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1178 lines (664 loc) · 35.6 KB



Creates SVG animateTransform elements


The animateTransform element animates a transformation attribute on its target element, thereby allowing animations to control translation, scaling, rotation, and/or skewing.

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$path = "M20,50 C20,-50 180,150 180,50 C180-50 20,150 20,50 z"
SVG -viewBox "0 0 200 100" @(
    SVG.path -d $path -Fill none -Stroke lightgrey -r 5 -Fill red (
        SVG.animateMotion -Dur 10s -RepeatCount 'indefinite' -Path $path
    SVG.rect -Width 2 -Height 2 -X -1 -Y -1 -Fill blue @(
        SVG.animateMotion -Dur 10s -RepeatCount 'indefinite' -Path $path
        SVG.animateTransform -AttributeName transform -From "0 0 0"  -To "360 0 0" -dur "5s" -RepeatCount indefinite -AttributeType xml -type rotate


svg -ViewBox 0, 0, 250, 200 -Content @(
    svg.defs (
        svg.pattern -id star -ViewBox 0,0, 10, 10 -Width 10% -Height 10% @(
            svg.polygon -Points "0,0", "2,5", "0,10", "5,8", "10,10","8,5", "10,0", "5,2" @(
                svg.animateTransform -AttributeName transform -From "0 5 5"  -To "360 5 5" -dur "5s" -RepeatCount indefinite -AttributeType xml -type rotate
            ) -Fill '#4488ff'
    ) -cx 50 -cy 100 -r 50 -Fill 'url(#star)' -cx 180 -cy 100 -r 50 -Fill 'none' -StrokeWidth 20 -Stroke 'url(#star)' -Content @(
        svg.animateTransform -AttributeName transform -From "0 180 100"  -To "360 180 100" -dur "5s" -RepeatCount indefinite -AttributeType xml -type rotate


svg -ViewBox 0, 0, 250, 200 -Content @(
    svg.defs (
        svg.pattern -id star -ViewBox 0,0, 10, 10 -Width 10% -Height 10% @(
            svg.polygon -Points "0,0", "2,5", "0,10", "5,8", "10,10","8,5", "10,0", "5,2" @(
                svg.animateTransform -AttributeName transform -From "0 5 5"  -To "360 5 5" -dur "5s" -RepeatCount indefinite -AttributeType xml -type rotate
            ) -Fill '#4488ff'
    ) -cx 50 -cy 100 -r 50 -Fill 'url(#star)' -cx 180 -cy 100 -r 50 -Fill 'none' -StrokeWidth 20 -Stroke 'url(#star)' -Content @(
        svg.animateTransform -AttributeName transform -From "0 180 100"  -To "360 180 100" -dur "5s" -RepeatCount indefinite -AttributeType xml -type rotate


svg -ViewBox 0, 0, 100, 100 -Content @(
    svg.defs @(
        svg.pattern -id star -ViewBox 0,0, 10, 10 -Width 10% -Height 10% @(
            svg.polygon -Points "0,0", "2,5", "0,10", "5,8", "10,10","8,5", "10,0", "5,2" @(
                svg.animateTransform -AttributeName transform -From "0 5 5"  -To "360 5 5" -dur "5s" -RepeatCount indefinite -AttributeType xml -type rotate -
            ) -Fill white
        svg.mask (
   -Fill 'url(#star)' -r 50 -cx 50 -cy 50
        ) -Id myMask
        svg.radialGradient @(
            svg.stop -Offset '25%' -StopColor 'red'
            svg.stop -Offset '50%' -StopColor 'green'
            svg.stop -Offset '75%' -StopColor 'blue'
        ) -id myGradient
    ) -cx 50 -cy 50 -r 50 -Fill 'url(#myGradient)' -Mask 'url(#myMask)'


# The number of repetitions
[int]$RepeatCount = 80,
# The Center X coordinate of the shape
[float]$CenterX  = 100,
# The Center Y coordinate of the shape
[float]$CenterY  = 100,
# The radius coordinate of the shape.  This will decrease by 1/RepeatCount each time.
[float]$Radius   = 100,
# The number of sides.  A file will be generated for each unique value provided.
[int[]]$SideCount  = 3..6,
# The total rotation of the innermost element,
$TotalRotation  = 180,
# The total duration of any animations.
[timespan]$duration = '00:00:03.75',
# A palette of colors to alternate thru
[string[]]$Color = @('#112244','#224488',"#4488ff"),
# The type of the shape. (either Star or ConvexPolygon)
[ValidateSet("Star", "ConvexPolygon")]
$ShapeType = 'ConvexPolygon',

If set, will animate opacity between a low and high point, depending on the radius.

