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Releases: ROCm/rocprofiler


16 Apr 19:50
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ROCm release v6.1.0


31 Jan 19:36
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ROCm release v6.0.2


15 Dec 17:45
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ROCm release v6.0.0


13 Oct 19:21
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Navi support

Rocprofiler for ROCm 5.7 added support for counter collection (PMC) and advanced thread tracing (ATT) for Navi21 and Navi31 GPUs.

  • On Navi3x, counter collection requires the GPU to be in a stable power state. See for instructions. HIP RT in ATT not yet supported.


  • ATT analysis will not run by default. For ATT to have the same behaviour as 5.5, use --plugin att <as.s> --mode network
  • Kernel Names are now removed from HIP API records, users of the API can get the kernel names from the corresponding HIP Dispatch OPS using the correlation ID, this change was done to optimize and to manage the data copied.
  • Removing Replay modes as we discovered that some of them will corrupt the applications' behavior, we will re-add them once we implement the fix for them.


  • Improved ATT parser performance and filesizes.
  • Now profiler autocorrects user input errors for pmc and throws exception for wrong input with this message:"Bad input metric. usage --> pmc: [counter1] [counter2]"


  • Every API trace in V2 reported synchronously will have two records, one for Enter phase and for Exit phase
  • File Plugin now reports the HSA OPS operation kind as part of the output text
  • MI300 counters support for rocprof v1 and v2.
  • Support for MI300 XCC modes for rocprof v2.
  • MI300 individual XCC counters dumped per-xcc as separate records but with same record-id and kernel dispatch info
  • Naming for MPI ranks. Filenames containing "%rank" are replaced by variables "MPI_RANK", "OMPI_COMM_WORLD_RANK" or "MV2_COMM_WORLD_RANK".
  • MPI Rank will appear in perfetto track names.
  • File plugin is splitted to File & CLI plugins, CLI plugin is responsible for showing results on the terminal screen and will be automatically the choice if no -d option given in rocprof, File plugin on the other hand is responsible for writing the output results in files if -d option is given.
  • Structure of the results is different for both CLI & File plugin; File plugin will make sure every type of result is in a separate file, starting by specifying the header; CLI plugin will have the records in the old way.
    Example for file plugin output:
    1,4,1,1,1584730,1584730,10,10,0,0,8,0,16,64,140464978048000,1,"helloworld(char*, char*) (.kd)",0,140469300947216,33,12637.000000
  • Removing Record IDs from tracer records in CLI plugin.
  • Added Flush Interval and Trace Period functionality, where --flush-interval <time_in_ms>, for flushing the buffers every given interval by the user, and --trace-period :<trace_time>:, where delay is the time to wait before starting session, trace_time is the time between every start and stop session and interval the time between two consecutive sessions (ommiting interval = infinite). For more details please refer to the ROCProfV2 tool usage document.
  • Added requirements.txt to be used to install all the necessary python3 packages.
  • ATT plugin:
    • Added --mode, --mpi and --depth parameters.
    • Limiting file name sizes for large kernels.
    • SE_MASK parameter for input.txt, a binary mask specifying for which shader engines to collect from.
      On GFX9, SEs are masked out completely. On Navi only part of the data is masked.
      The use of SE_MASK=0x1 is heavily encouraged to avoid packet lost events.
    • "ROCPROFILER_MAX_ATT_PROFILES" environment variable can be set. Previously fixed at 16, now the default is 1.
    • Increased default ATT buffer size per collection to 1GB. Added "BUFFER_SIZE=size" (in MB) parameter to set buffer size.
    • Added "DISPATCH=id" or "DISPATCH=id,rank" to set which dispatch ids to profile for which MPI rank.


  • Samples are fixed to show the new usage of phases.
  • Plugin option validates the plugin names.
  • Fixing rocsys, for rocsys options, rocsys -h can be called
  • "--output-file" option ignored when no output folder was specified.
  • Perfetto crash when using ROCTX and/or no output file specified.
  • Parsing of the getpc, setpc and swappc instructions with registers loaded from scratch space.
  • Some browsers caching ATT data from older kernels.
  • Navi2x GPUs required the first counter to be GRBM. This is fixed in 5.7.
  • If ROCPROFILER_METRICS_PATH environment variable is not set, the counters xml path will be taken from the following path (../libexec/rocprofiler/counters/derived_counters.xml) which is relative to
  • Repeated base metrics were not being properly reused by derived counters.
  • Fixed wrong dispatch ID on kernel.txt


15 Sep 21:53
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Changelog for ROCprofiler

Full documentation for ROCprofiler is available at

ROCprofiler for rocm 5.7.0

Navi support

Rocprofiler for ROCm 5.7 added support for counter collection (PMC) and advanced thread tracing (ATT) for Navi21 and Navi31 GPUs.

