Example Suppose we are selling apples and bananas at a stand. Apples sell for $2 per kilogram, and bananas sell for $1.5 per kilogram. Our stand holds up to 75 kilogram of fruits. Also, there are only 4 square metres of shelf space. Each kilogram of apples / bananas takes up roughly 0.08/ 0.05 square metres of shelf space, respectively. How much of each fruit should we stock to maximize the total sales?
Summarize as a linear program: $$\begin{align*}\max\ & 2x_1 + 1.5x_2 \ \text{subject to}\ & x_1 + x_2 \leq 75 \ & 0.08x_1 + 0.05x_2 \leq 4 \ & x_1, x_2 \geq 0 \end{align*}$$
Trial and error:
$(x_1, x_2) = (30, 20)$ -> satisfies constraints (feasible) with objective value 90 -
$(x_1, x_2) = (31, 20)$ -> feasible with objective value 92 -
$(x_1, x_2) = (50, 0)$ -> feasible with objective value 100 -
$(x_1, x_2) = (8\frac13, 66\frac23)$ -> feasible with objective value 116⅔ (claim without proof that this is optimal)
N.B.: we take domain to be
Plot feasible solutions: bound by convex region defined by axes,
Course overview
- Formulation/modelling: create mathematical programs from problems
- Solving linear programs: use simplex method to optimize
- Geometric interpretation: conceptualize linear programs and simplex method
- Integer programs: linear programs defined over
$\Z$ - Nonlinear programs: convex functions
Def [optimization problem]: Given a set of feasible points
Def [affine function]: Function of the form
Def [linear program]: An optimization problem with affine objective function
Example A company makes 4 types of products, each requiring time on two different machines and two types of labour. The amount of machine time and labour needed to produce one unit of each product along with its sale price are summarized in the following table. Each month, the company can use up to 700 hours on machine 1, and 500 hours on machine 2, with no cost. The company can hire up to 600 hours of skilled labour at $8 per hour, and up to 650 hours of unskilled labour at $6 per hour. How should the company operate to maximize their monthly profit?
Product | Machine 1 | Machine 2 | Skilled labour | Unskilled labour | Unit sale price |
1 | 11 | 4 | 8 | 7 | 300 |
2 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 8 | 260 |
3 | 6 | 5 | 5 | 7 | 220 |
4 | 5 | 4 | 6 | 4 | 180 |
Let the objective function be
Let the constraints be
Example A certain company provides heading oil for the local commnity. They have historical data that helps them predict demand for heating oil in the next four months: 5000, 8000, 9000, 6000 (litres/month) At the beginning of each month, they can purchase oil from the supplier at the current market rate. The projected rates are given: 0.75, 0.72, 0.92, 0.90 ($/litre) There is a storage tank that holds up to 4000 litres of oil, and at the start of month 1, it contains 2000 litres. How should the company buy the required oil to minimize the total money spent?
Variation Instead of minimizing the total money spent, suppose we do not have much money to spend each month, and we want to reduce the maximum amount spent in a month.
Example Given a set of data points
${(x_i, y_i) : i = 1,\dotsc,n}$ on the plane. Find a line$y = ax + b$ that "best fits" this set of data points.
Define "best fit" as minimizing total vertical distance between points and the line.
That is, we must minimize
N.B.: since
Exercise Modify this to find the best fit parabola. Is this an LP?
Yes, since considering the error function
Example Consider the job application process where a company has 3 positions available, and there are 4 applicants for these jobs. For each applicant and position, the company assigns a number indicating how well the applicant is suited for the position. The goal is to hire a different applicant for each position to maximize the total suitability.
Example Consider the job application process where a company has 3 positions available, and there are 4 applicants for these jobs. For each applicant and position, the company assigns a number indicating how well the applicant is suited for the position. The goal is to hire a different applicant for each position to maximize the total suitability.
$$M=\mqty(3&5&2&4 \ 3&1&4&3 \ 1&4&2&3)$$
Want: For each position, who gets that position
Define: Create binary variable
Example (Knapsack problem) There are 4 types of items that you can put into your backpack. You can take any integer number of units of any item. However, you can only carry a maximum of 40 pounds. Each unit of item you take is also worth a certain amount of money. The goal is to maximize the total value of the items you carry.
Item | A | B | C | D |
Weight (lbs) | 1 | 7 | 3 | 2 |
Value ($) | 10 | 50 | 20 | 15 |
Variation Suppose we are allowed to take A only if we take at least one unit of B.
Want: if
Variation Suppose we want the following conditions to hold:
- We carry at least 5 units of items A and/or B; or
- We carry at least 7 units of items C and/or D.
Define a binary variable
Notice that setting
In summary:
N.B. When feeding these constraints into an algorithm, ensure that the constraints are truly linear, i.e., move variables to one side. For example,
Exercise Implement an exclusive or of these two conditions
Variation Suppose that the value of item A is $10 for the first 5 units, but any more units beyond that has value $5.
We can create a constraint to force
In summary: change the objective function and add the constraints
Not (vectors of ones)
$\mathbb{1} = (1,\dotsc,1)^T$ -
Not (vector inequality)
$x \leq y$ if$x_i \leq y_i$ for all$i$ -
Def (graph)
$G = (V, E)$ consists of a set of objects$V$ (vertices) and a set of unordered pairs of vertices$E$ (edges)- Example:
$G = (V, E)$ by$V = {1,2,3,4}$ ,$E={12,23,34,41,24}$
- Example:
Def (incidence relation) for an edge
$e=uv$ ,$e$ is incident to$u$ and$v$ .$\delta(v)$ is the set of all edges incident to$v$ -
Def (incidence matrix)
$B \in {0,1}^{\abs{V}\times\abs{E}}$ where rows indexed by$V$ , columns by$E$ , and$B_{ve} = 1$ when$e \in \delta(v)$ and$0$ otherwise- Example: for graph above,
$B = \mqty(1&0&0&1&0 \ 1&1&0&0&1 \ 0&1&1&0&0 \ 0&0&1&1&1)$ -
N.B. Each column has exactly two ones, so
$B\mathbb{1} = 2\mathbb{1}$ - N.B. We restrict graphs by disallowing empty graphs, redundant edges, directed edges, or self-connections
- Example: for graph above,
Def (matching)
$M \subseteq E$ where each vertex is incident with exactly zero or one edge in$M$ (i.e.,$\abs{M \cap \delta(v)} \leq 1$ for all$v \in V$ )- Example: for graph above,
${e_1, e_3}$ and${e_5}$ are matchings but${e_1, e_5}$ is not since$2$ is incident to both edges
- Example: for graph above,
Example (maximum-weight matching) Given graph
$G = (V, E)$ and weights$w_e$ for each$e \in E$ . Find a matching in$G$ with the maximum edge weight, i.e., maximize$\sum_{e \in M} w_e$ .
Define a vector
Def (
$v_1$ ,$v_k$ path) sequence of edges$v_1v_2, v_2v_3, \dotsc, v_{k-1}v_k$ such that$v_1,\dotsc,v_k$ are distinct- Example: consider graph
$({s,t,a,b,c,d}, {sa,sc,ab,bd,bt,cb,cd,dt})$ . Then,$sa,ab,bt$ and$sc,cb,bd,dt$ are$s$ ,$t$-paths but$sa,ab,bc,cd,cb,bt$ is not since$b$ is visited twice
- Example: consider graph
Example (shortest path) Given graph
$G = (V, E)$ , vertices$s$ and$t$ , and positive weights$w_e$ for each$e \in E$ . Find an$s$ ,$t$-path$P$ with the minimum edge weight, i.e., minimize$\sum_{e \in P} w_e$ .
