The Kubernetes Steering Committee is the governing body of the Kubernetes project, providing decision-making and oversight pertaining to the Kubernetes project bylaws, sub-organizations, and financial planning. The Steering Committee also defines the project values and structure.
The charter defines the scope and governance of the Steering Committee.
- Public Steering Committee Meeting: Wednesdays at 13:00 PT (Pacific Time) (biweekly). Convert to your timezone.
- Brian Grant (@bgrant0607), Google
- Brendan Burns (@brendandburns), Microsoft
- Derek Carr (@derekwaynecarr), Red Hat
- Davanum Srinivas (@dims), Huawei
- Joe Beda (@jbeda), VMware
- Michelle Noorali (@michelleN), Microsoft
- Brandon Philips (@philips), Red Hat
- Phillip Wittrock (@pwittrock), Google
- Sarah Novotny (@sarahnovotny), Google
- Clayton Coleman (@smarterclayton), Red Hat
- Aaron Crickenberger (@spiffxp), Google
- Timothy St. Clair (@timothysc), VMware
- Mailing list
- Private Mailing List: [email protected]
- Open Community Issues/PRs
The following subprojects are owned by the Steering Committee:
- steering
- Description: Steering Committee policy and documentation
- Owners:
- kubernetes-template-project
- Description: Template for starting new projects in the GitHub organizations owned by Kubernetes.
- Owners:
- spartakus
- Description: Collection of usage information about Kubernetes clusters.
- Owners:
The below teams can be mentioned on issues and PRs in order to get attention from the right people. Note that the links to display team membership will only work if you are a member of the org.
Team Name | Details | Description |
@kubernetes/steering-committee | link | General Discussion |