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An i3lock-color Wrapper Script That Reads Colors Directly From Xresources!


Because i3lock-color looks ugly out of the box, and there are like a billion options you need to set if you actually want it to look decent


Gruvbox Nordic


Manual Installation

  • install i3lock-color (obviously), and xgetres (both available in the AUR)
  • clone this repository:
git clone
  • copy the executable file to whereever you keep your executables (/usr/local/bin, ~/.local/bin, etc.)


This script is available in the Arch User Repository, so if you're using an Arch based distro you can install it with your favorite AUR helper (paru, yay, etc.)

paru -S blurlocker


You can just run blurlocker, and it will just work!

However, there's an option you might want to use, the -n option:

blurlocker -n

This will allow you to blur the locker window using a compositor that supports blur like picom-ibhagwan, this can be useful as it gets rid of the slight delay between running the script and locking the screen.

picom-ibhagwan Example Configuration File

blur-method             = "kawase";
blur-kern               = "3x3box";
blur-strength           = 5;

# this line disables blur on all other programs that aren't the lock screen
blur-background-exclude = [ "class_g != 'i3lock'" ];

You can add or change options as you see fit