+;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC.10, 31-Mar-82 15:48:46, Edit by SCHOEN; Add global storage dummy parameters to USEVAR definition;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC;8 3/1/81 Edit by RINDFLEISCH; Added SAVE/RSTR macros for PUSH/POP and CALL/RET for PUSHJ/POPJ;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC;7 20-Aug-80 13:12:12 Edit by SCHOEN; Added RUNM UUO for lower-fork runnable PUPFTP;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC;6 11-Jul-80 13:06:53 Edit by SCHOEN; Added SHXINT, SHXFLG defns for user "!" typeout when not debugging;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC;5 4/23/80 Edit by SCHOEN; SEARCH SYSDEF so calls to VACCT and GDACC simulations don't fail; on Tops20;<SCHOEN>PUPDEF.MAC;4 4/3/80 EDIT BY RINDFLEISCH; Added macros to simulate VACCT and GDACC JSYSs;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC;3 25-Mar-80 12:45:08 EDIT BY SCHOEN; Changed (no)tenex/tops20 opdefs to macro so they work;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC;2 21-Mar-80 12:45:08 EDIT BY SCHOEN; Define (no)tenex/tops20 macros for conditional assembly;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC;30 2-SEP-79 15:58:49 EDIT BY TAFT;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC;29 11-APR-79 17:31:43 EDIT BY TAFT; Put Sender property in its right alphabetical sequence, dummy;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC;28 18-MAR-79 19:18:28 EDIT BY TAFT; Put back Sender property;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC;27 24-MAY-78 18:12:41 EDIT BY TAFT; Add New-Store mark;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC;26 15-SEP-77 11:19:01 EDIT BY TAFT; Fix [Mailbox-exception] command to take sub-codes;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC;25 1-SEP-77 15:52:10 EDIT BY TAFT; Revise property and mark tables for updated Mail Transfer Protocol;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC;24 3-JUN-77 11:04:13 EDIT BY TAFT; Remove "Sender" and "Distribution" properties;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC;23 2-JUN-77 21:33:43 EDIT BY TAFT; Add "Size" and "Author" properties; Add "Rename" command mark;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC;22 15-APR-77 10:03:57 EDIT BY TAFT; Add SERVF;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC;21 31-MAR-77 20:16:42 EDIT BY TAFT; Add marks and properties for Mail Transfer Protocol;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC;20 19-MAR-77 20:24:21 EDIT BY TAFT; Add "delete" mark type; Add date properties;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC;18 18-MAR-77 17:05:38 EDIT BY TAFT; Move mark and property definitions here from PFUDEF.MAC.; Add some common flag bits.;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC;16 10-MAR-77 14:24:40 EDIT BY TAFT; Divide into two definitions files:; PUPDEF.MAC contains definitions common to PUPSRV and PUPFTP; PSVDEF.MAC contains stuff specific to PUPSRV;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC;14 20-OCT-76 13:27:17 EDIT BY TAFT; Add defs for net directory server;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC;13 