Important hotfix for anyone on 3.1.2 (or older)
This is a hotfix for search directory. It was broken by the v6.0 release (specifically when #133 was merged, which included an invisible character accidentally added to a comment). It doesn't affect fish 3.2+, which is why neither CI nor my local testing caught it, but for those on 3.1.2 or older, you will be completely unable to use search directory. The error you'll see looks like:
⫸ fish: Unknown command: which may include tilde, variables, etc.
in command substitution
called on line 9 of file ~/.config/fish/functions/__fzf_search_current_dir.fish
in function '__fzf_search_current_dir'
~/.config/fish/functions/__fzf_search_current_dir.fish: Unknown error while evaluating command substitution
in function '__fzf_search_current_dir'
Big thanks to @fezboy who spotted it and quickly PRed in a fix in #142! 👏