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Compiling on Windows

Andrei Stepanov edited this page Jan 12, 2016 · 8 revisions

Install the tools

On Windows, the recommended tool for compiling Qfusion is Microsoft Visual Studio. Visual Studio 2013 is officially supported version, and precompiled library files for it are available in the repository. Express version is supported.

If you're using Visual Studio 2015, make sure you have checked "Windows XP Support for C++" when installing the IDE.

Once you have installed Visual Studio, you need to install [CMake 3.3.2] ( Newer version may not work at all.

Generate the project

In CMake GUI, set the source code folder to the source folder in the repository, and the destination to an empty folder.

Then press Configure, select your Visual Studio version, choose "Use default native compilers", click Finish and then press Generate.

Enable Windows XP support

Recent versions of Visual Studio produce binaries that are incompatible with Windows XP.

After generating the project files, open the destination folder, and in a code editor, search for <PlatformToolset> tag in all *.vcxproj files. Append _xp to the value of the XML elements. So, for example, for VS2013, <PlatformToolset>v120</PlatformToolset> should become <PlatformToolset>v120_xp</PlatformToolset>.

Build the binaries

Open qfusion.sln in the destination folder in Visual Studio, select the configuration (Debug or Release) and press F7 to build.

After building, you can get the binaries in the build folder in source.

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