2-OCT-76 23:16:30 EDIT BY TAFT; Add defs for gateway info server;<PUP>PUPDEF.MAC;11 30-JUN-76 18:04:45 EDIT BY TAFT; Revise storage assignment macros; Add defs for event report server; Copyright 1979 by Xerox Corporation UNIVERSAL PUPDEF -- DEFINITIONS COMMON TO PUPSRV AND PUPFTP SUBTTL E. A. Taft / September, 1975IFNDEF FT10X,<SEARCH SYSDEF>; Standard Accumulator assignments F=0 ; Flags A=1 ; General scratch B=2 C=3 D=4 P1=10 ; Permanent -- saved by callees P2=11 P3=12 P4=13 P=17 ; Stack; Flag assignments common to PUPSRV and PUPFTPDEBUGF==1B0 ; In debug modeENABLF==1B1 ; We are enabled as wheel/operatorSERVF==1B2 ; On if we are server, off if userRUNF==1B3 ; PUPFTP running as lower fork optionRAISEF==1B18 ; Raise lower-case inputSHXFLG==1B19 ; Typed a "!" on a line; Macros to define conditional assembly for Tops-20/Tenex; assumes calling program has "SEARCHed SYSDEF"; ejs, 3/20/80define tops20,<ifn ft20>define notops20,<ife ft20>define tenex,<ifn ft10x>define notenex,<ife ft10x>; Macro to declare storage PC's to be used in a moduleDEFINE USEVAR(LSVAR,LSPVAR,GSVAR<GSVAR>,GSPVAR<GSPVAR>) < DEFINE LS(LOC,SIZE<1>) <.ASSIGN LOC,LSVAR,SIZE> DEFINE LSP(LOC,SIZE<1>) <.ASSIGN LOC,LSPVAR,^O1000*<SIZE>> DEFINE GS(LOC,SIZE<1>) <.ASSIGN LOC,GSVAR,SIZE> DEFINE GSP(LOC,SIZE<1>) <.ASSIGN LOC,GSPVAR,^O1000*<SIZE>>>; Definitions needed to append items to a list and then extract; them all for assembly in a single placeDEFINE APPEND(DEF,ITEM) < DEFINE DEF(XX,MORE) <XX DEF,<ITEM,MORE>>>DEFINE EXPAND(DEF,OP) < DEFINE OPMAC(A,ITEM) <IRP ITEM <IFNB <ITEM>,<OP>>> DEF(OPMAC) PURGE OPMAC>DEFINE UUO(OP,DISP) < UUON==UUON+1 OPDEF OP [<UUON>B8]IFB <DISP>,<UUOS(APPEND,%'OP)>IFNB <DISP>,<UUOS(APPEND,DISP)>>APPEND(UUOS) ;INIT DISPATCH LISTUUON==0 ;INIT UUO NUMBERS; UUOs used in PUPSRV and PUPFTP UUO PRINT ; Print character specified in eff adr UUO UTYPE ; Type message on TTY UUO UDTYPE ; Type message on TTY iff debugging UUO UWRITE ; Write message on arbitrary designator UUO UFTPM ; Send FTP reply message; UUOs used only in PUPSRV UUO ULOG ; Log a message UUO UELOG ; Log to both file and TTY; UUOs used only in PUPFTP UUO UERROR ; Type error message, clear input buffer UUO UNOISE ; Print noise words if Escape hit UUO UPROMP ; Type text and also append to cmd buffer UUO URUNM ; Error message to shared page; Macros to call the above UUOsDEFINE LOG(STRING) <ULOG [ASCIZ \STRING\]>DEFINE ELOG(STRING) <UELOG [ASCIZ \STRING\]>DEFINE TYPE(STRING) <UTYPE [ASCIZ \STRING\]>DEFINE DTYPE(STRING) <UDTYPE [ASCIZ \STRING\]>DEFINE NOISE(STRING) <UNOISE [ASCIZ \(STRING) \]>DEFINE PROMPT(STRING) <UPROMP [ASCIZ \STRING\]>DEFINE ERROR(STRING,NPOP<0>) <UERROR NPOP,[ASCIZ \STRING\]>DEFINE WRITE(AC,STRING) < IFNB <STRING>,<UWRITE AC,[ASCIZ \STRING\]> IFB <STRING>,<UWRITE A,[ASCIZ \AC\]>>DEFINE FTPM(TYPE,CODE,STRING,NPOP<0>,EOCF) < ZZ==<IFNB <EOCF>,<1>> UFTPM [<MK'TYPE>B7+<CODE>B15+<ZZ>B16+<NPOP>+1 ASCIZ \STRING\]>DEFINE RUNM(TYPE,STRING) < URUNM [TYPE ASCIZ \STRING\]>; MACRO definitions to save and restore lists of locationsDEFINE SAVE(LST)< IRP LST,<PUSH P,LST> ; Save stuff on stack>DEFINE RSTR(LST)< IRP LST,<POP P,LST> ; Recover