Define a vector
Def (cut induced by vertices
$W$ ) set$\delta(W)$ of all edges with exactly one endpoint in$W$ - Example:
$W={s,a,b}$ induces the cut$\delta(W) = {sc,ac,bc,bd,bt}$ - Formally
$\delta(W) = {uv \in E : u \in W, v \not\in W}$
- Example:
Def (
$s,t$ -cut) cut$\delta(W)$ with$s \in W$ and$t \not\in W$ -
Prop Notice that the edges in an
$s,t$ -cut separate$s$ from$t$ , so an$s,t$ -path must use at least one edge from every$s,t$ -cut (formal proof in graph theory course)
We get a constraint
Prop If a set of edges intersects every
$s,t$ -cut, then it contains an$s,t$ -path
Minimizing the edge weights will ensure that the extraneous edges are optimized away and the
This gives us a final IP of
\min\ & w^T x \
\text{s.t.}\ & \sum_{e \in \delta(W)} x_e \geq 1 & \text{$\delta(W)$ an
Def (non-linear program) a program of the general form
$\min f(x)$ subject to$g_i(x) \leq 0$ for some arbitrary functions$f : \R^n \to \R$ ,$g_i : \R^n \to \R$ with no restrictions
Example Among all the points
$x$ that satisfy$Ax \leq b$ , find one that is closest to the target point$\bar x$
We can take the norm and minimize
Since the definition for NLP has no constraints on
$f$ and$g_i$ , a LP is an NLP -
Integrality constraint makes IPs not NLPs
- To get around this, use a periodic function like
$\sin \theta = 0$ which permits values$\theta = k\pi$ for integer$k$ , so$x \in \Z \Harr \sin x\pi = 0$ - Using this makes IPs into NLPs
- To get around this, use a periodic function like
If we can solve NLPs, we can also solve LPs and IPs
An algorithm that solves LPs should produce:
- The optimal solution (or that no solution exists)
- Certificate of correctness that reduces complexity of verification
Def (infeasible LP): no feasible solutions exist
$\max x$ s.t.$x \leq 2$ and$x \geq 3$ - Obviously, no
$x$ exists
- Obviously, no
$\max{(3,1,-7,4)x}$ s.t.$\mqty(-5&4&3&-1\2&1&-5&3\-1&-3&1&-2)x = \mqty(3\-2\1)$ and$x \geq \mathbb{0}$ - Taking
$-2R_1 - 3R_2 - 4R_3$ , we get$8x_1+x_2+5x_3+x_4 = -4$ but each entry in$x$ must be non-negative, so this is impossible - Formally, we can let
$y = (-2,-3,-4)^T$ , then multiply on the left by$y^T$ to give us the same equation as$(8,1,5,1)x = -4$ - Then,
$y$ is the certificate of infeasibility
- Taking
Prop The system
$Ax = b$ ,$x \geq \mathbb{0}$ is infeasible if there exists a vector$y$ such that$y^T A \geq \mathbb{0}$ but$y^T b < 0$ -
Proof Suppose the system is feasible with
$x$ as the feasible solution. Then,$Ax = b$ and$x \geq \mathbb{0}$ . However,$y^T A x \geq 0$ and$y^T b < 0$ . Contradiction. ☐
Proof Suppose the system is feasible with
The converse is also true. Proof will come later as Farkas' Lemma.
Def (unbounded LP): infinitely better feasible solutions exist. Formally, a max (resp. min) LP is unbounded if there exists a series of feasible solutions
$x(t)$ with the objective value of$x(t)$ approaching$+\infty$ (resp.$-\infty$ ) as$t \to \infty$ .-
$\max x$ s.t.$x \geq 1$ : there is no best solution (cf. strict inequalities) -
$\max{} (-1,2,-3,4)x$ s.t.$\mqty(3&0&2&-5\-2&3&-4&4)x=\mqty(4\1)$ and$x \geq \mathbb 0$ - Consider
$\bar x = (3,1,0,1)^T$ and$d = (0,4,5,2)^T$ . Define$x(t) = \bar x + td$ and consider$t$ from$0 \to \infty$ . - We must show feasibility and unboundedness.
- Obviously,
$x(t) \geq \mathbb 0$ since$\bar x, d \geq \mathbb 0$ and$t \geq 0$ . - Notice
$Ax(t) = A\bar x + tAd = (4,1)^T + t(0,0)^T = b$ . That is,$\bar x$ solves$Ax = b$ and$d$ lies in the kernel of$A$ . - The objective value
$c^T x(t) = c^T(\bar x + td) = c^T\bar x + tc^T d = 3 + t$ clearly goes to$+\infty$ as$t \to \infty$ . - Then,
$(\bar x, d)$ is a certificate of unboundedness for the LP.
- Consider
Prop The LP
$\max {c^T x : Ax=b, x \geq \mathbb 0}$ is unbounded if there exist vectors$\bar x$ and$d$ such that$\bar x, d \geq \mathbb 0$ ,$Ad = \mathbb 0$ ,$c^T d > 0$
$\max{} (0,-2,-3,0)x+7$ subject to$\mqty(1&3&-5&0\0&-1&2&1)x=\mqty(6\9)$ and$x \geq \mathbb 0$ - Trivial solution:
$\bar x = (6,0,0,9)^T$ gives objective value 7 - Claim:
$\bar x$ is optimal - Proof: the term
$(0,-2,-3,0)x \leq 0$ since$x \geq \mathbb 0$ . Its highest value is then 0, so the highest objective value is 7. Since the objective value of$\bar x$ is 7, it is optimal.
- Trivial solution:
Theorem (Fundamental Theorem of Linear Programming)
For any linear program
$P$ , exactly one of the following holds:
$P$ is infeasible$P$ is unbounded$P$ has an optimal solution
- This does not apply to non-linear programs: e.g.,
$\max x$ subject to$x < 1$ . This NLP is feasible (consider$\bar x = 0$ ) and bounded ($x < 1$ ), but has no optimal solution (given$\bar x$ a solution,$\frac{\bar x+1}{2}$ is a better solution)
Simplex Preparation
Def (standard equality form) a linear program of the form
$\max {c^T x + \bar z : Ax = b, x \geq \mathbb 0}$ - Requires maximization, equality constraint, and non-negative variables
- Simplex requires SEF, so must convert LPs into equivalent SEF LP
Def (equivalence)
$P$ and$P'$ are equivalent if (1)$P$ infeasible iff$P'$ infeasible, (2)$P$ unbounded iff$P'$ unbounded, and (3) optimal solutions of$P$ can be constructed from$P'$ and vice versa - Find an equivalent SEF by:
- Given a minimization LP
$\min f(x)$ , just take$\max -f(x)$ - Given an inequality
$x \leq k$ , define a slack variable$x + x' = k$ with$x' \geq 0$ - Given a free variable
$x$ , define two non-negative variables$x^+$ and$x^-$ so that we can replace$x = x^+ - x^-$
- Given a minimization LP
Example Find an equivalent LP in SEF $$\begin{align*} \min & (-1,2,-3)x \ \text{s.t. } & \mqty(1&5&3\2&-1&2\1&2&-1)\mqty(x_1\x_2\x_3)\mqty{\leq\\geq\=}\mqty(5\4\2) \ &x_1,x_2 \geq 0 \end{align*}$$
- Switch
$\min$ to$\max$ with new objective function$(1,-2,3)x$ - Divide
$x_3 = x_3^+ - x_3^-$ giving$\mqty(1&5&3&-3\2&-1&2&-2\1&2&-1&1)\mqty(x_1\x_2\x_3^+\x_3^-)$ - Add slack variables
$x_4$ ,$x_5$ giving new rows$(1,5,3,1,0)x=5$ and$(2,-1,2,0,1)x=4$ - Let
$x = (x_1,x_2,x_3^+,x_3^-,x_4,x_5)^T$ and combine to get the SEF$$\max \qty{ (1,-2,3,-3,0,0)x : \mqty(1&5&3&-3&1&0\2&-1&2&-2&0&1\1&2&-1&1&0&0)x=\mqty(5\4\2), x \geq \mathbb 0}$$ - Suppose simplex solves this and gives optimal solution
$(\frac{11}{4},0,\frac34,0,0,3)^T$ with optimal value$5$ . Then, the original LP is solved by$(\frac{11}{4},0,\frac34-0)^T =(\frac{11}{4},0,\frac34)$ with optimal value$-5$ .
$\max (3,-2,0,0,0)x$ such that$x \geq \mathbb 0$ and$\mqty(4&-1&1&0&0\3&-3&0&1&0\-2&2&0&0&1)x=\mqty(8\9\1)$ - Feasible solution:
$\bar x = (0,0,8,9,1)^T$ with objective value$(3,-2,0,0,0)(0,0,8,9,1)^T = 0$ - To increase objective value, must increase
$x_1$ (the only one with a positive coefficient in the objective function) - Change
$x_1 \mapsto t$ , keep$x_2 = 0$ , and set$x_3 \mapsto 8-4t$ ,$x_4 \mapsto 9-3t$ , and$x_5 \mapsto 1+2t$ to maintain feasibility - But we still have non-negativity, giving us
$t \leq 2$ , i.e.,$\bar{\bar x} = (2,0,0,3,5)^T$ - This example worked because we had (1) the identity matrix embedded in columns, (2) those columns have zero coefficients in the objective function
- Equivalent strategies will exist if the matrix's rows are independent
- Feasible solution:
- Given a matrix
$A$ , notate the column$j = 1,\dotsc,n$ of$A$ by$A_j$ and then the submatrix formed by columns$J \subseteq {1,\dotsc,n}$ by$A_J$ - Then, TFAE:
$B \subseteq {1,\dotsc,n}$ is a basis,$A_B$ is invertible,$\abs{B} = m$ and the columns$A_B$ are linearly independent
- Then, TFAE:
Def (non-basis)
$N = {1,\dotsc,n}\setminus B$ -
Def (basic variables)
$x_B$ where$B$ a basis, conversely$x_N$ non-basic variables- Then,
$Ax = A_Bx_B + A_Nx_N$
- Then,
Def (basic solution with respect to
$B$ ) solution where$x_N = 0$ - To find a basic solution
$x_B$ , multiply both sides of the constraint$Ax = b$ on the left by$A_B^{-1}$ . Then,$A_B^{-1}Ax = A_B^{-1}b$ and we can read the basic solution$x_B = A_B^{-1}b$ .
