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lab04 - Introduction to

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title: "Lab 4 - Introduction to CUDA" author:

  • \small COM4521/COM6521 - Parallel Computing with Graphical Processing Units (GPUs) keywords:
  • Lab
  • COM4521
  • COM6521
  • University of Sheffield subject: | COM4521/COM6521 Lab Sheet 4 lang: en-GB colorlinks: true ...


Learning Outcomes

  • Understand how to launch CUDA kernels
  • Understand and demonstrate how to allocate and move memory to and from the GPU
  • Understand CUDA thread block layouts for 1D and 2D problems
  • Learn how to error check code by implementing a reference version
  • Learn how to memory check code using Compute Sanitizer


If you are not working in the computer lab that has been timetabled for the module, you may need to install the CUDA Toolkit from the software centre.

The easiest way to check whether CUDA has been installed correctly is to open the "Extensions" dropdown menu within Visual Studio Community (not VSCode). This will contain an "Nsight" sub-menu if CUDA integration is available.

Exercise 1

Exercise 1 requires that we de-cipher some encoded text. The provided text (in the file encrypted01.bin) has been encoded by using an affine cipher. The affine cypher is a type of monoalphabetic substitution cypher where each numerical character of the alphabet is encrypted using a mathematical function. The encryption function is defined as:

\begin{equation} E(x)=(Ax+B):mod:M \end{equation}

Where \begin{math}A\end{math} and \begin{math}B\end{math} are keys of the cypher, mod is the modulo operation and \begin{math}A\end{math} and \begin{math}M\end{math} are co-prime. For this exercise the value of \begin{math}A\end{math} is 15, \begin{math}B\end{math} is 27 and \begin{math}M\end{math} is 128 (the size of the ASCII alphabet). The affine decryption function is defined as:

\begin{equation} D(x)=A^{-1} (x-B):mod:M \end{equation}

Where \begin{math}A^{-1}\end{math} is the modular multiplicative inverse of \begin{math}A\end{math} modulo \begin{math}M\end{math}. For this exercise \begin{math}A^{-1}\end{math} has a value of 111.

Note: The mod operation is not the same as the remainder operator (%) for negative numbers.

A suitable mod function has been provided for the example. The provided function takes the form of modulo(int a, int b) where a in this case is everything left of the affine decryption functions mod operator (e.g. \begin{math}A^{-1} (x-B)\end{math}) and b is everything to the right of the mod operator (e.g \begin{math}M\end{math}).

As each of the encrypted character values are independent we can use the GPU to decrypt them in parallel. To do this we will launch a thread for each of the encrypted character values and use a kernel function to perform the decryption. Starting from the code provided, complete the exercise by completing the following:

  1. Modify the modulo() function so that it can be called on the device by the affine_decrypt() kernel.
  2. Implement the decryption kernel for a single block of threads with an x dimension of N (1024). The function should store the result in d_output. You can define the inverse modulus A, B and M using a pre-processor definition.
  3. Allocate some memory on the device for the input (d_input) and output (d_output).
  4. Copy the host input values in h_input to the device memory d_input.
  5. Configure a single block of N threads and launch the affine_decrypt() kernel.
  6. Copy the device output values in d_output to the host memory h_output.
  7. Compile and execute your program. If you have performed the exercise correctly you should decrypt the text.
  8. Now modify your code to complete the affine_decrypt_multiblock() kernel which should work when using multiple blocks of threads. Change your grid and block dimensions so that you launch 8 blocks of 128 threads.

Exercise 2

In exercise 2 we are going to extend the vector addition example from the lecture. Create a new CUDA project and import the starting code ( Perform the following modifications.

  1. The code has an obvious mistake. Rather than correct it implement a CPU version of the vector addition (Called vectorAddCPU()) storing the result in an array called c_ref. Implement a new function "validate()" which compares the GPU result to the CPU result. It should print an error for each value which is incorrect and return a value indicating the total number of errors. You should also print the number of errors to the console. Now fix the error and confirm your error check code works.

  2. Change the value of N to 2050. Your code will now produce an error. Why? Modify your code so that you launch enough threads to account for the error.

  3. If you performed the above without considering the extra threads then chances are that you have written to GPU memory beyond the bounds which you have allocated. This may not necessarily raise an error. We can check our program for out of bounds exceptions by using Compute Sanitizer (CUDAs memory checker).

    In the handout code you should find cudamemchk.bat\footnote{If the batch file does not work, you may need to update it to point to the correct location of compute sanitizer, this probably means updating the CUDA version in the path.}, this can be called in a command window to produce a compute sanitizer report for the first CUDA memory error to occur.

    e.g. cudamemchk.bat "x64\Debug\Lab04_Exercise02.exe"

    If an error is found, output similar to the below will be output:

    ========= Invalid __global__ write of size 4 bytes
    =========     at 0x3c8 in U:/com4521/Lab04_Exercise02/exercis*,int*,int*,int*,int)
    =========     by thread (0,0,0) in block (0,0,0)
    =========     Address 0x4 is out of bounds

    This error states the location in the code that the error occurred (, that it was a 4 byte write to global device memory (as opposed to local/shared) address 0x4 by thread 0 in block 0.

    Note the above code block ends with ..., compute sanitizer prints a large amount of output including the full stack trace and exit state of the application. For our purposes, only the first few lines of output are normally relevant.

    Correct the error by performing a check in the kernel so that you do not write beyond the bounds of the allocated memory. Test in the CUDA debugger and ensure that you no longer have any errors.

Exercise 3

We are going to implement a matrix addition kernel. In matrix addition, two matrices of the same dimensions are added entry wise. If you modify your code from exercise 2 it will require the following changes:

  1. Modify the value of size so that you allocate enough memory for a matrix size of N x N and moves the correct amount of data using cudaMemcpy(). Set N to 2048.

  2. Modify the random_ints() function to generate a random matrix rather than a vector.

  3. Rename your CPU implementation to matrixAddCPU() and update the validate function.

  4. Change your launch parameters to launch a 2D grid of thread blocks with 256 threads per block. Create a new kernel (matrixAdd()) to perform the matrix addition.

    Hint: You might find it helps to reduce N to a single thread block to test your code.

  5. Finally modify your code so that it works with none-square arrays of N x M for any size.