[switch] $AnimateOpacity )

$shapeCommand = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand("SVG.$ShapeType", "Function")

foreach ($Sides in $SideCount) { $Splat = [Ordered]@{ SideCount = $Sides Fill = 'transparent' CenterX = $CenterX CenterY = $CenterY }

SVG -ViewBox (($CenterX * 2), ($CenterY * 2)) @(
    0..($RepeatCount -1) |
        & $shapeCommand @Splat -Rotate {
                $_ * ($totalRotation / $RepeatCount)
        } -Radius {
            $Radius - (
                $_ * ($Radius / $RepeatCount)
        } -Stroke {
            $Color[$_ % $color.Length]
        } -Children {
            $toRotation =  $(360 * ([Math]::Ceiling(($_ + 1)/10)))
            SVG.animateTransform -From "0 $centerX $centerY" -To "$toRotation $centerX $centerY" -Dur $duration -AttributeName transform -Type 'rotate' -RepeatCount 'indefinite'
            $lowOpacity = [double]($_)/$RepeatCount
            $highOpacity = 1.0 - [double]($_)/$RepeatCount
            if ($AnimateOpacity) {
                SVG.animate -AttributeName opacity -Values "$highOpacity;$lowOpacity;$highOpacity" -Dur $dur -RepeatCount 'indefinite'


[Timespan]$RotateEvery = '00:00:10'

@(foreach ($n in 15, 636, 741, 901) { New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Theta = [MATH]::PI * $n N = $n } }) | ForEach-Object { $n = $.N svg -content ( $ | svg.Spiral -Stroke '#4488ff' -Content @( if ($RotateEvery.TotalSeconds) { svg.animatetransform -AttributeName transform -From "0 250 250" -To "360 250 250" -dur "$($RotateEvery.TotalSeconds)s" -RepeatCount indefinite -AttributeType xml -type rotate } ) ) -ViewBox 0,0,500,500


foreach ($n in 5..12) {

svg -ViewBox 2,2 @( svg.Star -PointCount $n -Fill 'transparent' -Stroke '#4488ff' -StrokeWidth 0.01 )


foreach ($n in 5..12) {

svg -ViewBox 2,2 @( svg.Star -PointCount $n -Fill 'transparent' -Stroke '#4488ff' -StrokeWidth 0.01 )


foreach ($n in 5..12) {

svg -ViewBox 2,2 @( svg.Star -PointCount $n -Fill 'transparent' -Stroke '#4488ff' -StrokeWidth 0.01 )


foreach ($n in 5..12) {

svg -ViewBox 2,2 @( svg.Star -PointCount $n -Fill 'transparent' -Stroke '#4488ff' -StrokeWidth 0.01 )


foreach ($n in 5..12) {

svg -ViewBox 2,2 @( svg.Star -PointCount $n -Fill 'transparent' -Stroke '#4488ff' -StrokeWidth 0.01 )


foreach ($n in 5..12) {

svg -ViewBox 2,2 @( svg.Star -PointCount $n -Fill 'transparent' -Stroke '#4488ff' -StrokeWidth 0.01 )


$Radius = 35
$Center = 50
$RotateEvery = [Timespan]::FromSeconds(1.5)
svg -ViewBox 0,0, ($center * 2), ($center * 2) @( -Fill transparent -Stroke '#4488ff' -Cx $center -Cy $center -R 35
    svg.line -Stroke '#4488ff' -X1 $center -x2 ($center + $radius) -Y1 $center -Y2 $center @(
        svg.animatetransform -AttributeName transform -From "0 $center $center"  -To "360 $center $center" -dur "$($RotateEvery.TotalSeconds)s" -RepeatCount indefinite -AttributeType xml -type rotate
    ) -Opacity 0.8


SVG -ViewBox 1.986,1 -Content @(
    $g = (1.986 * .4) / 12
    $e = (7/13)/10

SVG.defs @( SVG.Star -PointCount 5 -Radius (1/13 * .4) -Fill white -CenterX 0 -CenterY 0 -Rotate 180 -Id Star -Comment "Each Star has a radius of 2/5ths a Bar." )