- To find a basic solution
Def (basic feasible solution; BFS)
$\bar x_B \geq \mathbb 0$
Canonical form
Def (canonical form for
$B$ ) SEF$\max{c^Tx+\bar z:Ax=b,x\geq\mathbb0}$ if$A_B=I$ and$c_B=\mathbb 0$
Example Write the canonical form for
$B={2,3}$ of$\max (3,-1,4,0,-1)x + 2$ s.t.$x \geq \mathbb 0$ and$\mqty(2&1&-2&5&-4\-1&0&-1&-3&2)x = \mqty(3\-2)$ - Multiply the constraint on the left by
$A_B^{-1} = \mqty(1&-2\0&-1)$ to get new constraint$\mqty(4&1&0&11&-8\1&0&1&3&-2)x=\mqty(7\2)$ which is equivalent - Then, we need to set the entries in the objective function vector
$c_B = \mathbb 0$ - To find an expression for
$-c_B^T x_B$ which can cancel, take$-c_B^T Ax = -c_B b$ to get$(0,1,-4,-1,0)x = -1 \implies (0,1,-4,-1,0)x + 1 = 0$ - Add this to
$c^T x + \bar z$ to get the new objective function$\max (3,0,0,-1,-1)x + 3$
- Multiply the constraint on the left by
- In general, to convert from SEF to canonical form given a basis
$B$ :- Amend the constraint:
$Ax = b \mapsto A_B^{-1} A x = A_B^{-1} b$ - Calculate
$y = (A_B^{-1})^T c_B$ (this will be used later as a certificate) - Amend the objective function:
$c^T x + \bar z \mapsto (c^T - y^TA)x + (\bar z - y^T b)$
- Amend the constraint:
Simplex Algorithm
- Main idea: go between feasible bases, attempting to raise the objective value
- Start with a feasible basis
$B$ - Use "2-phase simplex" to find one if there is not a trivial feasible basis
- Convert the LP to canonical form with respect to
$B$ - If
$c_N \leq \mathbb 0$ , then the optimal solution is the basic feasible solution. Stop.
- If
- Pick a non-basic entering variable
$x_k$ where$c_k > 0$ - Bland's rule: Pick the variable with lowest index
$k$ - If
$A_k \leq \mathbb 0$ , then the linear program is unbounded. Stop. - Increase
$x_k = t$ while reducing$x_B$ to increase the objective value, i.e., maximize$t$ subject to$x_B = b - A_k t$ and$x \geq \mathbb 0$ - That is,
$t = \min{\frac{b_i}{A_{ik}} : A_{ik} > 0}$
- That is,
- Bland's rule: Pick the variable with lowest index
- Pick a leaving variable
$x_\ell$ - Let
$x_\ell$ be the index used for the minimum above. Then,$x_\ell = 0$ after setting$x_k = t$ making$x_\ell$ non-basic. - Repeat step 2 with the new basis
$B = B \cup {k} \setminus{\ell}$
- Let
Example Maximize
$(0,2,1,0,0,0)x$ such that$x \geq \mathbb 0$ and$\mqty(\mqty{1&-1&1\-2&1&0\0&1&-2}&\mqty{\imat{3}})x = \mqty(5\3\5)$ - Iteration 1
- Entering variable
$x_2$ since$c_2 = 2 > 0$ - Set
$x_2 = t = \min{-,\frac{3}{1},\frac{5}{1}} = 3$ - Leaving variable is
$x_5$ , new basis$B = {2,4,6}$ - New canonical form
$\max(4,0,1,0,-2,0)x + 6$ with$x \geq \mathbb 0$ and$\mqty(-2&1&0&0&1&0\-1&0&1&1&1&0\2&0&2&0&-1&1)x = \mqty(3\8\2)$
- Entering variable
- Iteration 2
- Entering variable
$x_1$ . Set$x_1 = t = \min{-,-,\frac{2}{2}}=1$ . - Leaving variable
$x_6$ . New basis$B = {1,2,4}$ - New canonical form
$\max(0,0,5,0,0,-2)x + 10$ with$x \geq \mathbb 0$ and$\mqty(1&0&-1&0&-\frac12&\frac12\0&1&-2&0&0&1\0&0&0&1&\frac12&\frac12)x = \mqty(1\5\9)$
- Entering variable
- Iteration 3
- Entering variable
$x_3$ . Set$x_3 = t = \min{-,-,-} = \infty$ . - No bound on
$t$ , so this LP is unbounded.
- Entering variable
- Iteration 1
- Recall: simplex iterates over feasible bases to optimize one variable at a time and set coefficients to zero, eventually finding an optimal solution or showing unboundedness
- Finish the example from last lecture:
- Iteration 3 entered
$x_3$ , and$A_3 \leq 0$ . Then,$t$ had no bounds, so the LP is unbounded. Find a certificate of unboundedness: - Current basic feasible solution:
$\bar x = (1,5,0,9,0,0)^T$ - Set
$x_3 = t$ . New solution is$x(t) = (1+t,5+2t,t,9,0,0)^T = \bar x + td$ where$d = (1,2,1,0,0,0)^T$ - Then,
$x(t)$ is feasible for all$t \geq 0$ and$c^T x(t) = 5t - 10 \to \infty$ . This is all we need to show that$(\bar x, t)$ form a certificate of unboundedness
- Iteration 3 entered
- Does simplex always terminate? Intuitively it should, since each iteration increases the objective value. However, this is not true in general
Def (degenerate iteration) Iteration where the objective value is held constant
- That is, only the basis is changed
Example Maximize
$(1,0,0,0)x$ subject to$x \geq \mathbb0$ and$\mqty(3&2&1&0\1&1&0&1))x = (0,2)^T$ - The start basis is clearly
${1,4}$ - The only entering variable is
$x_1$ . Let$t = x_1$ and$t = \min{\frac21,\frac03} = 0$ - We pick
$x_4$ for a leaving variable, giving$B' = {1,4}$
- The start basis is clearly
Def (cycling) Repeating bases with the same basic feasible solution
- Happens when there is a series of degenerate iterations that repeat bases already used
- Bland's Rule, when applied, prevents cycling and guarantees simplex terminates
- That is, when there is a choice for the entering or leaving variable, pick the one with the lowest index
- Tableau method for simplex (easier to perform by hand):
- Use a matrix to encode the entire state of the algorithm, allowing row reductions to replace taking inverses
Example Maximize
$z = (3,-2,0,0,0)x+0$ subject to$x \geq \mathbb0$ and$\mqty(\mqty{4&-1\3&-3\-2&2}&\mqty{\imat{3}})x = \mqty(8\9\1)$ - Create a tableau $\qty(\begin{array}{c|c|c}1 & -c& \bar z \ \hline \mathbb0 & A & B\end{array}) = \qty(\begin{array}{c|ccccc|c}1&-3&2&0&0&0&0 \\hline 0&4&-1&1&0&0&8 \ 0&3&-3&0&1&0&9 \ 0&-2&2&0&0&1&1 \end{array})$
- Entering variable: look for negative coefficient in objective row
$x_k$ (in this case$x_1$ ) - Leaving variable: look at ratio between
$b$ and$A_k$ to find row with$x_\ell$ (in this case$A^1$ )- Take the entry in column of
$x_k$ and the row of$x_\ell$ (in this case$A_{11}$ ) - Use row operations to make it 1 and the rest of the column 0
- In this case
$\frac14R_2$ ,$R_1 + 3R_2$ ,$R_3 - 3R_2$ ,$R_4 + 2R_2$ , to yield $\qty(\begin{array}{c|ccccc|c}1&0&\frac54&\frac34&0&0&6 \\hline 0&1&-\frac14&\frac14&0&0&2 \ 0&0&-\frac94&-\frac34&1&0&3 \ 0&0&\frac32&\frac12&0&1&5 \end{array})$ - Since top row is all positive, this means that
$c$ is all negative, so we have an optimal solution with optimal objective value 6
- In this case
- Take the entry in column of
- Since tableau method involves iterative dividing of decimals, computers will lose precision after each iteration. With canonical form, calculations are always done from the original LP, so no compounded error.