  • On Navi3x, counter collection requires the GPU to be in a stable power state. See for instructions. HIP RT in ATT not yet supported.


  • ATT analysis will not run by default. For ATT to have the same behaviour as 5.5, use --plugin att <as.s> --mode network
  • Kernel Names are now removed from HIP API records, users of the API can get the kernel names from the corresponding HIP Dispatch OPS using the correlation ID, this change was done to optimize and to manage the data copied.
  • Removing Replay modes as we discovered that some of them will corrupt the applications' behavior, we will re-add them once we implement the fix for them.


  • Improved ATT parser performance and filesizes.
  • Now profiler autocorrects user input errors for pmc and throws exception for wrong input with this message:"Bad input metric. usage --> pmc: [counter1] [counter2]"


  • Every API trace in V2 reported synchronously will have two records, one for Enter phase and for Exit phase
  • File Plugin now reports the HSA OPS operation kind as part of the output text
  • MI300 counters support for rocprof v1 and v2.
  • Support for MI300 XCC modes for rocprof v2.
  • MI300 individual XCC counters dumped per-xcc as separate records but with same record-id and kernel dispatch info
  • Naming for MPI ranks. Filenames containing "%rank" are replaced by variables "MPI_RANK", "OMPI_COMM_WORLD_RANK" or "MV2_COMM_WORLD_RANK".
  • MPI Rank will appear in perfetto track names.
  • File plugin is splitted to File & CLI plugins, CLI plugin is responsible for showing results on the terminal screen and will be automatically the choice if no -d option given in rocprof, File plugin on the other hand is responsible for writing the output results in files if -d option is given.
  • Structure of the results is different for both CLI & File plugin; File plugin will make sure every type of result is in a separate file, starting by specifying the header; CLI plugin will have the records in the old way.
    Example for file plugin output:
    1,4,1,1,1584730,1584730,10,10,0,0,8,0,16,64,140464978048000,1,"helloworld(char*, char*) (.kd)",0,140469300947216,33,12637.000000
  • Removing Record IDs from tracer records in CLI plugin.
  • Added Flush Interval and Trace Period functionality, where --flush-interval <time_in_ms>, for flushing the buffers every given interval by the user, and --trace-period :<trace_time>:, where delay is the time to wait before starting session, trace_time is the time between every start and stop session and interval the time between two consecutive sessions (ommiting interval = infinite). For more details please refer to the ROCProfV2 tool usage document.
  • Added requirements.txt to be used to install all the necessary python3 packages.
  • ATT plugin:
    • Added --mode, --mpi and --depth parameters.
    • Limiting file name sizes for large kernels.
    • SE_MASK parameter for input.txt, a binary mask specifying for which shader engines to collect from.
      On GFX9, SEs are masked out completely. On Navi only part of the data is masked.
      The use of SE_MASK=0x1 is heavily encouraged to avoid packet lost events.
    • "ROCPROFILER_MAX_ATT_PROFILES" environment variable can be set. Previously fixed at 16, now the default is 1.
    • Increased default ATT buffer size per collection to 1GB. Added "BUFFER_SIZE=size" (in MB) parameter to set buffer size.
    • Added "DISPATCH=id" or "DISPATCH=id,rank" to set which dispatch ids to profile for which MPI rank.


  • Samples are fixed to show the new usage of phases.
  • Plugin option validates the plugin names.
  • Fixing rocsys, for rocsys options, rocsys -h can be called
  • "--output-file" option ignored when no output folder was specified.
  • Perfetto crash when using ROCTX and/or no output file specified.
  • Parsing of the getpc, setpc and swappc instructions with registers loaded from scratch space.
  • Some browsers caching ATT data from older kernels.
  • Navi2x GPUs required the first counter to be GRBM. This is fixed in 5.7.
  • If ROCPROFILER_METRICS_PATH environment variable is not set, the counters xml path will be taken from the following path (../libexec/rocprofiler/counters/derived_counters.xml) which is relative to
  • Repeated base metrics were not being properly reused by derived counters.
  • Fixed wrong dispatch ID on kernel.txt


29 Aug 20:06
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ROCm release v5.6.1


28 Jun 23:08
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Changelog for ROCprofiler v5.6.0

Full documentation for ROCprofiler is available at

As of ROCm 5.5, the ROCm Profiler will not use terminologies like rocmtools or
rocsight to describe rocrofiler as was done in ROCm 5.4. To identify the
separation of the two versions of rocprofiler, the terms rocprofilerV1 and
rocprofilerV2 will be used. The rocprofilerV2 API is currently considered a
beta release and subject to changes in future releases.