SVG.title "American Flag"

SVG.rect -Width 200% -Height 200% -x -50% -y -50% -Fill black

1..13 |
    SVG.rect -Id {"bar$_"} -Fill {
        @("#FFFFFF", "#B22234")[$_ % 2]
    } -Width 100% -Height "$((1/13) * 100)%" -Y { "$((($_ -1)/13 * 100))%" } -Comment "Each Bar is 1/13th the height"

SVG.rect -Fill "#3C3B6E" -Width 40% -Height "$((7/13 * 100))%" -X 0% -Y 0% -Id 'canton' -Comment "The Canton is 40% of the width and 7/13ths of the height"

# Five rows of 6 stars
1..30 |
    SVG.use -Id { "star$($_)" } -Href "#Star" -Comment "Five Rows of Six Stars" -Transform {
        $g = (1.986 * .4) / 12
        $e = (7/13)/10
            $g + ($g * 2 * ((($_ -1) % 6)))
        ) $(
            $e + (
                $e * 2 * (([Math]::Floor(($_ - 1)/ 6)))

# Then interleaved with 4 rows of 5 stars
1..20 |
    SVG.use -Id { "star$($_ + 30)" } -Href "#Star" -Width ($g/2) -Comment "Four Rows of Five Stars" -Children @(
        # SVG.animateTransform -Type 'translate' -From $($g/2) -To $($g/2) -RepeatCount 'indefinite' -Dur 1s -AttributeName transform
        # SVG.animateTransform -Type 'scale' -Values '.75;1.25;.75' -RepeatCount 'indefinite' -Dur ((60/128) * 2)s  -AttributeName transform -Additive 'sum'
    ) -Transform {
        $g = (1.986 * .4) / 12
        $e = (7/13)/10
            ($g * 2) + ($g * 2 * ((($_ -1) % 5)))
        ) $(
            ($e * 2) + (
                $e * 2 * (([Math]::Floor(($_ - 1)/ 5)))



SVG -ViewBox 1.986,1 -Content @(
    $g = (1.986 * .4) / 12
    $e = (7/13)/10

SVG.defs @( SVG.Star -PointCount 5 -Radius (1/13 * .4) -Fill white -CenterX 0 -CenterY 0 -Rotate 180 -Id Star -Comment "Each Star has a radius of 2/5ths a Bar." )

SVG.title "American Flag"

SVG.rect -Width 200% -Height 200% -x -50% -y -50% -Fill black

1..13 |
    SVG.rect -Id {"bar$_"} -Fill {
        @("#FFFFFF", "#B22234")[$_ % 2]
    } -Width 100% -Height "$((1/13) * 100)%" -Y { "$((($_ -1)/13 * 100))%" } -Comment "Each Bar is 1/13th the height"

SVG.rect -Fill "#3C3B6E" -Width 40% -Height "$((7/13 * 100))%" -X 0% -Y 0% -Id 'canton' -Comment "The Canton is 40% of the width and 7/13ths of the height"

# Five rows of 6 stars
1..30 |
    SVG.use -Id { "star$($_)" } -Href "#Star" -Comment "Five Rows of Six Stars" -Transform {
        $g = (1.986 * .4) / 12
        $e = (7/13)/10
            $g + ($g * 2 * ((($_ -1) % 6)))
        ) $(
            $e + (
                $e * 2 * (([Math]::Floor(($_ - 1)/ 6)))

# Then interleaved with 4 rows of 5 stars
1..20 |
    SVG.use -Id { "star$($_ + 30)" } -Href "#Star" -Width ($g/2) -Comment "Four Rows of Five Stars" -Children @(
        # SVG.animateTransform -Type 'translate' -From $($g/2) -To $($g/2) -RepeatCount 'indefinite' -Dur 1s -AttributeName transform
        # SVG.animateTransform -Type 'scale' -Values '.75;1.25;.75' -RepeatCount 'indefinite' -Dur ((60/128) * 2)s  -AttributeName transform -Additive 'sum'
    ) -Transform {
        $g = (1.986 * .4) / 12
        $e = (7/13)/10
            ($g * 2) + ($g * 2 * ((($_ -1) % 5)))
        ) $(
            ($e * 2) + (
                $e * 2 * (([Math]::Floor(($_ - 1)/ 5)))