- If no obvious basic feasible solution to start simplex, do two-stage simplex
- Form an auxiliary LP with an obvious BFS, then solve with simplex to help find a BFS or prove that no BFS exists
- Negate constraints with negative right-hand sides
- Arbitrarily add auxiliary variables to append an identity matrix to
$A$ - Apply simplex to the new LP: there is a solution to the original LP if and only if this LP has solutions with the auxiliary variables set to zero
Example Maximize
$(-3,2,0,0,0)x$ subject to$x \geq \mathbb0$ and$\mqty(\mqty{-1&1\-1&-2\0&1}&\mqty{\imat{3}})x = \mqty(-1\-4\4)$ - Notice that
$B = {3,4,5}$ is a basis. However, the trivial basic solution$(0,0,-1,-4,4)^T$ is not feasible. - Negate constraints to get
$\mqty(\mqty{1&-1&-1&0&0\1&2&0&-1&0\0&1&0&0&1})x = \mqty(1\4\4)$ - Add auxiliary variables to get
$\mqty(\mqty{1&-1&-1&0&0\1&2&0&-1&0\0&1&0&0&1}&\mqty{\imat{3}})x = \mqty(1\4\4)$ - This LP has a BFS
- Notice that
- Form an auxiliary LP with an obvious BFS, then solve with simplex to help find a BFS or prove that no BFS exists
- Two-phase simplex:
- Negate constraints with negative
$b$ value - Append auxiliary variables to form an identity matrix
- Basic feasible solution
$(\mathbb 0 \mid b)^T$ - The original LP has a feasible solution if and only if auxiliary LP has a feasible solution where all auxiliary variables are 0
- Negate constraints with negative
- Continue example
- Start with
$B = {6,7,8}$ with BFS$\bar x = (0,0,0,0,0,1,4,4)^T$ - Minimize the sum of auxiliary variables:
$\min{(0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1)x}$ subject to same constraints - Same as saying
$\max{(0,0,0,0,0,-1,-1,-1)x}$ , which we can solve with simplex- If optimal value is 0, then auxiliary variables must be 0
- If optimal value is negative, no feasible solution exists
- Based on canonical form, multiply constraint on left by
$(1,1,1)$ to get$(2,1,-1,-1,1,1,1,1)x-9=0$ - Add to objective function to get new objective function
$(2,1,-1,-1,1,0,0,0)x-9$ - Run simplex to get basis
${1,3,5}$ and BFS$(4,0,3,0,4,0,0,0)^T$ - Now that we have a BFS
$(4,0,3,0,4)^T$ , run simplex
- Start with
- If auxiliary LP does not have a solution, then
$y = A_B^{-T}x_B$ is a certificate of infeasibility for the original LP - Optimal solution must exist: it is feasible by construction and not unbounded because the objective value cannot exceed 0
- Therefore, two-phase simplex will always work
Geometric simplex
- Consider
$\max{(1,1)x}$ subject to$x \geq \mathbb0$ and$\mqty(1&0\0&1\2&1)x \leq \mqty(4\3\4)$ - Equivalently,
$\max{(1,1,0,0,0)x}$ subject to$x \geq \mathbb0$ and$\mqty(\mqty{\imat2\2&1}&\mqty{\imat3})x = \mqty(4\3\4)$ - Equalities define lines, inequalities define halfspaces
- Example from last lecture:
- Non-negativity bounds
$(x_1, x_2) \in \R^2$ to the first quadrant - Constraint bounds
$x_1 \leq 4$ ,$x_2 \leq 3$ , and$x_1 + 2x_2 \leq 8$ - All feasible solutions contained in the convex polygon bounded by
$(0,0)$ ,$(0,3)$ ,$(2,3)$ ,$(4,2)$ ,$(4,0)$ - Consider contours of the objective function
$x_1 + x_2 = k$ starting at$k=0$ - Imagine dragging the objective function line "up" along the normal vector
$(1,1)^T$ maintaining the slope - Last point
$(4,2)^T$ which touches the highest contour$k=6$ is the optimal solution- Notice that
$(4,2)^T$ is generated by$x_1=4$ and$x_1 + 2x_2 = 8$ , i.e., setting constraints (1) and (3) to equality - Then, in SEF,
$(4,2)^T \mapsto (4,2,0,1,0)^T$ is a BFS
- Notice that
- Likewise consider extreme point
$(4,0)^T$ - Generated by
$x_1 = 4$ and$x_2 = 0$ , i.e., constraints (1) and (5) to equality - In SEF,
$(4,0)^T \mapsto (4,0,0,3,4)^T$ which is a BFS
- Generated by
- Non-negativity bounds
- Optimal solutions must always be on the "boundary"
Def (boundary) a point
$p \in S$ such that every open neighbourhood of$p$ contains a point in$S$ and a point not in$S$
Def (boundary) a point
- If an optimal solution exists, then there is at least one optimal "corner"
Def (tight constraint with respect to
$\bar x$ ) Inequality satisfied with equality by a feasible solution$\bar x$ - Setting inequality to equality means setting a slack variable in SEF to 0
- Every corner point is defined by
$n$ linear equalities in$\R^n$ , i.e.,$n$ tight constraints- Possible to have more than
$n$ tight constraints - Therefore, a corner point's canonical form solution will have
$n$ slack variables set to zero, creating a BFS -
Thm This is true as long as the rows of
$A$ are linearly independent
- Possible to have more than
- Simplex walks along extreme points (BFSs) until it finds an optimal solution
- Two-phase simplex required when the origin is not available to start from
- Each iteration picks an adjacent extreme point, because it swaps one tight constraint for another one and maintains the other
$n-1$ constraints
Def (degenerate)
$\bar x$ with more than$n$ tight constraints, i.e., some basic variables are 0- This means an iteration may bounce endlessly between degenerate BFSs
- Degenerate iterations are avoided by Bland's rule
- Simplex requires that the feasible region be convex, which it always is because it is the convex hull generated by the extreme points
Def (hyperplane) Equation of the form
$a^T x = \beta$ with normal vector$a$ -
Def (halfspace) Inequality of the form
$a^T x \leq \beta$ with normal vector$a$ . Note: the halfspace is always on the opposite side of the normal vector -
Def (polyhedron) Set of points
${x \in \R^n : Ax \leq b}$ , i.e., the intersection of$m$ halfspaces for a polytope with$m$ facets -
Def (convex) Subset
$S \subseteq \R^n$ such that for all$x^1, x^2 \in S$ and$\lambda \in [0,1]$ ,$\lambda x^1 + (1-\lambda)x^2 \in S$ . This expression is a convex combination.-
Prop A halfspace is convex.
Proof. Let
$H = {x \in \R^n : a^T x \leq \beta}$ a halfspace,$x^1, x^2 \in H$ . Then, with arbitrary$\lambda \in [0,1]$ , let$x = \lambda x^1 + (1-\lambda)x^2$ . We have$a^Tx = \lambda a^T x^1 + (1-\lambda) a^T x^2$ . But since$x^1, x^2 \in H$ , we get$a^Tx \leq \lambda \beta + (1-\lambda)\beta = \beta$ as desired. ☐
Proof. Let
Prop The intersection of convex sets is convex.
- Proof. If two points are in the intersection, they are in each convex set. The line segment joining them is then also in each convex set, meaning it is in the intersection. ☐
Cor A polyhedron is convex.
- Proof. Obvious.
Prop A halfspace is convex.
Def (extreme point) Point
$\bar x \in C$ a convex set such that$x$ is not a convex combination of two distinct points in$C$ distinct from$\bar x$
Thm (characterization of extreme points in polyhedra) For
$\bar x \in P = {x \in \R^n : Ax \leq b}$ a polyhedron, where$A^=x = b^=$ is the set of tight constraints for$\bar x$ ,$\bar x$ is an extreme point of$P$ if and only if$\rank(A^=) = n$ -
Proof. Proceed by contrapositive.
