Every smart card or token has a ATR, this can be used to identify the token.
In OSX you can see this value by running pcsctest
which will return something like this:
bash-3.2# pcsctest
MUSCLE PC/SC Lite Test Program
Testing SCardEstablishContext : Command successful.
Testing SCardGetStatusChange
Please insert a working reader : Command successful.
Testing SCardListReaders : Command successful.
Reader 01: SafeNet eToken 5100
Enter the reader number : 01
Waiting for card insertion
: Command successful.
Testing SCardConnect : Command successful.
Testing SCardStatus : Command successful.
Current Reader Name : SafeNet eToken 5100
Current Reader State : 0x54
Current Reader Protocol : 0x1
Current Reader ATR Size : 14 (0xe)
Current Reader ATR Value : 3B D5 18 00 81 31 FE 7D 80 73 C8 21 10 F4
Testing SCardDisconnect : Command successful.
Testing SCardReleaseContext : Command successful.
Testing SCardEstablishContext : Command successful.
Testing SCardGetStatusChange
Please insert a working reader : Command successful.
Testing SCardListReaders : Command successful.
Here you see the Current Reader ATR Value
and the Current Reader Name
, for 'token' form-factor devices this is all we need to update the card.json so webcrypto-local knows which driver to load for which card. For card form-factor devices we will need to look up the name of the device.
Alternativly you can use opensc-tool
to get the ATR:
opensc-tool --reader 0 --atr
This is a link to a Pull Request that added support for the above device.
We basically do the following in this PR:
- Add a definition for the given ATR
- Ensure the reference driver knows where to find the PKCS#11 library on each platform
With these changes now webcrypto-local knows which PKCS#11 to load for this device.
So for this device we would need a card.json that included something like:
"cards": [{
"atr": "3BD518008131FE7D8073C82110F4",
"name": "SafeNet eToken 5100",
"driver": "39b3d7a3662c4b48bb120d008dd18648"
"drivers": [{
"id": "39b3d7a3662c4b48bb120d008dd18648",
"name": "SafeNET",
"file": {
"windows": "/Windows/System32/eTPKCS11.dll",
"osx": "/usr/local/lib/libeTPkcs11.dylib"