# The smaller Star Size (as a ratio)
$StarSizeSmall = .9,
# The larger Star Size (as a ratio)
$StarSizeLarge = 1.1,
# The duration of the animation, in seconds.
# By default, two beats at 128 beats per minute.
$Duration = $((60/128) * 2)

SVG -ViewBox 1.986,1 -Content @( $g = (1.986 * .4) / 12 $e = (7/13)/10

SVG.defs @(
    SVG.Star -PointCount 5 -Radius (1/13 * .4) -Fill white -CenterX 0 -CenterY 0 -Rotate 180 -Id Star -Comment "Each Star has a radius of 2/5ths a Bar."

SVG.title "American Flag"

SVG.rect -Width 200% -Height 200% -x -50% -y -50% -Fill black

1..13 |
    SVG.rect -Id {"bar$_"} -Fill {
        @("#FFFFFF", "#B22234")[$_ % 2]
    } -Width 100% -Height "$((1/13) * 100)%" -Y { "$((($_ -1)/13 * 100))%" } -Comment "Each Bar is 1/13th the height"

SVG.rect -Fill "#3C3B6E" -Width 40% -Height "$((7/13 * 100))%" -X 0% -Y 0% -Id 'canton' -Comment "The Canton is 40% of the width and 7/13ths of the height"

# Five rows of 6 stars
1..30 |
    SVG.use -Id { "star$($_)" } -Href "#Star" -Comment "Five Rows of Six Stars" -Transform {
        $g = (1.986 * .4) / 12
        $e = (7/13)/10
            $g + ($g * 2 * ((($_ -1) % 6)))
        ) $(
            $e + (
                $e * 2 * (([Math]::Floor(($_ - 1)/ 6)))
    } -Children @(
        SVG.animateTransform -Type 'scale' -Values "$StarSizeLarge;$StarSizeSmall;$StarSizeLarge" -RepeatCount 'indefinite' -Dur $Duration  -AttributeName transform -Additive 'sum'

# Then interleaved with 4 rows of 5 stars
1..20 |
    SVG.use -Id { "star$($_ + 30)" } -Href "#Star" -Width ($g/2) -Comment "Four Rows of Five Stars" -Children @(
        SVG.animateTransform -Type 'scale' -Values "$StarSizeSmall;$StarSizeLarge;$StarSizeSmall" -RepeatCount 'indefinite' -Dur $Duration  -AttributeName transform -Additive 'sum'
    ) -Transform {
        $g = (1.986 * .4) / 12
        $e = (7/13)/10
            ($g * 2) + ($g * 2 * ((($_ -1) % 5)))
        ) $(
            ($e * 2) + (
                $e * 2 * (([Math]::Floor(($_ - 1)/ 5)))



# The smaller Star Size (as a ratio)
$StarSizeSmall = .9,
# The larger Star Size (as a ratio)
$StarSizeLarge = 1.1,
# The duration of the animation, in seconds.
# By default, two beats at 128 beats per minute.
$Duration = $((60/128) * 2)

SVG -ViewBox 1.986,1 -Content @( $g = (1.986 * .4) / 12 $e = (7/13)/10

SVG.defs @(
    SVG.Star -PointCount 5 -Radius (1/13 * .4) -Fill white -CenterX 0 -CenterY 0 -Rotate 180 -Id Star -Comment "Each Star has a radius of 2/5ths a Bar."

SVG.title "American Flag"

SVG.rect -Width 200% -Height 200% -x -50% -y -50% -Fill black

1..13 |
    SVG.rect -Id {"bar$_"} -Fill {
        @("#FFFFFF", "#B22234")[$_ % 2]
    } -Width 100% -Height "$((1/13) * 100)%" -Y { "$((($_ -1)/13 * 100))%" } -Comment "Each Bar is 1/13th the height"

SVG.rect -Fill "#3C3B6E" -Width 40% -Height "$((7/13 * 100))%" -X 0% -Y 0% -Id 'canton' -Comment "The Canton is 40% of the width and 7/13ths of the height"

