if node.js is installed can install SASS using NPM:
npm install -g sass
- if not, can download from GitHub
Note: Detailed instructions here https://sass-lang.com/install
- Or try:
sudo apt install ruby-sass
- Check it installed correctly
sass --version
- Create your directories, an index.html file and a styles.scss. Note: styles.css will be created automatically on first --sass watch command but you can create it too if you'd like*
|-- index.html
|-- SCSS
|-- styles.scss
|-- styles.css
Navigate to directory with scss files
Run sass command with --watch tag
sass --watch input.scss output.css
(change input.scss to your scss file name ie styles.scss and output.css to style.css) Note: tells Sass to watch your source files for changes, and re-compiles CSS each time you save your Sass -
You should now get this in your terminal:
Compiled styles.scss to styles.css. Sass is watching for changes. Press Ctrl-C to stop.
Note: a style.css.map file will be created in your SASS directory
Note: the styles.scss file is now where you will do all your edits! 😂
- Now, you can create your partials (ie variables file _variables.scss) and @import to your styles.scss file