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Disease Configuration Options

Martin Wahnschaffe edited this page Jun 29, 2022 · 12 revisions

Important: At this point only diseases that are already defined in SORMAS can be configured. The configuration is done in the diseaseconfiguration database table. This table will automatically be filled with an entry for each disease after the server is started. This is also automatically done when new diseases are added to SORMAS.

The following fields can be configured. If a field is not in defined the default value will be used.

  • Boolean active: Defines whether the disease is used in SORMAS at all. E.g. it's possible to use SORMAS only for a single disease by disabling all other diseases.
  • Boolean primaryDisease: Primary diseases can be selected when creating a case or contact. Secondary diseases are currently only used for pathogen tests.
  • Boolean caseBased: Is the disease used for case based surveillance or for aggregated reporting?
  • Boolean followUpEnabled: Defines whether follow-up visits are done for cases and contacts of the disease.
  • Integer followUpDuration: Defines a follow-up duration in days to automatically calculate the follow-up until date for contacts.
  • Integer caseFollowUpDuration: Defines a follow-up duration in days to automatically calculate the follow-up until date for cases.
  • Integer eventParticipantFollowUpDuration: Defines a follow-up duration in days to automatically calculate the follow-up until date for event participants.
  • Boolean extendedClassification: Use dedicated fields for clinical, epidemilogical and laboratory confirmation to classify a case.
  • Boolean extendedClassificationMulti: Only relevant when extendedClassification is used. When this is set to false another field called "basis for confirmation" is used to define which of the three confirmation fields is relevant for the classification.
  • String ageGroupsString: Only relevant for primary disease that are not case-based. Define age groups to be used for aggregated reporting, as described below.

Age group formatting

Each age group is defined using the following format:


xA: is the "from" age as a combination of number and age type (D: days, M: months, Y: years)
yB: is the "to" age (both inclusive). The yB can be left out to define an open-end age group.


  • 0D_28D: "0-28 days"
  • 29D_2M: "29 days - 2 months"
  • 3M_12M: "3-12 months"
  • 1Y_4Y: "1-4 years"
  • 5Y_15Y: "5-15 years"
  • 16Y: "16+ years"

The values are comma-separated. An example of the ageGroupsString for a disease would accordingly look like this:

0D_28D, 29D_2M, 3M_12M, 1Y_4Y, 5Y_15Y, 16Y

The SQL to define this for Cholera:

UPDATE diseaseconfiguration SET primarydisease=true, casebased=false, agegroups='0D_28D, 29D_2M, 3M_12M, 1Y_4Y, 5Y_15Y, 16Y' WHERE disease = 'CHOLERA';