# Five rows of 6 stars
1..30 |
    SVG.use -Id { "star$($_)" } -Href "#Star" -Comment "Five Rows of Six Stars" -Transform {
        $g = (1.986 * .4) / 12
        $e = (7/13)/10
            $g + ($g * 2 * ((($_ -1) % 6)))
        ) $(
            $e + (
                $e * 2 * (([Math]::Floor(($_ - 1)/ 6)))
    } -Children @(
        SVG.animateTransform -Type 'scale' -Values "$StarSizeLarge;$StarSizeSmall;$StarSizeLarge" -RepeatCount 'indefinite' -Dur $Duration  -AttributeName transform -Additive 'sum'

# Then interleaved with 4 rows of 5 stars
1..20 |
    SVG.use -Id { "star$($_ + 30)" } -Href "#Star" -Width ($g/2) -Comment "Four Rows of Five Stars" -Children @(
        SVG.animateTransform -Type 'scale' -Values "$StarSizeSmall;$StarSizeLarge;$StarSizeSmall" -RepeatCount 'indefinite' -Dur $Duration  -AttributeName transform -Additive 'sum'
    ) -Transform {
        $g = (1.986 * .4) / 12
        $e = (7/13)/10
            ($g * 2) + ($g * 2 * ((($_ -1) % 5)))
        ) $(
            ($e * 2) + (
                $e * 2 * (([Math]::Floor(($_ - 1)/ 5)))




The Contents of the animateTransform element

Type Required Position PipelineInput Aliases
[Object] false 1 true (ByValue, ByPropertyName) InputObject


A dictionary containing data. This data will be embedded in data- attributes.

Type Required Position PipelineInput Aliases
[IDictionary] false named true (ByPropertyName) DataAttribute


A dictionary or object containing event handlers. Each key or property name will be the name of the event Each value will be the handler.

Type Required Position PipelineInput
[Object] false named true (ByPropertyName)


A dictionary of attributes. This can set any attribute not exposed in other parameters.

Type Required Position PipelineInput Aliases
[IDictionary] false named true (ByPropertyName) SVGAttributes


A comment that will appear before the element.

Type Required Position PipelineInput Aliases
[String] false named true (ByPropertyName) Comments


One or more child elements. These will be treated as if they were content.

Type Required Position PipelineInput Aliases
[PSObject] false named true (ByPropertyName) Child


The by attribute specifies a relative offset value for an attribute that will be modified during an animation.

The starting value for the attribute is either indicated by specifying it as value for the attribute given in the attributeName or the from attribute.

Type Required Position PipelineInput
[PSObject] false named true (ByPropertyName)


The from attribute indicates the initial value of the attribute that will be modified during the animation.

When used with the to attribute, the animation will change the modified attribute from the from value to the to value. When used with the by attribute, the animation will change the attribute relatively from the from value by the value specified in by.

Type Required Position PipelineInput
[PSObject] false named true (ByPropertyName)


The to attribute indicates the final value of the attribute that will be modified during the animation.

The value of the attribute will change between the from attribute value and this value.

Type Required Position PipelineInput
[PSObject] false named true (ByPropertyName)


Type Required Position PipelineInput
[PSObject] false named true (ByPropertyName)


The requiredFeatures attribute takes a list of feature strings, with the individual strings separated by white space. It determines whether or not all of the named features are supported by the browser; if all of them are supported, the attribute evaluates to true end the element is rendered; otherwise, the attribute evaluates to false and the current element and its children are skipped and thus will not be rendered. This provides a way to design SVG that gracefully falls back when features aren't available.

If the attribute is not present, then its implicit evaluated value is true. If a null string or empty string value is given to attribute requiredFeatures, the attribute is evaluate to false.

requiredFeatures is often used in conjunction with the switch element. If requiredFeatures is used in other situations, it represents a simple switch on the given element whether to render the element or not.

Type Required Position PipelineInput
[PSObject] false named true (ByPropertyName)


The systemLanguage attribute represents a list of supported language tags. This list is matched against the language defined in the user preferences.

Type Required Position PipelineInput
[PSObject] false named true (ByPropertyName)


The id attribute assigns a unique name to an element.

You can use this attribute with any SVG element.

Type Required Position PipelineInput
[PSObject] false named true (ByPropertyName)


The lang attribute specifies the primary language used in contents and attributes containing text content of particular elements.

There is also an xml:lang attribute (with namespace). If both of them are defined, the one with namespace is used and the one without is ignored.

