Releases: PaulSquires/TradeTracker
IB-Tracker v2.2.0
Add: Year End close procedure that will remove all closed Trades on or before December 31 of the specified year.
Add: Individual Option leg portfolio values are now totaled to give summary for all legs in the Trade.
Add: Closed Trades now has a Category selector so you can filter the closed trades by your desired Category/Strategy.
Add: Closed Trades now show the number of Wins and Losses and Percentage for each month (and yearly total).
Add: Waiting cursor now shows when performing time consuming tasks.
Fix: When attempting to view "scraped" financial data on a weekend, the dates will now default to the most previous Friday close.
Fix: The Green/Red "ITM" indicator would incorrectly show as red if the market price was below both the Long and Short strikes. Basically, a Long spread was completely breached so the ITM should be green.
IB-Tracker v2.1.0
Allow getting (and displaying) scraped yahoo finance closing price data when not connected to TWS (message box displayed when TWS connect fails allowing user the choice), or when connected to TWS but after hours and without correct market data subscription.
IB-Tracker v2.0.1
Save application width, height and interior panels widths to Config file.
IB-Tracker v2.0.0
Major changes to Order Entry, Option/Futures Assignment, Reconciliation, and GUI elements. May possibly affect quantity values of some transactions already entered in your database (please review and edit any transactions that may be not be correct).