First I brought up the documentation from the following websites:
Then I broke down the event names in BigQuery by using the following SQL:
group by 1
order by 1
Big Query - Exploratory code - 0 List event_name Output:
event_name |
add_payment_info |
add_shipping_info |
add_to_cart |
begin_checkout |
click |
first_visit |
page_view |
purchase |
scroll |
select_item |
select_promotion |
session_start |
user_engagement |
view_item |
view_item_list |
view_promotion |
view_search_results |
-- Purpose: Explore avenues to increase revenue by improving traffic flow through different mediums
-- With more time:
-- Further breakdown by continent/country/geolocation etc
-- Deeper dive per medium. Exactly where is the traffic coming from?
--format percentages to 3 sig fig
create temp function toPercentage(number float64) as (round(100*number + 0.0005, 2));
--format floats to 3 sig fig
create temp function to3SF(number float64) as (round(number + 0.0005, 2));
-- Clean up
case when traffic_source.medium = 'referral' then 'Referral' -- See
when traffic_source.medium = 'organic' then 'Organic'
when traffic_source.medium = 'cpc' then 'Paid search (CPC)'
when traffic_source.medium = '<Other>' then 'UNKNOWN'
when traffic_source.medium = '(none)' then 'Direct' -- compared to to find this
when traffic_source.medium = '(data deleted)' then 'UNKNOWN'
else traffic_source.medium
end as medium,
-- Total views
count(case when event_name = 'view_item' then 1 else null end) as total_views,
-- Total revenue in USD
sum(case when event_name = 'purchase' then items.item_revenue_in_usd else null end) as total_revenue_usd,
-- Revenue per view
sum(case when event_name = 'purchase' then items.item_revenue else null end)/count(case when event_name = 'view_item' then 1 else null end)
) as rev_per_view,
-- Percentage of views that resulted in a purchase
count(distinct case when event_name = 'purchase' then user_pseudo_id else null end)/
count(distinct case when event_name = 'view_item' then user_pseudo_id else null end)
) as percent_views2purchase,
-- Percentage of views that resulted in items being added to cart
count(distinct case when event_name = 'add_to_cart' then user_pseudo_id else null end)/
count(distinct case when event_name = 'view_item' then user_pseudo_id else null end)
) as percent_views2cart,
count(distinct case when event_name = 'purchase' then user_pseudo_id else null end)/
count(distinct case when event_name = 'add_to_cart' then user_pseudo_id else null end)
) as percent_cart2purchase,
-- Total USD of items added to cart but not purchased
sum(case when event_name = 'add_to_cart' then items.price else null end) - sum(case when event_name = 'purchase' then items.item_revenue else null end) as add2cart_not_purchased,
from `bigquery-public-data.ga4_obfuscated_sample_ecommerce.events_*`,
unnest(items) as items
-- where _table_suffix between '20210101' and '20210105' -- small processing size for testing
group by medium
order by rev_per_view DESC;
-- ################
-- # Redundant code
-- ################
-- -- Total number of items purchased
-- sum(case when event_name = 'purchase' then items.quantity else null end) as items_purchased,
-- -- Total number of transactions
-- count(case when event_name = 'purchase' then ecommerce.transaction_id else null end) as total_transactions,
-- -- Total number of times items were added to cart
-- count(case when event_name = 'add_to_cart' then 1 else null end) as total_carts,
-- -- Total revenue in USD
-- sum(case when event_name = 'purchase' then items.item_revenue else null end) as total_revenue_usd,
BigQuery - Analysis 1 - Traffic Mediums
-- Purpose:
-- To determine which products have the highest view:buy ratio
-- Possible recommendations for high view:buy ratios:
-- MKTG/SALES: Ad campaigns for specific products
-- IT(Webdevs)/MKTG: More visibility for popular products on site
-- Possible recommendations for low view:buy ratios:
-- MKTG/SALES/Finance: Research product popularity vs production costs - Continued production worthit?