In SVG 1.1 there was a lang attribute defined with a different meaning and only applying to glyph elements. That attribute specified a list of languages according to {{RFC(5646, "Tags for Identifying Languages (also known as BCP 47)")}}. The glyph was meant to be used if the xml:lang attribute exactly matched one of the languages given in the value of this parameter, or if the xml:lang attribute exactly equaled a prefix of one of the languages given in the value of this parameter such that the first tag character following the prefix was "-".

You can use this attribute with any SVG element.

Type Required Position PipelineInput
[PSObject] false named true (ByPropertyName)


The tabindex attribute allows you to control whether an element is focusable and to define the relative order of the element for the purposes of sequential focus navigation.

You can use this attribute with any SVG element.

Type Required Position PipelineInput
[PSObject] false named true (ByPropertyName)


The xml:base attribute specifies a base IRI other than the base IRI of the document or external entity.

You can use this attribute with any SVG element.

Type Required Position PipelineInput
[PSObject] false named true (ByPropertyName)


The xml:lang attribute specifies the primary language used in contents and attributes containing text content of particular elements.

It is a universal attribute allowed in all XML dialects to mark up the natural human language that an element contains.

There is also a lang attribute (without namespace). If both of them are defined, the one with namespace is used and the one without is ignored.

You can use this attribute with any SVG element.

Type Required Position PipelineInput
[PSObject] false named true (ByPropertyName)


SVG supports the built-in XML xml:space attribute to handle whitespace characters inside elements. Child elements inside an element may also have an xml:space attribute that overrides the parent's one.

Note: Instead of using the xml:space attribute, use the white-space CSS property.

This attribute influences how browsers parse text content and therefore changes the way the DOM is built. Therefore, changing this attribute's value through the DOM API may have no effect.

You can use this attribute with any SVG element.

Type Required Position PipelineInput
[PSObject] false named true (ByPropertyName)


The xlink:href attribute defines a reference to a resource as a reference IRI. The exact meaning of that link depends on the context of each element using it.

Note: SVG 2 removed the need for the xlink namespace, so instead of xlink:href you should use href. If you need to support earlier browser versions, the deprecated xlink:href attribute can be used as a fallback in addition to the href attribute, e.g. <use href="some-id" xlink:href="some-id" x="5" y="5" />.

Type Required Position PipelineInput
[PSObject] false named true (ByPropertyName)


The xlink:type attribute identifies the type of XLink being used. In SVG, only simple links are available.

Type Required Position PipelineInput
[PSObject] false named true (ByPropertyName)


The xlink:arcrole attribute specifies a contextual role for the element and corresponds to the RDF Primer notion of a property.

This contextual role can differ from the meaning of the resource when taken outside the context of this particular arc. For example, a resource might generically represent a "person," but in the context of a particular arc it might have the role of "mother" and in the context of a different arc it might have the role of "daughter."

Type Required Position PipelineInput
[PSObject] false named true (ByPropertyName)


The xlink:title attribute is used to describe the meaning of a link or resource in a human-readable fashion.

The use of this information is highly dependent on the type of processing being done. It may be used, for example, to make titles available to applications used by visually impaired users, or to create a table of links, or to present help text that appears when a user lets a mouse pointer hover over a starting resource.

Note: New content should use a title child element rather than a xlink:title attribute.

Type Required Position PipelineInput
[PSObject] false named true (ByPropertyName)


The xlink:show attribute indicates how a linked resource should be opened and is meant for XLink-aware processors. In case of a conflict, the target attribute has priority, since it can express a wider range of values.

Type Required Position PipelineInput
[PSObject] false named true (ByPropertyName)


The attributeType attribute specifies the namespace in which the target attribute and its associated values are defined.

Type Required Position PipelineInput
[PSObject] false named true (ByPropertyName)


The attributeName attribute indicates the name of the CSS property or attribute of the target element that is going to be changed during an animation.

Type Required Position PipelineInput
[PSObject] false named true (ByPropertyName)


The begin attribute defines when an animation should begin.

The attribute value is a semicolon separated list of values. The interpretation of a list of start times is detailed in the SMIL specification in "Evaluation of begin and end time lists". Each individual value can be one of the following: <offset-value>, <syncbase-value>, <event-value>, <repeat-value>, <accessKey-value>, <wallclock-sync-value> or the keyword indefinite.

Type Required Position PipelineInput
[PSObject] false named true (ByPropertyName)


The dur attribute indicates the simple duration of an animation.

