File tree
4,498 files changed
lines changed- vendor
- PuerkitoBio
- purell
- benchmarks
- urlesc
- Sirupsen/logrus
- hooks
- syslog
- test
- davecgh/go-spew
- spew
- testdata
- emicklei/go-restful
- examples
- google_app_engine
- datastore
- msgpack
- fsnotify/fsnotify
- .github
- ghodss/yaml
- go-openapi
- jsonpointer
- .github
- jsonreference
- .github
- spec
- .github
- fixtures
- expansion
- local_expansion
- specs
- deeper
- schemas
- v2
- swag
- .github
- gogo/protobuf
- _conformance
- conformance_proto
- codec
- gogoproto
- gogoreplace
- io
- jsonpb
- jsonpb_test_proto
- plugin
- compare
- defaultcheck
- description
- embedcheck
- enumstringer
- equal
- face
- gostring
- marshalto
- oneofcheck
- populate
- size
- stringer
- testgen
- union
- unmarshal
- proto
- proto3_proto
- testdata
- protobuf
- google/protobuf
- compiler
- protoc-gen-combo
- protoc-gen-gofast
- protoc-gen-gogo
- descriptor
- generator
- grpc
- plugin
- testdata
- multi
- my_test
- protoc-gen-gogofast
- protoc-gen-gogofaster
- protoc-gen-gogoslick
- protoc-gen-gogotypes
- protoc-gen-gostring
- protoc-min-version
- test
- asymetric-issue125
- casttype
- combos
- both
- marshaler
- neither
- unmarshaler
- castvalue
- combos
- both
- marshaler
- unmarshaler
- combos
- both
- marshaler
- unmarshaler
- custom
- custom-dash-type
- custombytesnonstruct
- dashfilename
- data
- defaultconflict
- embedconflict
- empty-issue70
- enumcustomname
- enumdecl
- enumdecl_all
- enumprefix
- enumstringer
- example
- filedotname
- fuzztests
- group
- importdedup
- subpkg
- indeximport-issue72
- index
- int64support
- issue260
- issue261
- issue262
- issue312
- events
- issue322
- issue330
- issue34
- issue42order
- issue8
- jsonpb-gogo
- mapdefaults
- combos
- both
- marshaler
- neither
- unmarshaler
- mapsproto2
- combos
- both
- marshaler
- neither
- unmarshaler
- mixbench
- moredefaults
- nopackage
- oneof
- combos
- both
- marshaler
- neither
- unmarshaler
- oneof3
- combos
- both
- marshaler
- neither
- unmarshaler
- oneofembed
- packed
- proto3extension
- protosize
- registration
- required
- sizerconflict
- sizeunderscore
- stdtypes
- tags
- theproto3
- combos
- both
- marshaler
- neither
- unmarshaler
- typedecl
- typedecl_all
- typedeclimport
- subpkg
- types
- combos
- both
- marshaler
- neither
- unmarshaler
- unmarshalmerge
- unrecognized
- unrecognizedgroup
- types
- vanity
- command
- test
- fast
- faster
- gofast
- slick
- version
- golang
- glog
- protobuf
- _conformance
- conformance_proto
- descriptor
- jsonpb
- jsonpb_test_proto
- proto
- proto3_proto
- testdata
- protoc-gen-go
- descriptor
- generator
- grpc
- plugin
- testdata
- multi
- my_test
- ptypes
- empty
- struct
- wrappers
- google
- btree
- go-querystring
- query
- gofuzz
- googleapis/gnostic
- OpenAPIv3
- schema-generator
- apps
- disco
- petstore-builder
- report
- discovery
- examples
- errors
- v2.0
- json
- petstore-separate
- common
- spec
- yaml
- petstore-separate
- common
- spec
- v3.0
- json
- yaml
- extensions
- sample
- generate-gnostic
- test
- errors
- jsonschema
- jsonwriter
- plugins
- gnostic-analyze
- statistics
- summarize
- gnostic-go-generator
- examples
- googleauth
- v2.0
- apis_guru
- bookstore
- service
- xkcd
- v3.0
- bookstore
- service
- urlshortener
- gnostic-summary
- gnostic-swift-generator
- Sources
- Gnostic
- gnostic-swift-generator
- examples/bookstore
- Sources/Server
- Tests
- BookstoreTests
- gnostic-swift-sample
- Sources
- Gnostic
- gnostic-swift-sample
- printer
- surface
- test
- errors
