- Implemented issue #18833 Would like user customizable content on lists
- Implemented issue #19647 Report dates and currency must be localizable
- Fixed issue #19858 *Unable to delete a Project Task from Project Tasks screen
- Fixed issue #20449 Incidents gives error when CRM is only extension
- Implemented issue #20677 Create Location object
- Implemented issue #20683 Backlog Report
- Implemented issue #20684 Create Shipments List object and views with return action
- Implemented issue #20734 Issue to Shipping
- Fixed issue #20800 *Delete option is active for contacts attached to ToDoitem/Opportunity
- Fixed issue #20927 Install script says finished when it is not
- Fixed issue #20954 Problems in report data from data-from-key
- Fixed issue #21093 *No error message is displayed on selecting to delete an item with item site created for it
- Fixed issue #21176 *Unable to save comments for a To do item
- Fixed issue #21189 Files over 1MB does not appear to complete upload
- Implemented issue #21251 Add credit card processing support to Sales Order
- Fixed issue #21277 T/E mobile not enforcing view other rules.
- Fixed issue #21306 Menu presentation order unpredictable
- Fixed issue #21316 Time and Expense uneditable when unapproved
- Completed issue #21327 Sales cubes dimension and measure terminology
- Completed issue #21360 add monthly calendar to sales cubes
- Completed issue #21361 Should be able to save Sales Analysis query
- Fixed issue #21368 Worksheets bring in wrong customer reference
- Fixed issue #21385 TE Worksheet List does not filter on on Date
- Fixed issue #21399 Can't find worksheet total hours
- Fixed issue #21403 Worksheets should default to self as the Employee
- Fixed issue #21407 Field missing on Worksheet: hourly cost
- Fixed issue #21427 Inventory Extension adding expense category to setup menu
- Fixed issue #21432 forgot password error
- Fixed issue #21439 Picker is too wide on money widgets
- Fixed issue #21442 Site Defaults in Mobile Web are not honoring user defaults
- Fixed issue #21453 Firefox is blocking mobile help content
- Fixed issue #21455 Sort is not working for Sort and Layout Attribute Pickers
- Fixed issue #21478 *Selecting to create new Shipment record displays insufficient privileges dialog
- Fixed issue #21482 *Omnibus: Blank screen is displayed on selecting to print any record/records list
- Fixed issue #21495 Cannot Search for Incident Contact
- Fixed issue #21497 Time Expense has dependency on Sales
- Fixed issue #21498 Users can not save time sheet if no prvilege
- Fixed issue #21524 Printing Admin Account causes unhandled Error
- Fixed issue #21532 Cannot open an existing Item
- Implemented issue #18488 Add sort option to Mobile client
- Fixed issue #19395 *Unable to delete a contact with no address
- Fixed issue #19680 Email profiles are not editable
- Fixed issue #19966 *It is possible to create a Quote without any line item
- Fixed issue #19992 *New quote created from a Customer does not populates the customer number automatically in 'Customer' field of quote screen
- Fixed issue #19993 *Detach button in the Quotes panel of a customer is not functional
- Implemented issue #20445 Login Page should have "Forgot Password" link/functionality
- Fixed issue #20458 Editing Worksheet Time Billable does not save
- Fixed issue #20460 Posting a Worksheet does not appear to do anything
- Implemented issue #20782 add vCard export functionality for contacts
- Implemented issue #20851 REST support for field-level queries
- Fixed issue #20909 ListRelationsEditorBox fails if you delete an intermediate item
- Fixed issue #20960 Cannot create new Site
- Fixed issue #20961 Deleting a Site does not work
- Completed issue #20987 Pentaho tenant to include server IP
- Implemented issue #21046 Add context messaging tools for Mobile Web UI (Sales Analysis)
- Fixed issue #21097 *Selecting to edit and save an item site displays irrelevant message
- Fixed issue #21112 *Omnibus: Action icon button doesn't respond on clicking when 'Advanced Search' panel is open for the list of records
- Fixed issue #21120 *Observation: Selecting to save the Tax rate with currency set to default displays 'currency is required' message irrelevantly
- Fixed issue #21121 *Selecting 'Save' in the Tax Rate screen without selecting the Tax Code doesn't displays any error message
- Fixed issue #21123 Multi-Site option should not be allowed off if there are Multi-sites
- Fixed issue #21158 *translation required for effective and expiry date warning messages
- Fixed issue #21201 *Delete option is active for Used contacts
