Note: this repository uses TensorFlow v1.
Navigate to the folder that you would like to store this repository in and clone the repository.
git clone [email protected]:katywarr/strengthening-dnns.git
To keep up-to-date with any changes to the repository:
cd strengthening-dnns
git pull
The Anaconda package contains python and many of the required dependencies for this project. Instructions for downloading it are here
In recent versions of Anaconda, it is recommended that you do not select the option to add the Anaconda bin folder to your PATH during installation but use the Anaconda Prompt.
On windows: Click start and start typing "Anaconda" to get the prompt.
From within an Anaconda command prompt, navigate to the strengthening-dnns
folder and
create a virtual environment using the following command:
You only need to do this once.
conda env create -f strengthening-dnns.yml
Whenever you want to use this environment, invoke:
conda activate strengthening-dnns
Your prompt should now look like something like this:
(strengthening-dnns) current_dir>
Create a Kernel to enable use of the conda environment in Jupyter
python -m ipykernel install --user --name strengthening-dnns --display-name "Python (strengthening-dnns)"
From within an Anaconda Command Prompt, ensure that you are within the correct environment
conda activate strengthening-dnns
Navigate to the folder containing the clone of this repository and type:
jupyter notebook
Here's a good introduction to Jupyter notebooks
When running the Jupyter notebooks, the correct kernel Python (strengthening-dnns)
(created in the one time step previously). This is selectable via a drop down at the top right of the Jupyter notebook interface.