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File metadata and controls

50 lines (31 loc) · 1.76 KB


This project contains a Docker image meant to facilitate the deployment of PKU-OSLAB OJ, powered by SDUOJ.

Project directory

  • build: The source code of the docker image.
  • env: Environment variable file for compose yaml.
  • data: Some data files for running the service.

How to use

docker compose up -d

The frontend is exposed at port 30080, see .env.

The OJ initially contains a super administrator account and a normal administrator account.

Username Password Role
superadmin 123456 super admin
superta 123456 admin

How to scale

docker compose up -d --scale user-service=2


This repository contains scripts to initialize mySQL database and nacos (see env/mysql/initdb and env/nacos/nacos.env).

Some functionality is controled by nacos such as the footer, the email template, the URL, hostname, password and port of middleware services, and so on.

If you need to change such configurations, there are two ways:

  1. The nacos is inited by mysql initdb scrips in env/mysql/initdb/02-nacos-data.sql, which contains the SQL commands to initialize the configration for each services. You can directly change these commands for your own purpose.

  2. Expose the nacos service outside of the docker container and you can connect to it via http://localhost:8848/nacos (to expose nacos, see comments in compose.yml). You can login and change the configration in a Web UI. Note that the default username and password are both nacos.