- Fixed issue #21234 *It is possible to edit and save the Billing rate currency of the Time And Expense sheets of an Approved worksheet
- Fixed issue #21256 Project does not save with filter
- Fixed issue #21276 mobile TE scrolling
- Fixed issue #21289 A user who only has personal privileges can not create records
- Fixed issue #21302 Task assignments not working on worksheets
- Fixed issue #21359 Worksheet list unacceptably slow
- Fixed issue #21374 Last saved filter doesn't default
- Fixed issue #21375 Default search criteria appearing on widget searches
- Fixed issue #21395 Selecting worksheets sometimes opens wrong selection
- Fixed issue #21260 XT.filter table naming conflict with public.filter
- Implemented issue #18668 Initial documentation build for Mobile platform
- Implemented issue #19294 OAuth 2.0 - Refactor route and functor mapping in Express to use a loop for loading
- Implemented issue #19303 REST - Add Discovery Service routes
- Implemented issue #19305 REST - Add route handler functions for end point CRUD
- Implemented issue #19306 REST - Add "service" endpoints
- Completed issue #19443 Use data schema in Pentaho report scripts
- Fixed issue #20195 *Irrelevant behavior is observed on re-opening a quote
- Fixed issue #20265 OAUTH - Existing session/cookie causes client to load. Fix redirect to auth dialog page
- Fixed issue #20458 Editing Worksheet Time Billable does not save
- Fixed issue #20642 Filters broken on incidents
- Implemented issue #20864 Grid entry for Sales Order on Desktop based browser client
- Implemented issue #20866 Allow filters to be saved on lists
- Fixed issue #20886 Searchable is required on New Characteristic
- Implemented issue #20890 OAuth2 - Admin Interface Usability Tweaks
- Fixed issue #20891 Add "website" to contact overview
- Fixed issue #20898 Item Site not populating correctly for Sales Order
- Fixed issue #20899 Advanced Search does not display list after clearing bad data
- Fixed issue #20902 Adding an Item to Quote
- Fixed issue #20908 Dashboard Charts shrink upon returning to Dashboard screen
- Fixed issue #20932 Dashboard Query is not working
- Fixed issue #20979 oath2client table entry for Pentaho needs to use default database
- Fixed issue #20983 History shows "undefined" for many objects
- Fixed issue #20989 oauth2 check for JWT issued in the future causes timing problem
- Fixed issue #21016 Cost Categories Desciption alignment is wrong
- Fixed issue #21051 Characteristic - No Error message when trying to save without a role
- Fixed issue #21055 Updating Extensions on Role will not allow application to load on login
- Fixed issue #21066 _Editing a Sales Order gives shipped error
- Fixed issue #21129 Sales Analysis user can not use Pentaho single sign on without admin privilege
- Fixed issue #21138 Relation Lists are not loading Properly in Workspaces
- Fixed issue #18711 Edit Owner privilege is not enforced
- Fixed issue #18724 ReassignToDoItems privilege is not enforced
- Fixed issue #18726 *Left of Contact Address Not Visible in panel
- Fixed issue #18968 Panel sizing on Item workspace
- Fixed issue #19042 Omnibus: Observation: New User Account created from Owner field is not populated automatically in Owner field
- Implemented issue #19626 Add link to google maps
- Completed issue #19645 Install/build process for reports
- Fixed issue #19711 *Irrelevant behavior is observed on selecting to save the role assigned to the CRM Account
- Fixed issue #19796 Quote shows costs when users do not have cost privilege
- Fixed issue #19800 Site should only appear on quote when multi-site enabled
- Implemented issue #19801 Site should default on quote
- Fixed issue #19805 User should not be able to edit quote price unless they have privileges to do so
- Fixed issue #19859 *Selecting to create a new project task from an existing project task displays Data source error
- Fixed issue #19967 *Irrelevant dialog is displayed on saving a quote
- Fixed issue #20008 Converting prospect to customer freezes client
- Fixed issue #20068 Click Apply on Customer Groups will Lock the record
- Implemented issue #20190 Mobile Client Phone Numbers Should be Clickable
- Implemented issue #20380 Sales analysis view
- Fixed issue #20489 Item does not display Wholesale Price
- Implemented issue #20524 build_database script
- Fixed issue #20555 new authentication does not work with pgbouncer
- Implemented issue #20559 Need to create an interface to manage Oauth
- Implemented issue #20574 sales order should use item and site instead of itemsite
- No Change Required issue #20596 Numbers cut off by scroller
- Implemented issue #20614 Need an installer methodology for the mobile client and extensions