Type Required Position PipelineInput Aliases
[PSObject] false named true (ByPropertyName) Duration


The end attribute defines an end value for the animation that can constrain the active duration.

Type Required Position PipelineInput
[PSObject] false named true (ByPropertyName)


The min attribute specifies the minimum value of the active animation duration.

Type Required Position PipelineInput
[PSObject] false named true (ByPropertyName)


The max attribute specifies the maximum value of the active animation duration.

Type Required Position PipelineInput
[PSObject] false named true (ByPropertyName)


The restart attribute specifies whether or not an animation can restart.

Type Required Position PipelineInput
[PSObject] false named true (ByPropertyName)


The repeatCount attribute indicates the number of times an animation will take place.

Type Required Position PipelineInput
[PSObject] false named true (ByPropertyName)


The repeatDur attribute specifies the total duration for repeating an animation.

Type Required Position PipelineInput
[PSObject] false named true (ByPropertyName)


The fill attribute has two different meanings. For shapes and text it's a presentation attribute that defines the color (or any SVG paint servers like gradients or patterns) used to paint the element; for animation it defines the final state of the animation.

Type Required Position PipelineInput
[PSObject] false named true (ByPropertyName)


The calcMode attribute specifies the interpolation mode for the animation.

The default mode is linear, however if the attribute does not support linear interpolation (e.g. for strings), the calcMode attribute is ignored and discrete interpolation is used.

Type Required Position PipelineInput
[PSObject] false named true (ByPropertyName)


The values attribute has different meanings, depending upon the context where it's used, either it defines a sequence of values used over the course of an animation, or it's a list of numbers for a color matrix, which is interpreted differently depending on the type of color change to be performed.

Type Required Position PipelineInput
[PSObject] false named true (ByPropertyName)


The keyTimes attribute represents a list of time values used to control the pacing of the animation.

Each time in the list corresponds to a value in the values attribute list, and defines when the value is used in the animation. Each time value in the keyTimes list is specified as a floating point value between 0 and 1 (inclusive), representing a proportional offset into the duration of the animation element.

Type Required Position PipelineInput
[PSObject] false named true (ByPropertyName)


The keySplines attribute defines a set of Bézier curve control points associated with the keyTimes list, defining a cubic Bézier function that controls interval pacing.

This attribute is ignored unless the calcMode attribute is set to spline.

If there are any errors in the keySplines specification (bad values, too many or too few values), the animation will not occur.

Type Required Position PipelineInput
[PSObject] false named true (ByPropertyName)


The additive attribute controls whether or not an animation is additive.

It is frequently useful to define animation as an offset or delta to an attribute's value, rather than as absolute values.

Type Required Position PipelineInput
[PSObject] false named true (ByPropertyName)


The accumulate attribute controls whether or not an animation is cumulative.

It is frequently useful for repeated animations to build upon the previous results, accumulating with each iteration. This attribute said to the animation if the value is added to the previous animated attribute's value on each iteration.

Type Required Position PipelineInput
[PSObject] false named true (ByPropertyName)



SVG.animateTransform [[-Content] <Object>] [-Data <IDictionary>] [-On <Object>] [-Attribute <IDictionary>] [-Comment <String>] [-Children <PSObject>] [-By <PSObject>] [-From <PSObject>] [-To <PSObject>] [-Type <PSObject>] [-RequiredFeatures <PSObject>] [-SystemLanguage <PSObject>] [-Id <PSObject>] [-Lang <PSObject>] [-Tabindex <PSObject>] [-XmlBase <PSObject>] [-XmlLang <PSObject>] [-XmlSpace <PSObject>] [-XlinkHref <PSObject>] [-XlinkType <PSObject>] [-XlinkArcrole <PSObject>] [-XlinkTitle <PSObject>] [-XlinkShow <PSObject>] [-AttributeType <PSObject>] [-AttributeName <PSObject>] [-Begin <PSObject>] [-Dur <PSObject>] [-End <PSObject>] [-Min <PSObject>] [-Max <PSObject>] [-Restart <PSObject>] [-RepeatCount <PSObject>] [-RepeatDur <PSObject>] [-Fill <PSObject>] [-CalcMode <PSObject>] [-Values <PSObject>] [-KeyTimes <PSObject>] [-KeySplines <PSObject>] [-Additive <PSObject>] [-Accumulate <PSObject>] [<CommonParameters>]