User is a microservice that is responsible for User Logins and Registrations Service in RobotShop e-commerce portal.
Developer has chosen NodeJs, Check with developer which version of NodeJS is needed. Developer has set a context that it can work with NodeJS >18
Install NodeJS, By default NodeJS 10 is available, We would like to enable 18 version and install list.
you can list modules by using dnf module list
dnf module disable nodejs -y
dnf module enable nodejs:18 -y
Install NodeJS
dnf install nodejs -y
Configure the application.
Add application User
useradd roboshop
Lets setup an app directory.
mkdir /app
Download the application code to created app directory.
curl -L -o /tmp/
cd /app
unzip /tmp/
Every application is developed by development team will have some common softwares that they use as libraries. This application also have the same way of defined dependencies in the application configuration.
Lets download the dependencies.
cd /app
npm install
We need to setup a new service in systemd so systemctl can manage this service
Setup SystemD User Service
vim /etc/systemd/system/user.service
Description = User Service
ExecStart=/bin/node /app/server.js
Load the service.
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable user
systemctl start user
For the application to work fully functional we need to load schema to the Database. Then
NOTE: Schemas are usually part of application code and developer will provide them as part of development.
We need to load the schema. To load schema we need to install mongodb client.
To have it installed we can setup MongoDB repo and install mongodb-client
vim /etc/yum.repos.d/mongo.repo
name=MongoDB Repository
dnf install mongodb-org-shell -y
Load Schema
mongo --host MONGODB-SERVER-IPADDRESS </app/schema/user.js