- v2.0
- yaml
- petstore-separate/spec
- v3.0
- tools
- format-schema
- j2y2j
- gregjones/httpcache
- diskcache
- leveldbcache
- memcache
- redis
- hashicorp
- golang-lru
- simplelru
- hcl
- .github
- hcl
- ast
- fmtcmd
- test-fixtures
- parser
- test-fixtures
- printer
- testdata
- scanner
- strconv
- test-fixtures
- token
- json
- parser
- test-fixtures
- scanner
- test-fixtures
- token
- test-fixtures
- testhelper
- howeyc/gopass
- imdario/mergo
- testdata
- json-iterator/go
- extra
- output_tests
- array
- array
- bool
- byte
- float64
- int32
- ptr_string
- string
- uint8
- bool
- byte
- float64
- int32
- map
- int32_string
- string_string
- ptr_bool
- ptr_float64
- ptr_int32
- ptr_map
- int32_string
- string_string
- ptr_slice
- bool
- byte
- float64
- int32
- ptr_string
- string
- uint8
- ptr_string
- ptr_struct_various
- ptr_uint8
- slice
- bool
- byte
- float64
- int32
- ptr_string
- string
- uint8
- string
- struct_empty
- struct_empty_alias
- struct_ptr_string
- struct_various
- uint8
- builtins
- bool
- bool_alias
- byte
- byte_alias
- float32
- float32_alias
- float64
- float64_alias
- int16
- int16_alias
- int32
- int32_alias
- int64
- int8
- int8_alias
- string
- string_alias
- uint16
- uint16_alias
- uint32
- uint32_alias
- uint8
- uint8_alias
- uintptr
- caseless_unmarshal
- json_marshal
- string_alias
- struct
- struct_alias
- struct_field
- struct_field_alias
- map
- int16/string
- int32/string
- int64/string
- int8/string
- string
- array_string
- bool
- byte
- float64
- int32
- map_string_string
- ptr_array_string
- ptr_bool
- ptr_float64
- ptr_int32
- ptr_map_string_string
- ptr_slice_string
- ptr_string
- ptr_struct_various
- ptr_uint8
- slice_string
- string
- string_alias
- struct_empty
- struct_empty_alias
- struct_ptr_string
- struct_various
- uint8
- string_alias
- string
- string_alias
- uint16/string
- uint32/string
- uint8/string
- map_key_text_marshal
- string_alias
- struct
- partial_unmarshal
- slice
- array
- bool
- byte
- float64
- int32
- ptr_string
- string
- uint8
- bool
- byte
- float64
- int32
- int64
- map
- int32_string
- string_string
- ptr_array
- bool
- byte
- float64
- int32
- ptr_string
- string
- uint8
- ptr_bool
- ptr_float64
- ptr_int32
- ptr_map
- int32_string
- string_string
- ptr_slice
- bool
- byte
- float64
- int32
- ptr_string
- string
- uint8
- ptr_string
- ptr_struct_various
- ptr_uint8
- slice
- bool
- byte
- float64
- int32
- ptr_string
- string
- uint8
- string
- struct_empty
- struct_empty_alias
- struct_ptr_string
- struct_various
- uint8
- struct
- alias
- anonymous
- no_overlap
- float64
- int32
- json_marshal
- map_string_string
- ptr_float64
- ptr_int32
- ptr_map_string_string
- ptr_slice_string
- ptr_string
- ptr_struct_various
- slice_string
- string
- string_with_tag
- struct_various
- text_marshal
- overlap
- different_levels
- ignore_deeper_level
- same_level_1_both_tagged
- same_level_1_no_tags
- same_level_1_tagged
- same_level_2_both_tagged
- same_level_2_no_tags
- same_level_2_tagged
- array
- ptr_string
- string
- string_alias
- strings
- struct_strings
- empty
- empty_alias
- everything
- float64
- float64_alias
- float64s
- float64s_alias
- int32
- int32_alias
- int32s
- int32s_alias
- int64
- map
- int32_ptr_string
- int32_string
- int32_struct_strings
- string_ptr_string
- string_string
- string_struct_strings
- ptr_float64
- ptr_float64_alias
- ptr_int32
- ptr_int32_alias
- ptr_ptr_struct_empty
- ptr_ptr_struct_strings
- ptr_string
- ptr_string_alias
- ptr_struct_empty
- ptr_struct_strings