- (
$\Larr$ ) Suppose$\bar x$ is not an extreme point. Then, there exist distinct$x^1, x^2 \in P$ such that$\bar x = \lambda x^2 + (1-\lambda)x^2$ for some$0 < \lambda < 1$ . We have$A^= \bar x = A^=(\lambda x^1 + (1-\lambda)x^2) = \lambda(A^= x^1) + (1-\lambda)(A^= x^2) \leq b^=$ . That is, there is equality throughout the line$A^= x^1 = A^= x^2 = b^=$ . Then, since$A^= x = b^=$ has at least three solutions$(x^1, x^2, \bar x)$ , we cannot have$\rank(A^=) = n$ - (
$\Rarr$ ) Suppose$\rank(A^=) < n$ . Then, there exists non-zero$d$ such that$A^= d = \mathbb 0$ . Let$x^1 = \bar x + \varepsilon d$ and$x^2 = \bar x - \varepsilon d$ for some small positive$\varepsilon$ . By construction,$\bar x$ is properly contained in the line segment from$x^1$ to$x^2$ . Then we can write$A^= x^1 = A^=(\bar x + \varepsilon d) = A^= \bar x + \varepsilon A^= d = A^= \bar x = b^=$ which means$x^1$ (and likewise$x^2$ ) satisfy the tight constraints. For other non-tight constraints$a^T x \leq \beta$ , we have$a^T \bar x + \varepsilon(a^T d) < \beta + \varepsilon(a^T d) \leq \beta$ for sufficiently small$\varepsilon$ . Therefore,$x^1$ and$x^2$ are in$P$ and$\bar x$ is not an extreme point.
- (
Proof. Proceed by contrapositive.
Thm (characterization of extreme points in SEF) For
$P = {x \in \R^n : Ax = b, x \geq \mathbb0}$ where$A$ has full row rank and let$\bar x \in P$ . Then$\bar x$ is an extreme point of$P$ if and only if$\bar x$ is a BFS of$Ax = b$ - Construct a polyhedron $\left(\begin{array}{c}A \\hline -A \\hline -I\end{array}\right)x \leq \left(\begin{array}{c}b \\hline -b \\hline \mathbb0\end{array}\right)x$
- Suppose
$A\bar x = b$ . From above,$\bar x$ and extreme point if and only if tight constraints have rank$n$ . The top two submatrices are always tight, so we automatically get rank at least$m$ . We need at least$n-m$ tight constraints in$-I\bar x \leq \mathbb0$ . That is,$n-m$ entries of$\bar x$ are zero. Then,$\bar x$ is a basic feasible solution with$m$ basic variables and$n-m$ non-basic variables.
$\max\qty{(4,-9,2,4)x : \mqty(1&-4&3&0\-1&7&-5&1)x = \mqty(7\3), x \geq \zero}$ -
$(6,2,3,10)^\t$ is feasible. Objective value 52. -
$(7,0,0,10)^\t$ is feasible. Objective value 68. Claim this is optimal. - Notice that: $$\begin{align*}68 &= 7\cdot8 + 3\cdot4 \ &= 8(x_1 - 4x_2 + 3x_3) + 4(-x_1 + 7x_2 - 5x_3 + x_4) \ &= 4x_1 - 4x_2 + 4x_3 + 4x_4 \ &\geq 4x_1 - 9x_2 + 2x_3 + 4x_4 = c^\t x\end{align*}$$
- Since
$c^\t x \leq 68$ , any feasible solution has objective value at most 68. As$(7,0,0,10)^\t$ is one such solution, it is optimal.
- In general, consider
$y$ . Then,$y^\t b = y^\t A x \stackrel{?}{\geq} c^\t x$ . This works when$y^\t A \geq c^t$ or equivalently$A^\t y \geq c^\t$ . Then,$y^\t b$ is an upper bound on the objective value. If$y^\t b$ is the lowest upper bound, it is the optimal objective value.- To find
$y$ , we can solve the dual LP
- To find
Def (dual LP) Given an LP (P) in SEF
$\max{c^\t x : Ax = b, x \geq \zero}$ , construct the dual (D)$\min{b^\t y : A^\t y \geq c}$ - Each constraint
$a_i x_i = b_i$ in (P) corresponds to a variable$y_i$ in (D) - Each variable
$x_j$ in (P) corresponds to a constraint$a^{j\t} y_j \leq c_j$ in (D)
- Each constraint
- Note that the feasible objective values of the dual are at most the feasible objective values of the primal
- Then, the highest (optimal) value of the primal is bounded above by the lowest (optimal) value of the dual. In fact, they meet only at optimality
Thm (weak duality) For an LP in SEF (P),
$\max{c^\t x : Ax = b, x \geq \zero}$ and its dual (D),$\min{b^\t y : A^\t y \geq c}$ : if$\bar x$ and$\bar y$ are feasible, then$c^\t\bar x \leq b^\t\bar y$ . Moreover, if$c^\t\bar x = b^\t\bar y$ , then$\bar x$ and$\bar y$ are optimal.-
Proof. We have
$b^\t \bar y = (A\bar x)^\t \bar y =\bar x^\t A^\t \bar y \geq \bar x^\t c = c^\t \bar x$ , as desired. Suppose$c^\t \bar x = b^\t \bar y$ . Let$x$ be arbitrary. Then,$c^\t x \leq b^\t \bar y = c^\t \bar x$ . This is what it means for$\bar x$ to be optimal. Argue symmetrically for$y$ .
Proof. We have
Cor To certify
$\bar x$ optimal for (P), it suffices to show that$\bar x$ feasible,$\bar y$ feasible, and$c^\t \bar x = b^\t \bar y$ .- Proof. Immediate.
Cor If (P) is unbounded, then (D) must be infeasible. Similarly, if (D) is unbounded, then (P) is infeasible. Finally if both (P) and (D) are feasible, then they must have optimal solutions.
- Proof. Any feasible solution to (D) is an upper bound to the objective values of (P). Likewise in the other direction.
Thm (strong duality) If (P) has an optimal solution, then (D) has an optimal solution with the same optimal values
Proof. Perform simplex on (P) to get a basic optimal solution
$\bar x$ with basis$B$ . The objective function in canonical form for$B$ is$(c^\t - \bar y^\t A)x + b^\t \bar y$ where$\bar y = A_B^{-\t}c_B$ . Since$B$ is optimal,$c^\t - \bar y^\t A \leq \zero^\t$ which gives$A^\t y \geq c$ , i.e.,$\bar y$ is feasible. Also, the objective value of$\bar x$ is$c^\t x = b^\t y$ .
Proof. Perform simplex on (P) to get a basic optimal solution
Summary of weak duality theorem results
Dual \ Primal | Optimal | Unbounded | Infeasible |
Optimal | ✓ | ✗ | ✗ |
Unbounded | ✗ | ✗ | ✓ |
Infeasible | ✗ | ✓ | ✓ (edge case) |
Prop (dual of inequality) Dual of
$\max{c^\t x : Ax \leq b, x \geq \zero}$ - Turn into SEF by adding slack variables:
$\max{c^\t x + \zero^\t x' : Ax + Ix' = b, x \geq \zero}$ - Get the dual of that which is
$\min{b^\t y : A^\t y \geq c, y \geq \zero}$ - Likewise, the dual of
$\max{c^\t x : Ax \geq b, x \geq \zero}$ is$\min{b^\t y : A^\t y \geq c, y \leq \zero}$
- Turn into SEF by adding slack variables:
Prop (dual with free variables) Dual of
$\max{c^\t x : Ax = b}$ - Turn into SEF:
$\max {c^\t x^+ - c^\t x^- : Ax^+ - Ax^- = b, x^+ \geq \zero, x^- \geq \zero}$ - Dual is
$\min{b^\t y : A^\t y \geq c, -A^\t y \geq -c} = \min{b^\t y : A^\t y = c}$ - In fact, having
$x \geq \zero$ will give$A^\t y \geq c$ and$x \leq \zero$ will give$A^\t y \leq c$
- Turn into SEF:
Prop (dual of min) Dual of the minimization LP (P*) is the maximization LP (D*) whose dual is (P*)
- From max to min: constraints (swapped)→variables, variables→constraints
- From min to max: constraints→variables, variables (swapped)→constraints
Example Maximize
$(3,1,4,1)x$ such that$\mqty(1&2&3&4\4&3&2&1\2&2&2&2)x\mathrel{\mqty{\geq\\leq\=}}\mqty(3\4\5)$ with$x_1, x_2 \geq 0$ ,$x_3 \leq 0$ , and$x_4$ free- Minimize
$(3,4,5)y$ such that - Dual constraints max→min keep:
$\mqty(1&4&2\2&3&2\3&2&2\4&1&2)y\mathrel{\mqty{\geq\\geq\\leq\=}}\mqty(3\1\4\1)$ - Dual variables max→min flip:
$y_1 \leq 0$ ,$y_2 \geq 0$ ,$y_3$ free
- Minimize
Thm (general weak duality) Let (P) be a maximization LP with dual (D). If
$\bar x$ and$\bar y$ are feasible for (P) and (D), respectively, then the objective value of$\bar x$ in (P) is at most the objective value of$\bar y$ in (D). If they are the same value, then they are both optimal. - Thm (general strong duality) Let (P) be an LP with dual (D). If (P) has an optimal solution, then (D) has an optimal solution with the same optimal value.