- Fixed issue #20638 Attach option on relation boxes should not display objects already attached to other objects
- Fixed issue #20672 Admin Role gives Java Console Error
- Fixed issue #20673 User Account gives Disable Export error
- Implemented issue #20676 Create Inventory Configuration Settings
- Implemented issue #20715 Sales dashboard
- Implemented issue #20723 Single signon support for Pentaho
- Implemented issue #20726 Support for Pentaho dynamic OLAP cubes based on organization
- Fixed issue #20736 xt package pkg tables missing triggers, causing issues loading packages
- Implemented issue #20746 Multi-tenant support for Sales cubes
- Implemented issue #20747 Multi-tenant support for sales ETL
- Fixed issue #20760 *Quantity UOM is not available for selection in SO Line item screen
- Implemented issue #20771 generate p12 in oauth generate-key route
- No Change Required issue #20774 access user_account REST
- Fixed issue #20775 Remove xtbatch schema if not being used by mobile
- Implemented issue #20780 improve maven reports deployment
- Fixed issue #20785 Change Password does not remove Confirmed Password
- Fixed issue #20792 *Username of a User Account is editable
- Fixed issue #20803 *Observation: Newly created records are displayed as locked on opening the records immediately after creation
- Fixed issue #20814 Cannot save a Sales Order
- Implemented issue #20820 REST - Expose all objects needed for basic relation functionality to work
- Fixed issue #20848 Advanced Search Groupbox is too wide
- Implemented issue #20865 Add dropdown indicator icon to picker
- Implemented issue #20868 -k flag for build_app
- Implemented issue #20874 Merge time and expense functionality into project
- Fixed issue #20999 support build_app with absolute -c path
- Fixed issue #21007 Sales Analysis does not display correct Cube after changing databases
- We have moved the test folder from the node-datasource directory.
You will want to move by hand the two gitignored files in there:
demo-test.backup, and login_data.js. Then, you can rmdir the
folder and all its subfolders. - The init_scripts and the command-line ORM installer are gone. You will have to use /scripts/build_app.js for your installation needs. Run it with the -h flag to see the options.
- The old tools for building client code (deploy.sh, buildExtensions.sh, build_client.js) are gone. Use /scripts/build_app.js for your client-building needs. Run it with the -h flag to see the options.
- When you merge from master git will complain that it is not able to delete an enyo directory which has just be deinitialized as a submodule. You will want to delete it by hand. This goes for the xtuple and the private-extensions repos.
- Fixed issue #18845 Status is missing from To Do
- Fixed issue #19271 Datasource does not enforce privilege extensions on fetch
- Fixed issue #19272 Half-drilldown into deprivileged workspaces
- Fixed issue #19797 Quote shows margin when user does not have show margin privilege
- Fixed issue #20074 *Irrelevant behavior is observed in Quote line items
- Fixed issue #20204 Mobile client unaware of public/private comments
- Fixed issue #20272 Relation widget keeps appending parameters
- Fixed issue #20332 Error Adding a Sales Order to an Opportunity
- Fixed issue #20333 Advanced Seach of Sales Rep on Sales Order does not work correctly
- Fixed issue #20356 Calendar still active after date is picked
- Implemented issue #20373 Bring back DisableExport
- Implemented issue #20375 Bring back priv_group
- Fixed issue #20440 Incident Documents double when using Apply
- Fixed issue #20456 Clicking on Locked Icon gives Console error
- Fixed issue #20476 Tax Assignemnt gives Java Console Error
- Fixed issue #20501 ToDo and Prospect form report routes
- Fixed issue #20506 Add multi-tenant support for Pentaho reports
- Fixed issue #20540 User Account Roles do not use groups
- Fixed issue #20549 You should be able to assign extensions in user accunt roles as well as user accounts
- Fixed issue #20555 new authentication does not work with pgbouncer
- Fixed issue #20563 Action - Change Password requires 6 digits
- Fixed issue #20583 Authentication not remembered
- Fixed issue #20601 There is no tracking of version numbers in extensions
- Fixed issue #20609 Incident plus broken
- Fixed issue #20637 The attach button should not be available on Customer for Sales Orders and Quotes
- Fixed issue #20638 Attach option on relation boxes should not display objects already attached to other objects
- Fixed issue #20605 Web client does not use the metric to determine the welcome page URL path
- Fixed problem where user names that are email addresses could not log in.
