This document describes TODOs and checklists in order to release Robot Web Tool javascript modules(roslibjs, ros2djs, ros3djs).
1. Generate CHANGELOG using github-changelog-generator
docker run -it --rm -v "$(pwd)":/usr/local/src/your-app githubchangeloggenerator/github-changelog-generator -u robotwebtools -p <PACKAGE_NAME> --usernames-as-github-logins --simple-list --no-issues --date-format "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M %z" -t <YOUR_GITHUB_TOKEN>
- Version bump in package.json, bower.json, and in the main file. e.g) RosLib.js
- Tag the version
Publish the module. We publish in the global scope.
npm publish
Hosted via the JsDelivr CDN, which takes it directly from the repo.
- Create a new GitHub release based on the new git tag.
- Add the version number as release title (Without leading
). - Let GitHub auto-generate the Changelog
- Mark
Set as latest release
- Publish release
The JSdocs are update automatically by GitHub Actions config. The GitHub release created above, will trigger this run. The docs are hosted in their own repository at the gh-pages
branch should represent the latest release.
- Create a PR against
- Do Rebase and merge to have the same history as