Def (complementary slackness conditions) For
$(A^\t y)^\t x \geq c^\t x$ to hold with equality, we have$A^\t_i y x_i = c_i x_i$ , equivalently, either$A^\t_i y = c_i$ or$x_i = 0$ - CS conditions satisfied by feasible
$\bar x$ and$\bar y$ if and only if$\bar x$ and$\bar y$ are optimal
- CS conditions satisfied by feasible
- Recall: for an LP in SEF, the CS conditions are "either
$x_i = 0$ or the$i$ -th dual constraint is tight"- Equivalently, "if
$x_i > 0$ , then the$i$ -th dual constraint is tight" and "if the$i$ -th dual constraint is not tight,$x_i = 0$ "
- Equivalently, "if
- In general, given primal (P) and dual (D), their CS conditions are: (1) either
$x_i = 0$ or the$i$ -th constraint of (D) is tight and (2) either$y_j = 0$ or the$j$ -th constraint of (P) is tight.- If there are equality constraints, we can ignore that set of CS conditions since all constraints are tight
Thm (complementary slackness) Let (P) and (D) be a primal-dual pair with feasible solutions
$\bar x$ and$\bar y$ , respectively. Then,$\bar x$ and$\bar y$ are optimal if and only if all CS conditions hold.- To show
$\bar x$ optimal for (P), we can provide$\bar y$ and check that (1)$\bar x$ feasible, (2)$\bar y$ feasible, (3) CS conditions
- To show
$\max\qty{(1,-2)x : \mqty(1&-1\2&1\0&1)x\mathrel{\mqty{=\\geq\\leq}}\mqty(2\1\4), x_1 \geq 0}$ and dual$\min\qty{(2,1,4)y : \mqty(1&2&0\-1&1&1)y\mathrel{\mqty{\geq\=}}\mqty(1\-2) : y_2 \leq 0, y_3 \geq 0}$ - CS conditions:
$x_1 = 0$ or$y_1 + 2y_2 = 1$ - (always true)
$x_2 = 0$ or$\boxed{-y_1 + y_2 + y_3 = -2}$ - (always true)
$y_1 = 0$ or$\boxed{x_1 - x_2 = 2}$ -
$y_2 = 0$ or$2x_1 + x_2 = 1$ -
$y_3 = 0$ or$x_2 = 4$
- Suppose we think that
$\bar x = (1,-1)^\t$ is optimal. By inspection,$\bar x$ feasible. Since$\bar x_1 \neq 0$ , we require$\bar y_1 + 2\bar y_2 = 1$ . The second condition is satisfied. Also,$\bar x_2 \neq 4$ , so$\bar y_3 = 0$ . - Adding on the requirement that
$\bar y$ feasible, we can solve for$\bar y = (\frac53, -\frac13,0)^\t$ - Then,
$\bar y$ is feasible and satisfies CS conditions, so$\bar x$ and$\bar y$ are optimal.
- CS conditions:
- If we try the above example with
$\bar x = (4,2)^\t$ , we get CS conditions implying$\bar y = (1,0,0)^\t$ but this is not feasible. Therefore,$\bar x$ is not optimal. - The above example with simplex gives first
$\max\qty{(3,-2,0,0,0)x : \mqty(\mqty{4&-1\3&-3\-2&2}&\mqty{\imat{3}})x=\mqty(8\9\1), x \geq \zero}$ and ends with$\max\qty{(0,-\frac54,-\frac14,0,0)x + 6 : \mqty(1&-\frac14&\frac14&0&0\0&-\frac94&-\frac34&1&0\0&\frac32&\frac12&0&1)x=\mqty(2\3\5), x \geq \zero}$ - For each variable
$i$ , either$x_i = 0$ (it is non-basic) or$c_i = 0$ (it is basic)- Recall: objective coefficients are
$c' = c - y^\t A$ where$y = A_B^{-\t}c_B$ is the dual solution - Then,
$c'_i = 0$ implies$c_i - y^\t A_i = 0$ or$y^\t A_i = c_i$ or$A_i^\t y = c_i$ . That is, the$i$ -th constraint in the dual is tight. - That is, either
$x_i = 0$ or the$i$ -th constraint is tight, so all simplex BFS's satisfy the CS conditions.
- Recall: objective coefficients are
- Also, when picking
$c_e > 0$ for the next iteration,$A_e^\t y < c_e$ , i.e., we picked an infeasible$y$ to the dual (since the dual constraint is$Ay \leq c$ )- That is, whenever positive coefficients exist,
$y$ is infeasible for the dual. Once the coefficients are non-positive,$y$ is feasible and we have an optimal solution.
- That is, whenever positive coefficients exist,
- For each variable
Example For arbitrary
$c$ ,$\max\qty{c^\t x : \mqty(\mqty{\imat{2}}\\mqty{1&2\-1&0\0&-1})x \leq \mqty(4\3\8\0\0)}$ .- [imagine polyhedron bounded by
$(0,0)$ ,$(0,3)$ ,$(2,3)$ ,$(4,2)$ , and$(4,0)$ ] -
$(4,2)^\t$ is the optimal solution whenever the slope is between the two constraints defining$(4,2)^\t$ , i.e.,$-\infty \leq m \leq -\frac12$ .- Formally, any
$c$ in the cone of$(1,0)^\t$ and$(1,2)^\t$ (the tight constraints)
- Formally, any
- [imagine polyhedron bounded by
Def (cone generated by
$x$ ) the set${\lambda^\t x : \lambda \geq \zero}$ -
Lem (cone of tight constraints)
$c$ is in the cone of tight constraints for$\bar x$ if and only if$\bar x$ is optimal for$c$
Example Consider the primal-dual pair
$\max\qty{(c_1,c_2)x : \mqty(\imat{2}\1&2\-1&0\0&-1)x \leq \mqty(4\3\8\0\0)}$ and$\min\qty{(4,3,8,0,0)y : \mqty(1&0&1&-1&0\0&1&2&0&-1)y = \mqty(c_1\c_2), y \geq \zero}$ - Suppose
$c$ makes$\bar x = (4,2)^\t$ optimal. Let$y$ be the correponding optimal dual solution. The dual constraints are$\mqty(1\0)y_1 + \mqty(0\1)y_2 + \mqty(1\2)y_3 + \mqty(-1\0)y_4 + \mqty(0\-1)y_5 = \mqty(c_1\c_2)$ - CS conditions: either
$y_j = 0$ or the$j$ -th primal constraint is tight. Here, constraints 1 and 3 are tight. Then,$y_2 = y_4 = y_5 = 0$ and we have$\mqty(1\0)y_1 + \mqty(1\2)y_3 = \mqty(c_1\c_2)$ with$y_1, y_3 \geq 0$ . - That is,
$c$ is in the cone formed by the tight constraints for$\bar x$
- Suppose
Lem (Farkas) Given
$A$ and$b$ , either there exists$x$ such that$Ax = b$ and$x \geq \zero$ , or there exists$y$ such that$y^\t A \geq \zero^\t$ and$y^\t b < 0$ . Equivalently, either a solution or certificate of infeasibility exists.-
Proof. First, notice that having a certificate of infeasibility proves that there cannot be a solution to
$Ax = b$ with$x \geq \zero$ . Thus, both cannot hold. Now, suppose the first condition is false. Consider$\max{\zero^\t x : Ax = b, x \geq \zero}$ . This is infeasible by supposition. The dual is$\min{b^\t y : A^\t y \geq \zero}$ which is trivially feasible since it admits$y = \zero$ , so it must be unbounded. Then, there must exist a solution$\bar y$ with negative objective value, i.e.,$b^\t \bar y < 0$ and$A^\t y \geq \zero$ , as desired. - Geometrically, consider the cone of column vectors. That is, all
$b$ such that$Ax = b$ ,$x \geq \zero$ . If$b$ is in the cone, we are done. If$b$ is not in the cone, then there must exist a hyperplane with normal$y$ between the cone and$b$ . Such a$y$ will give by definition$y^\t b < 0$ and$y^\t A > \zero^\t$ .