- Fix critical user login problem
- Fixed issue #20505 Remove print menus and buttons until Pentaho service available on cloud deployment.
- Add redirectPort and maintenancePort to config.js, see sample_config.js
- To run tests you will need to add the test database to the login_data.js file, per the conventions in sample_login_data.js. Note also the new snake_case filename convention. You will also need to add this database name to your config.js file under datasource.testDatabase.
- Changed XT.Data's handling of Dates and nulls to work with current version of plv8 that doesn't require any special handling. You need to be on this plv8 version:
commit d75184e00e08e97bc8caba6c9677f8f375a051aa
Date: Wed Feb 20 00:10:56 2013 -0800
To find your current plv8 version:
cd ~/plv8js
git log -1
To move to that plv8 from your current:
mv plv8js plv8js-old
git clone https://code.google.com/p/plv8js/
cd plv8js
git checkout d75184e00e08e97bc8caba6c9677f8f375a051aa
# Make sure this is the path to your V8 source:
make V8_SRCDIR=/home/dev/v8
sudo make install
# Restart PostgreSQL Server
sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql restart
To test if your plv8 is working correctly, try adding a comment to an Account or Contact. See if you get any errors in your browsers Javascript Console and make sure the comment saves.
- Implemented parts of issue #20264 REST - Refactor error handling in the database layer
- Fixed issue #20448 Entering wrong password on mobile client does not return error
- Fixed issue #20441 Redirect Port other than 80 does not work
- Fixed issue #20347 Default country not working on CRM configuration
- Fixed issue #20319 Unable to select first menu after selecting a different menu option
- Fixed issue #20310 Next number is a formatted number in sales config
- Fixed issue #20307 Can't attach multiple customers to group
- Fixed issue #20297 JSON-Patch needs to point to http, not git
- Implemented issue #20295 move all ports into config.js
- Fixed issue #20270 *Omnibus :Description label is displayed incorrectly
- Fixed issue #20266 SQL Injection exploit in XT.Data
- Implemented issue #20254 Integrate web-mobile user management into the application database
- Fixed issue #20240 Updating ORM uses Username instead of specified -u user
- Implemented issue #20212 Build out time and expense portion of "PPM"
- Fixed issue #20208 User account assignment box is broken
- Fixed issue #20199 Unable to select line item for a quote
- Fixed issue #20180 *It is not possible to filter the Customers screen using Advanced Search window
- Fixed issue #20177 * It is not possible to assign 'Tax Authority' role to a CRM Account
- Fixed issue #20162 *Text box is displayed irrelevantly for the Currency field in the Tax Rate screen
- Fixed issue #20157 Incident relations not showing
- Fixed issue #20078 Priv Error when trying to add a custom command
- Implemented issue #20052 Tax rate ORM, model, and views need to be added
- Implemented issue #20041 build extensions dynamically through node
- Implemented issue #20040 Add support for Sales Orders
- Fixed issue #20026 *Irrelevant behavior is observed on selecting to assign Tax Authority/Sales Rep role to a CRM account
- Fixed issue #20024 *Omnibus : Records data grayed out on editing and refreshing to save the changes made
- Fixed issue #20011 *Chrome : Omnibus :Irrelavant dates are displayed on selecting to enter Date starting with special character
- Fixed issue #19976 Quote for prospect requires ship-to
- Fixed issue #19970 Cannot open an Opportunity from a To Do
- Fixed issue #19932 Characteristics not completely working on quote
- Fixed issue #19889 *Omnibus: Selecting to enter a number with more than 10 digits in 'Order' field shows irrelevant behavior
- Fixed issue #19888 Unable to enter a number with more than 12 digits in the 'Expenses' section under the 'Project Tasks' widget of a Project screen
- Fixed issue #19871 *Tab out from an Items 'Extended Description' field displays an irrelevant dialog
- Fixed issue #19844 Clicking in Blank Space causes error
- Fixed issue #19833 New privileges installed by packages do not appear
- Fixed issue #19830 The advanced search box is wider than the panel
- Implemented issue #19795 Numbers on number widgets should be right justified
- Fixed issue #19677 *It is possible to enter 'End Date' prior to 'Start Date' for a Tax Registration Number under 'Tax Registration Numbers' widget
- Fixed issue #19676 * Omnibus: Discarding the changes made in a Project Task shows unexpected behaviour
- Fixed issue #19658 * Omnibus :'To Do' associated to the 'Customer' is displayed as locked on selecting to open
- Fixed issue #19632 *Unable to attach a new file to a record
- Fixed issue #19616 *Back button is not working on selecting to discard the changes made in a CRM Account's Role
- Fixed issue #19599 Maxhammer Mobile Users created with improper SUPERUSER roles and overview of proper db creation process.
