diff --git a/ddmrp/models/stock_buffer.py b/ddmrp/models/stock_buffer.py
index 19093bdfb..aeda383a3 100644
--- a/ddmrp/models/stock_buffer.py
+++ b/ddmrp/models/stock_buffer.py
@@ -158,18 +158,11 @@ def _quantity_in_progress(self):
"""Return Quantities that are not yet in virtual stock but should
be deduced from buffers (example: purchases created from buffers)"""
res = {}.fromkeys(self.ids, 0.0)
- polines = self.env["purchase.order.line"].search(
- [
- ("state", "in", ("draft", "sent", "to approve")),
- ("buffer_ids", "in", self.ids),
- ]
- )
- for poline in polines:
- for buffer in poline.buffer_ids:
- if buffer.id not in self.ids:
- continue
- res[buffer.id] += poline.product_uom._compute_quantity(
- poline.product_qty, buffer.product_uom, round=False
+ for buffer in self:
+ polines = buffer._get_rfq_dlt(dlt_interval=None)
+ for line in polines:
+ res[buffer.id] += line.product_uom._compute_quantity(
+ line.product_qty, buffer.product_uom, round=False
return res
@@ -1196,6 +1189,17 @@ def _compute_product_vendor_code(self):
help="Request for Quotation total quantity that is planned outside of "
"the DLT horizon.",
+ rfq_inside_dlt_qty = fields.Float(
+ string="RFQ Qty (Inside DLT)",
+ readonly=True,
+ help="Request for Quotation total quantity that is planned inside of "
+ "the DLT horizon.",
+ )
+ rfq_total_qty = fields.Float(
+ string="RFQ Total Qty",
+ readonly=True,
+ help="Request for Quotation total quantity that is planned",
+ )
net_flow_position = fields.Float(
digits="Product Unit of Measure",
@@ -1679,17 +1683,15 @@ def _calc_incoming_dlt_qty(self):
outside_dlt_moves = self._search_stock_moves_incoming(outside_dlt=True)
rec.incoming_outside_dlt_qty = sum(outside_dlt_moves.mapped("product_qty"))
if rec.item_type == "purchased":
- cut_date = rec._get_incoming_supply_date_limit()
- # FIXME: filter using order_id.state while
- # https://github.com/odoo/odoo/pull/58966 is not merged.
- # Can be changed in v14.
- pols = rec.purchase_line_ids.filtered(
- lambda l: l.date_planned > fields.Datetime.to_datetime(cut_date)
- and l.order_id.state in ("draft", "sent")
- )
- rec.rfq_outside_dlt_qty = sum(pols.mapped("product_qty"))
+ pols_outside_dlt = rec._get_rfq_dlt(dlt_interval="outside")
+ rec.rfq_outside_dlt_qty = sum(pols_outside_dlt.mapped("product_qty"))
+ pols_inside_dlt = rec._get_rfq_dlt(dlt_interval="inside")
+ rec.rfq_inside_dlt_qty = sum(pols_inside_dlt.mapped("product_qty"))
+ rec.rfq_total_qty = rec.rfq_inside_dlt_qty + rec.rfq_outside_dlt_qty
rec.rfq_outside_dlt_qty = 0.0
+ rec.rfq_inside_dlt_qty = 0.0
+ rec.rfq_total_qty = 0.0
rec.incoming_total_qty = rec.incoming_dlt_qty + rec.incoming_outside_dlt_qty
return True
@@ -1837,18 +1839,22 @@ def action_view_supply_moves(self):
result["domain"] = [("id", "in", moves.ids)]
return result
- def _get_rfq_dlt(self, outside_dlt=False):
+ def _get_rfq_dlt(self, dlt_interval=None):
cut_date = self._get_incoming_supply_date_limit()
- if not outside_dlt:
+ if dlt_interval == "inside":
pols = self.purchase_line_ids.filtered(
lambda l: l.date_planned <= fields.Datetime.to_datetime(cut_date)
- and l.state in ("draft", "sent")
+ and l.state in ("draft", "sent", "to approve")
- else:
+ elif dlt_interval == "outside":
pols = self.purchase_line_ids.filtered(
lambda l: l.date_planned > fields.Datetime.to_datetime(cut_date)
- and l.state in ("draft", "sent")
+ and l.state in ("draft", "sent", "to approve")
+ )
+ else:
+ pols = self.purchase_line_ids.filtered(
+ lambda l: l.state in ("draft", "sent", "to approve")
return pols
@@ -1868,7 +1874,7 @@ def action_view_supply_moves_outside_dlt_window(self):
def action_view_supply_rfq_inside_dlt_window(self):
result = self.env["ir.actions.actions"]._for_xml_id("purchase.purchase_rfq")
- pols = self._get_rfq_dlt()
+ pols = self._get_rfq_dlt(dlt_interval="inside")
pos = pols.mapped("order_id")
result["context"] = {}
result["domain"] = [("id", "in", pos.ids)]
@@ -1876,7 +1882,7 @@ def action_view_supply_rfq_inside_dlt_window(self):
def action_view_supply_rfq_outside_dlt_window(self):
result = self.env["ir.actions.actions"]._for_xml_id("purchase.purchase_rfq")
- pols = self._get_rfq_dlt(outside_dlt=True)
+ pols = self._get_rfq_dlt(dlt_interval="outside")
pos = pols.mapped("order_id")
result["context"] = {}
result["domain"] = [("id", "in", pos.ids)]
diff --git a/ddmrp/views/stock_buffer_view.xml b/ddmrp/views/stock_buffer_view.xml
index 5993f6792..4bd0a9f04 100644
--- a/ddmrp/views/stock_buffer_view.xml
+++ b/ddmrp/views/stock_buffer_view.xml
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@
attrs="{'invisible':[('incoming_outside_dlt_qty', '=', 0)]}"