic. systemd supports SysV and LSB init scripts and works as a replacement for sysvinit.
+Other parts include a logging daemon, utilities to control basic system configuration like the hostname, date, locale, maintain a list of logged-in users and running containers and virtual machines, system accounts, runtime directories and settings, and daemons to manage simple network configuration, network time synchronization, log forwarding, and name resolution.
+This chapter aims at describing the most commonly used features of systemd in nixos.
+- usage in modules
+ - Starting a service
+ [ref](https://man.archlinux.org/man/systemd.service.5.en)
+ - Handling dependencies
+ Talk about `requires` `wants` `after` `partOf` and the likes
+ [ref](https://man.archlinux.org/man/systemd.unit.5#%5BUNIT%5D_SECTION_OPTIONS)
+ - Environment
+ Talk about `environment` how to use it and not passing secrets
+ [ref](https://man.archlinux.org/man/systemd.exec.5.en#ENVIRONMENT)
+ - Managing state
+ Talk about StateDir RunDir WorkingDir and when to use each
+ - Initialisation of state and dependents (e.g. database)
+ Talk about adding a systemd service to handle database initialisation
+ - Database management
+ Talk about connection via a unix socket for more performance and reduced secret management
+ - Managing secrets
+ Talk about LoadCredential and how to use it
+ [ref](https://man.archlinux.org/man/systemd.exec.5.en#CREDENTIALS)
+ - Security and principle of least privilege
+ Talk about `DynamicUser` and user management
+ [ref](https://man.archlinux.org/man/systemd.exec.5.en#USER/GROUP_IDENTITY)
+ - Template units
+ Show an example and explain why you would use them
+ - Advanced topics
+ - Capabilities
+ [ref](https://man.archlinux.org/man/systemd.exec.5.en#CAPABILITIES)
+ - Socket activation for zero downtime deploys
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+ Additional resources
+ Systemd official
+ website
+ Wikipedia
+ Archlinux
+ Wiki
+ Systemd
+ announcement from Lennart Poettering (one of the 2 original
+ developpers of systemd)
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+ Environment and secret maangement
+ The environment attribute is used to pass
+ environment variables to the systemd service.
+environment = {
+ MY_ENV_VAR = "Something blue";
+ A file can be passed as well with
+ environmentFile. If both are passed,
+ environmentFile takes precedence over
+ environment
+ Environment variables should not contain secret data. The main
+ reason being that environment variables are accessible to
+ unpriviledged users. See
+ systemd
+ doc for a more detailed explanation.
+ Secret management
+ To pass secret data to a systemd service, systemd has the
+ LoadCredential mechanism. By passing a file
+ path to systemd, it will make sure that the file is available to
+ the process under a specific path. The load credential attribute
+ takes an id a colon and a file path let’s have a look at an
+ example
+LoadCredential = "jwt_secret:${cfg.jwtSecretPath}";
+ Inside your application, the jwt secret will be available under
+ $CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY/jwt_secret environment
+ variable.
+ Note that this requires your application to read secrets from a
+ file.
+ If your service can only read secrets through environment
+ variables, the best alternative is to ask the end user to pass an
+ environmentFile containing the secrets.
+ If your service reads secrets from a configuration file, you can
+ use the script attribute of your systemd
+ service to populate that file with the secrets before starting the
+ service.
+ example
+ in nixpkgs
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+ Handling dependencies
+ When a systemd service A depends on another service B. There are 3
+ choices to make wants vs requires vs bindsTo:
+ use wants = [ "B" ];, if service A
+ can start even if B fails. Systemd will try to start B but will
+ start A even in case of a failure of B.
+ use requires = [ "B" ];, if service
+ A will not start without B. Systemd will try to start B and will
+ not start A in case B fails.
+ use bindsTo = [ "B" ];, if service
+ A should be shutdown in case of a failure of B.
+ After:
+ use after = [ "B" ];, if service A
+ needs B to active before it is started. Note that with this
+ setting, if you shutdown B, A will be shut down first.
+ PartOf:
+ use partOf = [ "B" ];, if service A
+ needs to re-started when service B is.
+ Note that wants,requires,bindsTo are orthogonal
+ to after. The most common occurence in nixpkgs is
+ requires and after.
+ Examples
+ Web-app dependency on a database. If the web-app cannot start
+ without the database, use requires and
+ after. If you would rather have it operate
+ even without a database use wants and
+ after.
+ example
+ in nixpkgs
+ Database migration and setup script for a web-app. It is
+ common to make a service for database setup and migration.
+ This service should be partOf the webapp
+ service as everytime the webapp is restarted, this service
+ should be restarted as well.
+ example
+ in nixpkgs
+ A web-app has two separate services, a UI and a server. The ui
+ requiresafter the
+ server.
+ example
+ in nixpkgs
+ Note there are many other settings, for a complete reference and
+ more detailed explanations, see the
+ systemd
+ manual section
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+ State management
+ State refers to files and directories for config or running a
+ service. A special section is dedicated at the end regarding
+ databases.
+ TODO: section on RuntimeDir, StateDir, WorkingDir
+ Database connection
+ Most databases have 2 modes of connection, over TCP or over Unix
+ socket. Connecting over a unix socket can provide 2 advantages
+ 30% performance improvement as packets don’t need to be
+ encoder over TCP
+ The default authentication mode postgres on unix sockets is
+ just with the user name. This will remove the need to manage
+ the password secret
+ Therefore the default for database connection for services is
+ recommended to be with a unix socket. For postgres for example,
+ the host needs to start with a
+ /.
+ nixpkgs-example
+ Database initialisation
+ To initialise a database that a service depends on, it’s customary
+ to create another systemd service that will be
+ partOf your main service. The initialisation
+ service should be run by the database superuser so as not to
+ require sudo. Typically it will involve creating the database and
+ the user. There will be a step to see if the database is already
+ created. That check is best implemented by going throug the
+ created tables and exiting if the table already exists.
+ nixpkgs-example
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+ Systemd
+ Systemd is a building block of most nixos modules.
+ From the project’s
+ webpage
+systemd is a suite of basic building blocks for a Linux system. It provides a system and service manager that runs as PID 1 and starts the rest of the system.
+systemd provides aggressive parallelization capabilities, uses socket and D-Bus activation for starting services, offers on-demand starting of daemons, keeps track of processes using Linux control groups, maintains mount and automount points, and implements an elaborate transactional dependency-based service control logic. systemd supports SysV and LSB init scripts and works as a replacement for sysvinit.
+Other parts include a logging daemon, utilities to control basic system configuration like the hostname, date, locale, maintain a list of logged-in users and running containers and virtual machines, system accounts, runtime directories and settings, and daemons to manage simple network configuration, network time synchronization, log forwarding, and name resolution.
+ This chapter aims at describing the most commonly used features of
+ systemd in nixos.
+ Index
+ usage in modules
+ Starting a service
+ ref
+ Handling dependencies Talk about requires
+ wantsafter
+ partOf and the likes
+ ref
+ Environment Talk about environment how to
+ use it and not passing secrets
+ ref
+ Managing state Talk about StateDir RunDir WorkingDir and
+ when to use each
+ Initialisation of state and dependents (e.g. database) Talk
+ about adding a systemd service to handle database
+ initialisation
+ Database management Talk about connection via a unix socket
+ for more performance and reduced secret management
+ Managing secrets Talk about LoadCredential and how to use it
+ ref
+ Security and principle of least privilege Talk about
+ DynamicUser and user management
+ ref
+ Template units Show an example and explain why you would use
+ them
+ Advanced topics
+ Capabilities
+ ref
+ Socket activation for zero downtime deploys