- Fixed issue #19542 Shipping charges prevent customer edit
- Fixed issue #19471 Unable to create custom commands in dogfood
- Fixed issue #19045 _ Omnibus : Database error is displayed on selecting to duplicate existing records_
- Fixed issue #19033 Irrelavant behaviour is observed in Project task screen
- Fixed issue #18958 Errors preventing creation of new item
- Implemented issue #18757 REST - Modify the XT.Data commit code to enforce the new requiredAttributes driven by db NOT NULL and ORM override
- Fixed issue #20169 etag versions not working with usr and org string pkeys
- Implemented issue #18716 REST - Create helper functions needed to generate API Directory list and Discovery Documents
- Implemented issue #19304 REST - Add route generator for resource end points
- Fixed issue #19870 Unable to attach a contact related to a CRM Account under Documents widget of an accounts screen
- Fixed issue #19905 Documents attached under the document widget of a record are not displayed on selecting to reopen the record
- Fixed issue #20214 incorrect login brings up error screen
- Fixed issue #20235 Selecting to enter the address for a contact displays an error message in the console
- Fixed issue #20205 Select Organization for a User - "ID is required" Error
- Fixed issue #20184 List lazy-loading problem
- Fixed issue #19953 Cannot use a prospect to save a quote
- Fixed issue #19973 percent widget is broken
- Fixed issue #20026 *Irrelevant behavior is observed on selecting to assign Tax Authority/Sales Rep role to a CRM account
- Implemented issue #20154 Add support for natural keys on orms
- Fixed issue #20066 *Irrelevant dialog is displayed on selecting to save a Tax Class
- Implemented issue #20044 Add support JSON Patch
- Implemented issue #20052 Tax rate ORM, model, and views need to be added
- Implemented issue #20054 installer should work atomically on one org at a time
- You need to add
as a requirement in your config.js. See sample_config.js for details. - We removed node-datasource/lib/private/salt.txt from version control. You will have to put this file back in yourself. You can fill it with any long string you want.
- You need to implement npm changes, config.js changes, and the deletion of a global table as documented here.
- We are now running on our own fork of plv8.
- Fixed issue #19246 Help file iframe issue on Firefox
- Fixed issue #19593 Record Lock - No Error when attaching a Locked Contact to Account
- Fixed issue #19450 Updating setup items does not update their collections and pickers
- Fixed issue #19469 customer edit ship-to bug
- Implemented issue #19442 Add schema to data routes for Pentaho reports
- Implemented issue #19296 OAuth 2.0 - After switching to ONLY Express, remove dead code in node-xt and node-datasource
- Fixed issue #19813 Create list and view to maintain customer groups
- Implemented issue #19812 Create list and view to maintain customer types
- Implemented issue #19818 List cost should be added to item workspace
- Implemented issue #19811 Create list and view to maintain sales reps
- Implemented issue #19847 Additional mobile db Org Attributes Fields/tables to support automation and data collection required for campaigns etc.
- Implemented issue #19815 Create list and workspace for freight class
- Implemented issue #19821 Create list and workspace for ship zone
- Fixed issue #19840 Quotes panel MISSING on Opportunity, Prospect and Customer
- Fixed issue #20007 Parent CRM account not created when prospect created
- Implemented issue #19814 Create list and views for tax maintenance
- Implemented issue #19822 Create list and workspace for terms
- Fixed issue #20022 Project numbers are disabled in incidents
- Fixed issue #19703 speed up update
- Implemented issue #19972 Proposal for BI for Sales based on Pentaho Community
- Fixed issue #19806 Quote summary needs cosmetic work
- Fixed issue #19930 Search on Address in Quote does not work
- Implemented issue #19989 Add a section to display version number
- Implemented issue #19823 Create list and workspace for sale type
- Fixed issue #20039 State Dropdown does not appear correctly when editing Ship-To
- Fixed issue #19804 Cost on quote line items should show the local currency
- Implemented issue #20053 Incident filter by foundIn and fixedIn
- Fixed issue #20067 Customer Groups does not give error when saving with Blank Name
- Fixed issue #20073 Numerous problems with customer shipto