- LanteaCraft is provided to all persons for free (free as in beer; gratis). You may play and distribute LanteaCraft under the Distribution conditions.
- You may not use LanteaCraft's source, binaries or assets to generate any revenue for yourself, except under the Derivative Works conditions.
- The LanteaCraft configuration files (.cfg, .xml and any other data files) are not considered a part of LanteaCraft and may be freely distributed.
- The LanteaCraft API is not considered part of LanteaCraft and may be freely distributed and/or used as you see fit.
- LanteaCraft may be distributed and played by anyone - this includes modpacks of any size - under the following conditions:
- You make no revenue or remuneration from downloads of any kind;
- You distribute LanteaCraft un-modified and in whole; and
- You provide a link back to our Minecraft Forum topic and/or the Github repository.
- You may create, publish and earn revenue from:
- a texture pack made for LanteaCraft, so long as it contains no LanteaCraft code or any original LanteaCraft assets;
- an addon (a mod which uses the LanteaCraft API) made for LanteaCraft;
- television broadcasts, video recording, live-streams or other transmission of content which depicts all or any part of LanteaCraft; and
- maps that require LanteaCraft.
- The source code is hosted on GitHub
- You may not create works using the LanteaCraft code (source or binary) without explicit permission from PC-Logix, except under the cases listed in this license.
- You may not create derivative products (through source, binary or patch form modifications) from the LanteaCraft source code to distribute to other users.
- You may use sections of LanteaCraft's source code in your own projects or for educational purposes (including research, evaluation or development for the purpose of advancing knowledge), however:
- Your project must consist of less than 25% of LanteaCraft derived code; and
- You must give an appropriate reference to the original source (LanteaCraft) for the code used, including a link to the Github repository.
- You may not use LanteaCraft's assets in other projects. These are proprietarily produced by DeltaStrium and are the property of DeltaStrium & PC-Logix.
- By contributing to LanteaCraft you grant PC-Logix a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, transferable, royalty-free, irrevocable license for your contribution with the right to sublicense such rights through multiple tiers of sublicensees, to reproduce, modify, display, perform and distribute in whole or part your contribution as part of LanteaCraft or any other project.
- If you suggest any ideas to LanteaCraft or PC-Logix:
- You grant us the right to use your idea or concept as we see fit; and
- If you expect us to pay you for your idea or concept, you must tell us so in advance.
- You may fork and edit the Github repository for the purpose of contributing to the language translation files in the project.
- LanteaCraft utilizes external repositories for some source and asset files.
- This LICENSE does not override or overrule any licenses or licensing on external repositories.
- The foreign license only applies to files, code, resources or otherwise which originate from the external repository.
- Where the foreign license on an external repository cannot be upheld, this LICENSE shall apply retroactively.
- Where the duration of any restriction is in question, the longest period from any applicable license shall apply.
- LanteaCraft utilizes third party technologies (libraries and sources) which are copyrighted and are excluded from this license.
- The individual license for each third party technology is provided in separate sub-files in any distribution of this LICENSE file.