- functions added to capital market (fno_index_list)
- Issue fix with fetching previous day if holiday
- trading_holiday_calendar issue fixed
- index_data function issue fixes
- major nseindia api fixes
- nseindia api fixes
- nseindia data path changed
- functions added to capital market (var_begin_day, var_1st_intra_day, var_2nd_intra_day, var_3rd_intra_day, var_4th_intra_day, var_end_of_day, sme_bhav_copy, sme_band_complete, week_52_high_low_report)
- Code changes as per new NSE data changes. fixes all bugs
- Now we can get the Derivative bhav copy from 2008 on wards
- Functions added (market_watch_all_indices, fii_dii_trading_activity)
- Functions added (india_vix_data, index_data, expiry_dates_future, expiry_dates_option_index, nse_live_option_chain, fii_derivatives_statistics)
- Functions added (equity_list, fno_equity_list, nifty50_equity_list)
- Issue Fixes
- Library's first look published
- Initial structure of the library published