Proof. First, notice that having a certificate of infeasibility proves that there cannot be a solution to
Recall the formulation for shortest path problems:
$\min{c^\t x : \sum_{e \in \delta(S)}x_e \geq 1, x_e \geq 0, x_e \in \Z}$ - Since there are
$O(2^n)$ constraints and it is an IP, this is hard to solve. - Instead ignore integrality and take the dual:
$\max{\mathbb1^\t y : \sum_{e \in \delta(S)}y_S \leq c, y \geq \zero}$ - There are dual variables
$y_S$ corresponding to each$s,t$ -cut and dual constraints for each edge. - The objective function is the sum of all
$y$ variables - Dual constraints: One constraint for each edge
$e$ , coefficient of$y_S$ is 1 if$e$ is in the cut$\delta(S)$ . That is, sum of$y$ values is at most the length of$e$
- There are dual variables
- Interpret a dual solution
$y$ as assigning a value$y_S$ to each cut so that the "sum of cuts" across an edge is at most the edge's weight- Since an
$s,t$ -path must cross all$s,t$ -cuts, this means that the "sum of cuts" is at most the sum of weights of the edges in the path, i.e., the sum of cuts is at most the length of the path. - Equivalently, by weak duality, the objective value of the primal (length of the path) is at least the objective value of the dual (sum of all cuts)
- Since an
- Imagine
$y_S$ as the width of a barrier that a path must cross, so that a complete path must pass all barriers. This is the width assignment.- Since we are maximizing, the barriers will expand to fill the path
- Since there are
Take the dual and consider CS conditions:
- If
$e$ is in the path, then the sum of width of all cuts containing$e$ is equal to its length and$e$ is tight - If
$y_S$ has positive width, then exactly one edge in$\delta(S)$ is in the path
- If
Algorithm: raise the
$y$ -value of$\delta(U)$ to create a tight edge ==?==
- Example:
$E = {sa, sb, ab, at, bt}$ with weights$w = {50,30,30,40,70}$ - Initialize
$y = \zero$ ,$U = {s}$ ,$T = \varnothing$ - Iteration 1:
$U = {s}$ ,$\delta(U) = {sa,ab}$ - Can increase by 30 until
$sb$ becomes tight, so set$y_{{s}} = 30$ . Append$b$ to$U$ .
- Can increase by 30 until
- Iteration 2:
$U = {s, b}$ ,$\delta(U) = {sa,ab,bt}$ - Can increase by 20 until
$sa$ becomes tight, so set$y_{{s,b}} = 20$ . Append$a$ to$U$ .
- Can increase by 20 until
- Iteration 3:
$U = {s,b,a}$ ,$\delta(U) = {at, bt}$ - Can increase by 40 until
$at$ becomes tight, so set$y_{{s,b,a}} = 40$ . Append$t$ to$U$ .
- Can increase by 40 until
- Tight edges
$T = {sb,sa,at}$ so select path$x_{sa}=x_{at}=1$ with$y_{{s}}=30$ ,$y_{{s_b}}=20$ ,$y_{{s,a,b}}=40$
- Initialize
- Formalize the algorithm:
Def (slack) length of
$e$ minus width of all cuts through$e$ , i.e.,$\operatorname{slack}(e) = c_e - \sum_{{S : e \in \delta(S)}}y_S$
- Set
$y = \zero$ ,$U = {s}$ ,$T = \varnothing$ - While
$t \not\in U$ :- Calculate slack of all edges in
$\delta(U)$ - Pick edge
$uv$ with minimum slack where$u \in U$ ,$v \not\in U$ - Set
$y_U := \operatorname{slack}(uv)$ -
$U := U \cup {v}$ ,$T := T \cup {uv}$
- Calculate slack of all edges in
- Output an
$s,t$ -path in$T$ . Use$y$ as an optimal dual solution.
Def (slack) length of
$V = {s,a,b,c,t}$ ,$E = {sa,sb,sc,ab,bc,at,bt,ct}$ with$w = {20,50,30,20,10,50,40,40}$ -
$U = {s}$ ,$T = \varnothing$ ,$\delta(U) = {sa,sb,sc}$ - Slacks are 20, 50, and 30, so set
$y_{{s}} = 20$ to get tight$sa$
- Slacks are 20, 50, and 30, so set
$U = {s,a}$ ,$T = {sa}$ ,$\delta(U) = {at,ab,sb,sc}$ - Slacks are 50, 20, 50, and 10, so set
$y_{{s,a}} = 10$ to get tight$sc$
- Slacks are 50, 20, 50, and 10, so set
$U = {s,a,c}$ ,$T = {sa, sc}$ ,$\delta(U) = {at,ab,sb,bc,ct}$ - Slacks are 40, 10, 20, 10, 40, so set
$y_{{s,a,c}}=10$ to get tight$ab$ and$bc$ . Arbitrarily pick$ab$ .
- Slacks are 40, 10, 20, 10, 40, so set
$U = {s,a,b,c}$ ,$T = {sa,sc,ab}$ ,$\delta(U) = {at,bt,ct}$ - Slacks are 30, 40, and 30, so set
$y_{{s,a,b,c}}=30$ to get tight$at$ and$ct$ . Arbitrarily pick$ct$ .
- Slacks are 30, 40, and 30, so set
$U = {s,a,b,c,t}$ ,$T = {sa,sc,ab,ct}$ - Conclude with path
- Conclude with path
- Claim (proof omitted) that the algorithm produces a path that satisfies the second CS condition (i.e., every cut with positive width crosses only one edge in the path)
- Sketch: To cross a cut more than once, must go back and forth. To go back, must select an edge going "backwards", i.e., selecting a node already in
$U$ to append to$U$ . Contradiction.
- Sketch: To cross a cut more than once, must go back and forth. To go back, must select an edge going "backwards", i.e., selecting a node already in
- Cannot apply fundamental theorem of LPs to IPs, since some IPs may be feasible, bounded, and still lack an optimal solution
$\max{x_1-\sqrt2x_2 : x_1-\sqrt2x_2 \leq 0, x \geq \mathbb1, x \in \Z^2}$ - Feasible:
$x = (1,1)^\t$ - Bounded:
$x_1 - \sqrt2x_2 \leq 0$ - No optimal solution:
- Feasible:
Def (convex hull) smallest convex set that contains all points in a set. Formally,
$\operatorname{conv}(x^1,\dotsc,x^k) = {\sum \lambda_i x^i : \sum \lambda_i = 1, \lambda \geq \zero }$ -
Thm (Fundamental Theorem of Integer Programming) Given a polyhedron
$P = {x \in \R^n : Ax \leq b}$ with$A,b \in \textbf{M}(\Q)$ , the convex hull$\operatorname{conv}(\Z^n \cap P)$ is another polyhedron$Q = {x \in \R^n : A'x \leq b'}$ with$A',b' \in \textbf{M}(\Q)$ - This reduces solving an IP to solving a related LP, since the extreme points of
$Q$ are just integer points in$P$
- This reduces solving an IP to solving a related LP, since the extreme points of
Thm Given (IP)
$\max{c^\t x : Ax \leq b : x \in \Z^n}$ , let${x : A' x \leq b'}$ be the convex hull of solutions of (IP). Let (LP) be$\max{c^\t x : A'x \leq b'}$ . Then:- (IP) infeasible if and only if (LP) infeasible
- (IP) unbounded if and only if (LP) unbounded
- Every optimal solution of (IP) is an optimal solution of (LP)
- Every optimal solution of (LP) that is an extreme point is an optimal solution of (IP)
- Not a great idea in general because finding the convex hull is hard
- Need to find feasible solutions in order to define convex hull anyways
- Number of constraints to define convex hull is
$O(2^n)$ in the original constraints - No finite convex hull if coefficients are irrational
- Def (LP relaxation) IP without the integer constraint
$\max\qty{\mqty(0&1\3&-1\-5.5&-4)x \leq \mqty(5.5\10.5\-22) : x \in \Z^3}$ - The optimal solution of the relaxation is
$(\frac{128}{35},\frac{33}{70})^\t$ - To make a cutting plane, need (1) current non-integral optimal solution outside of halfspace and (2) all integral feasible solutions inside halfspace
- For example, shrink the feasible region with
$x_2 \geq 2$ to get new optimal solution$(\frac{28}{11},2)^\t$ which is "better" - To find cutting plane, note that simplex BFS
$\bar x = (\frac{128}{35}, \frac{33}{70}, \frac{176}{35},0,0)^t$ with objective value$-\frac{289}{70}$ - Take floor of coefficients on LHS, change = to ≤:
