diff --git a/sormas-api/src/main/resources/descriptions_pl-PL.properties b/sormas-api/src/main/resources/descriptions_pl-PL.properties
index a78dd66852f..40d83dd705f 100644
--- a/sormas-api/src/main/resources/descriptions_pl-PL.properties
+++ b/sormas-api/src/main/resources/descriptions_pl-PL.properties
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ descContactOnlyWithReducedQuarantine = Only list contacts whose quarantine perio
 descContactIncludeContactsFromOtherJurisdictions = Include all contacts from other jurisdictions that you have access to, e.g. because you created them or their source case is in your jurisdiction
 descGdpr = Reminder\: All comments entered must comply with GDPR rules as described during connection.
 discardDescription = Discards any unsaved changes
+birthdateFilterPartialMatchDescription = If checked the search will include also the persons that have incomplete birthdate and have only higher level match eg. only year or only year and month
 # EpiData
 EpiData.bats = Did you have contact with live or dead bats or their excreta during the incubation period?