Input is text input component
- name: name
- text: default text or any text changed by user
- labelText: text of input's label
- labelSize: size of label text (pixel)
- prefixSize: prefix text's size (pixel)
- suffixSize: suffix text's size (pixel)
- iconSize: icon's size (pixel)
- hint: the text when input empty shown, like placeholder in HTML
- align: text align of input
- margin: margin
- prefix: text of prefix
- suffix : text of suffix
- size: size of text (pixel)
- icon : icon of input
- iconColor : icon's color
- labelColor : label's color
- iconSize: icon's size (pixel)
- color : color of text
- bgColor : background color
- borderColor : border's color
- borderFocusedColor :border's color when input on focus
- borderDisableColor : border's color when input is disable
- cursorColor : cursor's solor
- suffixColor: color or prefix's text
- prefixColor: color or suffix's text
- outlined : is full border for input
- readonly: read only status
- password: password (show bullet instead text)
- enabled: enabled component (uncheck it to disable component)
- autocorrcet: autocorrcet status
- keyboardType: keyboard type, like number, tel, email or etc.
- maxLine: max text lines count
- weight: weight font of input's text
- font: font of input, (it's not work right now)
- onChanged : event run when changed text of input
- onTap : event run when tap on input
- onFocused : event run when focus input
- onBlur : event run when lose focus input
- hide: hiding component (if you check it, the component hiding)