$x_1 + \floor{\frac{8}{35}}x_4 + \floor{-\frac{2}{35}}x_5 = x_1 - x_5 \leq \frac{128}{35}$ - Since
$x \geq \zero$ , LHS only decreases and all solutions are preserved
- Since
- Take floor of RHS constant:
$x_1 - x_5 \leq \floor{\frac{128}{35}} \leq 3$ - Since
$x$ integral, coefficients integral, we can take floor without losing integral solutions - This also eliminates
$\bar x$ since it satisfied the original constraint with equality
- Since
- Take floor of coefficients on LHS, change = to ≤:
- Then, we have
$x_1 - x_5 \leq 3$ a cutting plane
- The optimal solution of the relaxation is
- Cutting plane algorithm:
- Relax the IP by removing the integrality constraint
- Run simplex on the resulting LP to get non-integral BFS
$\bar x$ - Select a constraint
$\sum a_i x_i = b_j$ where$b_j \not\in \Z$ - Construct cutting plane
$\sum \floor{a_i} x_i \leq \floor{b_j}$ - Add slack variable to turn into equality and append to LP (will have to run either two-phase simplex or dual simplex to find a new BFS)
Def (non-linear program)
$\min{f(x) : g_i(x) \leq 0}$ where$f, g_i : \R^n \to \R$ - IPs are just NLPs, so general NLP problem is even harder
- Feasible regions of NLPs can be disjoint and just all around awful
- Limit functions to being convex
- Limit feasible region to be convex to remove some of the awfulness
- Local optimal solutions of convex regions are globally optimal
- Apply simplex to some sort of reduction of the region
- Construct halfspaces of non-linear tight constraints based on gradients
$g(x) \leq 0$ becomes$\nabla g(\bar x) \leq 0$
Def (convex functions) For all
$a,b \in \R^n$ and$0 \leq \lambda \leq 1$ ,$f(\lambda a + (1-\lambda)b) \leq \lambda f(a) + (1-\lambda) f(b)$ . Equivalently, the line between points$f(a)$ and$f(b)$ lies above the curve
Example Show
$f : \R \to \R : x \mapsto x^2$ is convex- Let
$a,b \in \R$ and$0 \leq \lambda \leq 1$ - Then
$f(\lambda a + (1-\lambda)b) = (\lambda a + (1-\lambda)b)^2 = \lambda^2 a^2 + 2\lambda(1-\lambda)ab + (1-\lambda)^2b^2$ . - But
$(a-b)^2 = a^2 - 2ab + b^2 \geq 0$ so$2ab \geq a^2 + b^2$ - So we have
$\leq \lambda^2 a^2 + \lambda(1-\lambda)(a^2 + b^2) + (1-\lambda)^2b^2 = \lambda a^2 + (1-\lambda)b^2 = \lambda f(a) + (1-\lambda) f(b)$ as desired
- Let
Lem Convex functions:
$kx^n$ for even$n$ and positive$k$ - Affine functions
$c^\t x + \bar z$ - Positive linear combinations of convex functions
$\sum a_i f_i(x)$ with$a \geq \zero$
Def (epigraph) Set
${(x,r)^\t : x \in \R^n, r \in \R, r \geq f(x)}$ of points "above" the function -
$f$ is convex function if and only if the epigraph of$f$ is a convex set - Since constraints in NLPs have the form
$g_i(x) \leq 0$ , we can use convexity -
Prop If
$g : \R^n \to \R$ is a convex function,$S={x \in \R^n : g(x) \leq 0}$ is a convex set-
Proof Let
$a,b\in S$ and$0 \leq \lambda \leq 1$ . Then$g(a) \leq 0$ and$g(b) \leq 0$ . Since$g$ is convex,$g(\lambda a + (1-\lambda)b) = \lambda g(a) + (1-\lambda)g(b) \leq \lambda\cdot 0 + (1-\lambda)\cdot 0 = 0$ so the convex combination is in$S$ and$S$ is convex.
Proof Let
- In a convex NLP (i.e. all constraints
$g_i$ are convex), the feasible region is the intersection of convex sets, which is itself convex -
Def (relaxation) Enlargement of a feasible region, i.e., if
$R$ feasible region and$R'$ relaxation,$R \subset R'$ - If optimal solution
$\bar x \in R'$ , then it must be optimal for$R$
- If optimal solution
- Similar to IPs, define halfspaces that relax the feasible region
Def (subgradient)
$s \in \R^n$ normal vector to the boundary at a point, i.e.,$g(\bar x) + s^\t(x-\bar x) \leq g(x)$ for all$x \in \R^n$ - Since the LHS is just an affine function, this is a hyperplane beneath
$g(x)$ with equality at$x = \bar x$
- Since the LHS is just an affine function, this is a hyperplane beneath
Def (supporting halfspace)
${s^\t x \leq 0 : x \in \R^n} \supseteq {g(x) \leq 0 : x \in \R^n}$ for subgradient$s$ - Note: Supporting halfspaces only work with convex sets
$g : \R^2 \to \R : x \mapsto \frac14 x_1^2 + \frac14 x_2^2 - 1$ with$\bar x = (2,0)^\t$ -
$s = (2,0)^\t$ is a (unique) subgradient - The plane is
$s^\t (x - \bar x) = 2x_1 - 4 = 0$
$g : \R^2 \to \R : x \mapsto \abs{x_1} + \abs{x_2} - 2$ with$\bar x = (2,0)^\t$ - Multiple subgradients exist because
$\bar x$ is on a sharp edge - One is
$s = (1,0)^\t$ with$s^\t(x - \bar x) = x_1 - 2 = 0$ - Another is
$s = (1,\frac12)^t$ with$s^\t(x - \bar x) = x_1 + \frac12 x_2 - 2 = 0$ - In fact,
$s = (1,t)^\t$ is a subgradient for$-1 \leq t \leq 1$
- Multiple subgradients exist because
Def (supporting halfspace) For convex set
$C \subseteq\R^n$ and$\bar x \in C$ ,$F = {x \in \R^n : s^\t x \leq \beta}$ is a supporting halfspace of$C$ at$\bar x$ if$C \subseteq F$ and$s^\t \bar x = \beta$ ($\bar x$ is on the boundary of the halfspace)- Note: subgradients are normal vectors of supporting halfspaces
Thm For convex function
$g : \R^n \to \R$ ,$g(\bar x) = 0$ ,$s$ a subgradient of$g$ at$\bar x$ , and$C = {g(x) \leq 0}$ ,$F = {s^\t(x-\bar x)\leq 0}$ is a supporting halfspace of$C$ at$\bar x$ -
Proof (
$C \subseteq F$ ) If$g(x') \leq 0$ , then by definition of subgradients,$\underbrace{g(\bar x)}_{=0} + s^\t(x' - \bar x) \leq g(x') \leq 0$ . That is,$x' \in F$ . - (boundary) Plug in
$x = \bar x$ in$F$ ,$x^\t (\bar x - \bar x) = 0$ .
Proof (
Def (gradient) For differentiable function
$f : \R^n \to \R$ ,$\nabla f(x) = (\pdv{f}{x_1},\dotsc,\pdv{f}{x_n})^\t$ -
$\nabla f(\bar x)$ is a subgradient of$f$ at$\bar x$ -
$\min{-x_1 - x_2 : x_1^2 - 2x_2 - 4 \leq 0, -7x_1 + x_2^2 - 8 \leq 0, -x_1 - x_2 + 1 \leq 0}$ - Propose
$\bar x = (4,6)^\t$ is optimal. - Replace tight constraints (1) and (2) by supporting halfspaces:
- (1)
$g_1(x) = x_1^2 - 2x_2 - 4$ so$\nabla g_1(x) = (2x_1, -2)^\t$ and$\nabla g_1(\bar x) = (8,-2)^\t$ . Supporting halfspace$8x_1 - 2x_2 - 20 \leq 0$ - (2)
$g_2(x) = -7x_1 + x_2^2 - 8$ , so$\nabla g_2(x) = (-7, 2x_2)^\t$ and$\nabla g_1(\bar x) = (-7, 12)^\t$ . Supporting halfspace$-7x_1 + 12x_2 - 44 \leq 0$
- (1)
- Consider the LP
$\max\qty{(1,1)x : \mqty(8&-2\-7&12)x\leq\mqty(20\44)}$ . Optimal if$(1,1)^\t$ in cone of tight constraints, which it is. - Since LP is a relaxation and it is optimal,
$\bar x$ is optimal for the original NLP
- Propose
Prop For a convex NLP
$\min{c^\t x : g_i(x) \leq 0}$ and a feasible solution$\bar x$ , if$-c$ is in the cone generated by the subgradients at$\bar x$ of the tight constraints for$\bar x$ , then$\bar x$ is optimal. - Converse is almost true. Need extra condition and differentiability
Def (Slater point)
$x'$ where$g_i(x') < 0$ , i.e., points in the interior of feasible region -
Thm (Karush-Kuhn-Tucker) For NLP
$\min{f(x) : g_i(x) \leq 0}$ and feasible point$\bar x$ , if$f$ ,$g_i$ are all convex and differentiable at$\bar x$ and a Slater point exists, then$\bar x$ is optimal if and only if$-\nabla f(\bar x)$ is in the cone generated by$\nabla g_i(\bar x)$ over tight constraints$g_i$