stuff from stack>; OPDEF's for subroutine call/returnOPDEF CALL [PUSHJ P,]OPDEF RET [POPJ P,]; FTP-related definitions common to server and userUSRSTL==^D39 ; Maximum name/password/acct string lengthsNAMSTL==^D<2*39+1+2*39> ; Name.Extension length (with possible ^Vs)SFNSTL==USRSTL+2+NAMSTL+7 ; Server-Filename string lengthPQUOTE=="'" ; Quote character in property listsCR==15 ; Char defsLF==12FF==14DEL==177EOL==37 ; Tenex EOL character (internal use only); Global network numbers (assigned by Jon Postel/ARPA)NW%CHS==7 ; CHAOSNETNW%ARP==12 ; ARPANETNW%DLN==26 ; DIALNETNW%SUN==44 ; SUNETNW%LCL==:NW%SUN ; Local connected network for PUPSRVSHXINT==^d10 ; Type a "!" every 10 pages if not debugging; Property list names and assignments; Calls are of the form; X internal mnemonic , property name , storage; The internal mnemonic must be 4 characters or less.; Entries must be sorted alphabetically by property name.; "Storage" is the maximum number of words needed to store; the property (default 1).; Offsets in a property list are assigned to P.' mnemonic.; Dispatches to process received properties are PP' mnemonic.DEFINE PNAMES < X AUTH,<AUTHOR>,USRSTL/5+1 X BYTE,<BYTE-SIZE> X CNAM,<CONNECT-NAME> X CPSW,<CONNECT-PASSWORD>,USRSTL/5+1 X CDAT,<CREATION-DATE> X DEVI,<DEVICE>,USRSTL/5+1 X DIRE,<DIRECTORY>,USRSTL/5+1 X EOLC,<END-OF-LINE-CONVENTION> X MLBX,<MAILBOX>,0 X NAMB,<NAME-BODY>,NAMSTL/5+1 X RDAT,<READ-DATE> X SNDR,<SENDER>,USRSTL/5+1 X SFIL,<SERVER-FILENAME>,SFNSTL/5+1 X SIZE,<SIZE> X TYPE,<TYPE> X UACT,<USER-ACCOUNT>,USRSTL/5+2 X UNAM,<USER-NAME> X UPSW,<USER-PASSWORD>,USRSTL/5+1 X VERS,<VERSION> X WDAT,<WRITE-DATE>>; Assign offsets for individual properties in a property listDEFINE X(SYM,NAME,SIZE<1>) < P.'SYM==PLSIZE PLSIZE==PLSIZE+SIZE> PLSIZE==0 PNAMES; Mark type assignments; Calls are of the form; XN internal mnemonic , mark type , name string , flags; or XS internal mnemonic , mark type , name string , flags; The internal mnemonic must be 4 characters or less.; Mark type must be octal. Entries must be in order of Mark type.; Mark types are assigned to MK' mnemonic.; Dispatches to process received Marks are C.' mnemonic.; The XS macro declares the Mark to have sub-codes.; Flag assignments; B0 ; Command has subcommands NFETCH==1B1 ; Do not pre-fetch command text OKRETR==1B2 ; Command ok during Retrieve OKSTOR==1B3 ; Command ok during StoreDEFINE MARKS < XN RETR, 1,<Retrieve> XN STOR, 2,<Store> XS YES, 3,<Yes>,OKRETR+OKSTOR XS NO, 4,<No>,OKRETR+OKSTOR XN FILE, 5,<Here-is-file>,NFETCH+OKSTOR XN EOC, 6,<End-of-command>,NFETCH+OKRETR+OKSTOR XN COMM, 7,<Comment>,OKRETR+OKSTOR XS VERS,10,<Version> XN NSTO,11,<New-store> XN DIR, 12,<Directory> XN PLST,13,<Here-is-property-list> XN YUSR,14,<You-are-user> XN ABOR,15,<Abort>,OKRETR+OKSTOR XN DELE,16,<Delete> XN RENA,17,<Rename> XN SMAI,20,<Store-mail> XN RMAI,21,<Retrieve-mail> XN FMAI,22,<Flush-mail> XS MBEX,23,<Mailbox-exception>>; Assign the Mark type symbolsDEFINE XN(SYM,TYPE,NAME,FLAGS) < MK'SYM==TYPE NMARKS==NMARKS+1>DEFINE XS(SYM,TYPE,NAME,FLAGS) < MK'SYM==TYPE NMARKS==NMARKS+1> NMARKS==0 MARKS END
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