ROCprofiler for rocm 5.4.4

In ROCm 5.4 the naming of the ROCm Profiler related files is:

ROCm 5.4 rocprofilerv1 rocmtools
Tool script bin/rocprof bin/rocsight
API include include/rocprofiler/rocprofiler.h include/rocmtools/rocmtools.h
API library lib/ lib/

The ROCm Profiler Tool that uses rocprofilerV1 can be invoked using the
following command:

$ rocprof …

To write a custom tool based on the rocprofilerV1 API do the following:

#include <rocprofiler/rocprofiler.h> // Use the rocprofilerV1 API
int main() {
  // Use the rocprofilerV1 API
  return 0;

This can be built in the following manner:

$ gcc main.c -I/opt/rocm-5.4.4/include -L/opt/rocm-5.4.4/lib -lrocprofiler64

The resulting a.out will depend on

The ROCm Profiler that uses rocprofilerV2 API can be invoked using the
following command:

$ rocsight …

To write a custom tool based on the rocmtools API do the following:

#include <rocmtools/rocmtools.h> // Use the rocmtools API
int main() {
  // Use the rocmtools API
  return 0;

This can be built in the following manner:

$ gcc main.c -I/opt/rocm-5.4.4/include -L/opt/rocm-5.4.4/lib -lrocmtools

The resulting a.out will depend on /opt/rocm-5.4.4/lib/

ROCprofiler for rocm 5.5.0

In ROCm 5.5 the rocprofilerv1 and rocprofilerv2 include and library files
are merged into single files. The rocmtools available in ROCm 5.4 is also
available in ROCm 5.5 but is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

ROCm 5.5 rocprofilerv1 rocprofilerv2 rocmtools (deprecated)
Tool script bin/rocprof bin/rocprofv2 bin/rocsight
API include include/rocprofiler/rocprofiler.h include/rocprofiler/rocprofiler.h include/rocmtools/rocmtools.h
API library lib/ lib/ lib/

The ROCm Profiler Tool that uses rocprofilerV1 can be invoked using the
following command:

$ rocprof …

To write a custom tool based on the rocprofilerV1 API it is necessary to
define the macro ROCPROFILER_V1:

#include <rocprofiler/rocprofiler.h>
int main() {
  // Use the rocprofilerV1 API
  return 0;

This can be built in the following manner:

$ gcc main.c -I/opt/rocm-5.5.0/include -L/opt/rocm-5.5.0/lib -lrocprofiler64

The resulting a.out will depend on

The ROCm Profiler that uses rocprofilerV2 API can be invoked using the
following command:

$ rocprofv2 …

To write a custom tool based on the rocprofilerV2 API do the following:

#include <rocprofiler/rocprofiler.h>
int main() {
  // Use the rocprofilerV2 API
  return 0;

This can be built in the following manner:

$ gcc main.c -I/opt/rocm-5.5.0/include -L/opt/rocm-5.5.0/lib -lrocprofiler64

The resulting a.out will depend on

ROCprofiler for rocm 5.6.0

In ROCm 5.6 the rocprofilerv1 and rocprofilerv2 include and library files of
ROCm 5.5 are split into separate files. The rocmtools files that were
deprecated in ROCm 5.5 have been removed.

ROCm 5.6 rocprofilerv1 rocprofilerv2
Tool script bin/rocprof bin/rocprofv2
API include include/rocprofiler/rocprofiler.h include/rocprofiler/v2/rocprofiler.h
API library lib/ lib/

The ROCm Profiler Tool that uses rocprofilerV1 can be invoked using the
following command:

$ rocprof …

To write a custom tool based on the rocprofilerV1 API do the following:

#include <rocprofiler/rocprofiler.h> // Use the rocprofilerV1 API
int main() {
  // Use the rocprofilerV1 API
  return 0;

This can be built in the following manner:

$ gcc main.c -I/opt/rocm-5.6.0/include -L/opt/rocm-5.6.0/lib -lrocprofiler64

The resulting a.out will depend on

The ROCm Profiler that uses rocprofilerV2 API can be invoked using the
following command:

$ rocprofv2 …

To write a custom tool based on the rocprofilerV2 API do the following:

#include <rocprofiler/v2/rocprofiler.h> // Use the rocprofilerV2 API
int main() {
  // Use the rocprofilerV2 API
  return 0;

This can be built in the following manner:

$ gcc main.c -I/opt/rocm-5.6.0/include -L/opt/rocm-5.6.0/lib -lrocprofiler64-v2

The resulting a.out will depend on


  • Improved Test Suite


  • 'end_time' need to be disabled in roctx_trace.txt


  • rocprof in ROcm/5.4.0 gpu selector broken.
  • rocprof in ROCm/5.4.1 fails to generate kernel info.
  • rocprof clobbers LD_PRELOAD.


24 May 17:26
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ROCm release v5.5.1


01 May 19:51
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ROCm release v5.5.0


22 Mar 19:21
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ROCm release v5.4.4