- ptrs_float64
- ptrs_int32
- ptrs_string
- slice
- ptr_string
- string
- string_alias
- strings
- struct_strings
- string
- string_alias
- strings
- strings_alias
- struct
- empties
- empty
- empty_alias
- float32s
- float64
- float64_alias
- int32s
- strings
- strings_alias
- struct_tags
- fieldname
- embedded
- string
- struct
- omitempty
- bool
- embedded
- float32
- int32
- map_string_string
- ptr_bool
- ptr_float32
- ptr_int32
- ptr_map_string_string
- ptr_slice_string
- ptr_string
- string
- ptr_string_json_marshal
- ptr_string_text_marshal
- ptr_struct_json_marshal
- ptr_struct_text_marshal
- ptr_uint32
- slice_string
- string
- string_json_marshal
- string_text_marshal
- struct
- struct_json_marshal
- struct_text_marshal
- uint32
- string
- bool
- byte
- float32
- float64
- int16
- int32
- int8
- string
- uint16
- uint32
- uint8
- text_marshal
- string_alias
- struct
- struct_alias
- struct_field
- struct_field_alias
- skip_tests
- array
- number
- object
- string
- juju/ratelimit
- magiconair/properties
- assert
- mailru/easyjson
- benchmark
- bootstrap
- buffer
- easyjson
- gen
- jlexer
- jwriter
- opt
- optional
- parser
- tests
- mitchellh/mapstructure
- nlopes/slack
- examples
- channels
- files
- groups
- messages
- pins
- reactions
- stars
- team
- users
- websocket
- pelletier/go-toml
- cmd
- tomljson
- tomll
- query
- petar/GoLLRB
- doc
- example
- llrb
- peterbourgon/diskv
- examples
- content-addressable-store
- super-simple-store
- spf13
- afero
- mem
- sftpfs
- cast
- cobra
- cobra
- cmd
- testdata
- doc
- jwalterweatherman
- pflag
- verify
- viper
- remote
- tbruyelle/hipchat-go
- examples
- hipfile
- hiplol
- hipshow
- hiptail
- hipwebhooks
- hipchat
- crypto
- acme
- autocert
- argon2
- bcrypt
- blake2b
- blake2s
- blowfish
- bn256
- cast5
- chacha20poly1305
- cryptobyte
- asn1
- curve25519
- ed25519
- internal/edwards25519
- testdata
- hkdf
- internal/chacha20
- md4
- nacl
- auth
- box
- secretbox
- ocsp
- openpgp
- armor
- clearsign
- elgamal
- errors
- packet
- s2k
- otr
- pbkdf2
- pkcs12
- internal/rc2
- poly1305
- ripemd160
- salsa20
- salsa
- scrypt
- sha3
- testdata
- ssh
- agent
- knownhosts
- terminal
- test
- testdata
- tea
- twofish
- xtea
- xts
- net
- bpf
- testdata
- context
- ctxhttp
- dict
- dns/dnsmessage
- html
- atom
- charset
- testdata
- testdata
- webkit
- scripted
- http/httpproxy
- http2
- h2demo
- h2i
- hpack
- testdata
- icmp
- idna
- internal
- iana
- nettest
- socket
- timeseries
- ipv4
- ipv6
- lex/httplex
- lif
- nettest
- netutil
- proxy
- publicsuffix
- route
- trace
- webdav
- internal/xml
- websocket
- xsrftoken
- sys
- plan9
- unix
- linux
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
4,498 files changed
lines changed+1-5
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12 | 12 |
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13 | 13 |
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14 | 14 |
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15 |
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16 |
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17 |
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18 |
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19 |
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20 | 16 |
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21 | 17 |
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22 | 18 |
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This file was deleted.
This file was deleted.
0 commit comments