-- Improvements that could be made to the dataset:
-- Removal of discontinued products from table (as no relavence to purpose)
-- Ideas/additions for visualisation:
-- Add item categories, useful for interactive dashboards - "zoom" into different views, IE high level summary via categories vs individual breakdown of each item
-- format floats to 3 sig fig
create temp function to3SF(number float64) as (round(number + 0.0005, 2));
with table_view2buy as(
count(case when event_name = 'view_item' then 1 else null end) as unique_views,
count(case when event_name = 'purchase' then 1 else null end) as unique_buys,
-- total revenue
sum(case when event_name = 'purchase' then items.item_revenue_in_usd else null end)
) as total_revenue_usd,
-- View to buy ratio
case when count(case when event_name = 'view_item' then user_pseudo_id else null end) = 0 then 0 -- prevent div by 0 error
count(distinct case when event_name = 'purchase' then user_pseudo_id else null end)/
count(distinct case when event_name = 'view_item' then user_pseudo_id else null end)
) as ratio_view2buy,
unnest (items) as items -- required for calling columns in the items record
-- where _table_suffix between '20201101' and '20201225' -- XMAS Period -
-- where _table_suffix between '20201225' and '20210131' -- POST XMAS Period -
group by
order by
ratio_view2buy DESC
item_name, unique_views, unique_buys, total_revenue_usd, ratio_view2buy
item_name != "(not set)"
BigQuery - Analysis 2 - View2Buy ratios
This analysis is comprised of 2 sql queries and some python code. The purpose of each piece of code has been included in the code
-- Purpose: To yeild statistical data per transaction. Ie average transaction size, average revenue per transaction etc
with transactions as(
sum(ecommerce.total_item_quantity) as total_item_quantity,
sum(ecommerce.unique_items) as unique_items,
sum(ecommerce.purchase_revenue_in_usd) as purchase_revenue_in_usd,
event_name = 'purchase'
group by transaction_id)
transaction_id, total_item_quantity, unique_items, purchase_revenue_in_usd
transaction_id != "(not set)"
BigQuery - Analysis 3.1 - Transaction process
-- Purpose: To provide trend analysis over the course of the 3 months this dataset provided
-- Reasoning: Having previously recognised and commented on the volitiliy of this timeframe, XMAS + COVID, I thought I'd kill 2 birds with 1 stone by:
-- 1 Proving it
-- 2 Using it as part of the given task to increase top line revenue
with transactions as(
sum(ecommerce.total_item_quantity) as total_item_quantity,
sum(ecommerce.unique_items) as unique_items,
sum(ecommerce.purchase_revenue_in_usd) as purchase_revenue_in_usd,
event_name = 'purchase'
group by event_date)
event_date, total_item_quantity, unique_items, purchase_revenue_in_usd
event_date != "(not set)"
order by
BigQuery - Analysis 3.2 - Transaction process
!pip install pandas_bokeh # Required for pd.set_option below
import pandas as pd # Handle dataframes
from bokeh.plotting import figure, show, output_notebook # Beautiful & Interactive dashboards via bokeh, see if interested
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') # Suppress nuisance messages
output_notebook() # Required for .ipynb display
pd.set_option('plotting.backend', 'pandas_bokeh') # Change pandas plotting backend to use pandas_bokeh. No need to import library, just needs to be installed
# Create a cleaned dataframe for bokeh plot:
revenue_over_time = results.copy() # Preserve results data
revenue_over_time["event_date"] = pd.to_datetime(revenue_over_time["event_date"], format='%Y%m%d') # Reformat date column to date_time
revenue_over_time = revenue_over_time[["event_date","purchase_revenue_in_usd"]].set_index("event_date") # group by 2 columns of interest & set index to date
revenue_over_time.head(3) # Quick review of changes
event_date | purchase_revenue_in_usd |
2020-11-01 00:00:00 | 773.0 |
2020-11-02 00:00:00 | 4789.0 |
2020-11-03 00:00:00 | 3313.0 |
# Create dashboard widget
fig = revenue_over_time.plot_bokeh.line(
zooming=True, # Enable zoom interactivity by default
title = "Trend analysis over Christmas period, 01 Nov 2020 to 31 Jan 2021",
toolbar_location = "left",
legend = "top_left",
ylabel = "Revenue in USD",
xlabel = "Event Date",
vertical_xlabel=True # Set labels to vertical for cleaner graph