(this.root = ref)}\r\n tabIndex={disabled ? '-1' : '0'}\r\n onFocus={this.onFocus}\r\n onBlur={this.onBlur}\r\n onKeyDown={this.handleKeyDown}\r\n onClick={this.handleClick}\r\n title={!this.state.itemsLength ? 'Nothing to show' : ''}\r\n style={{\r\n cursor: disabled ? 'not-allowed' : 'pointer',\r\n color: disabled ? palette.disabledColor : palette.textColor,\r\n ...style\r\n }}\r\n >\r\n\r\n
\r\n {this.state.showAutocomplete &&\r\n (this.searchTextField = ref)}\r\n value={this.state.searchText}\r\n hintText={hintTextAutocomplete}\r\n onChange={this.handleTextFieldAutocompletionFiltering}\r\n onKeyDown={this.handleTextFieldKeyDown}\r\n style={{ marginLeft: 16, marginBottom: 5, width: menuWidth - (16 * 2) }}\r\n underlineStyle={autocompleteUnderlineStyle}\r\n underlineFocusStyle={autocompleteUnderlineFocusStyle}\r\n autoFocus\r\n />\r\n }\r\n (this.menu = ref)}\r\n onKeyDown={this.handleMenuKeyDown}\r\n style={{ width: menuWidth, ...menuStyle }}\r\n >\r\n {menuItems.length\r\n ? \r\n {menuItems}\r\n \r\n : \r\n }\r\n
\r\n {multiple &&\r\n \r\n }\r\n \r\n\r\n
\r\n )\r\n }\r\n}\r\n\r\nSelectField.contextTypes = {\r\n muiTheme: PropTypes.object.isRequired\r\n}\r\nSelectField.propTypes = selectFieldTypes\r\nSelectField.defaultProps = selectFieldDefaultProps\r\n\r\nexport default SelectField\r\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/SuperSelectField.js","\"use strict\";\n\nObject.defineProperty(exports, \"__esModule\", {\n value: true\n});\nexports.default = {\n iconSize: 24,\n\n desktopGutter: 24,\n desktopGutterMore: 32,\n desktopGutterLess: 16,\n desktopGutterMini: 8,\n desktopKeylineIncrement: 64,\n desktopDropDownMenuItemHeight: 32,\n desktopDropDownMenuFontSize: 15,\n desktopDrawerMenuItemHeight: 48,\n desktopSubheaderHeight: 48,\n desktopToolbarHeight: 56\n};\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/material-ui/styles/spacing.js\n// module id = MQn0\n// module chunks = 0","// fallback for non-array-like ES3 and non-enumerable old V8 strings\nvar cof = require('./_cof');\n// eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins\nmodule.exports = Object('z').propertyIsEnumerable(0) ? Object : function (it) {\n return cof(it) == 'String' ? it.split('') : Object(it);\n};\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/core-js/library/modules/_iobject.js\n// module id = MU5D\n// module chunks = 0","// check on default Array iterator\nvar Iterators = require('./_iterators');\nvar ITERATOR = require('./_wks')('iterator');\nvar ArrayProto = Array.prototype;\n\nmodule.exports = function (it) {\n return it !== undefined && (Iterators.Array === it || ArrayProto[ITERATOR] === it);\n};\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/core-js/library/modules/_is-array-iter.js\n// module id = Mhyx\n// module chunks = 0","// 7.1.1 ToPrimitive(input [, PreferredType])\nvar isObject = require('./_is-object');\n// instead of the ES6 spec version, we didn't implement @@toPrimitive case\n// and the second argument - flag - preferred type is a string\nmodule.exports = function (it, S) {\n if (!isObject(it)) return it;\n var fn, val;\n if (S && typeof (fn = it.toString) == 'function' && !isObject(val = fn.call(it))) return val;\n if (typeof (fn = it.valueOf) == 'function' && !isObject(val = fn.call(it))) return val;\n if (!S && typeof (fn = it.toString) == 'function' && !isObject(val = fn.call(it))) return val;\n throw TypeError(\"Can't convert object to primitive value\");\n};\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/core-js/library/modules/_to-primitive.js\n// module id = MmMw\n// module chunks = 0","import propTypes from 'prop-types'\r\nimport { checkFormat } from '../utils'\r\n\r\nconst { shape, arrayOf, func, oneOf, oneOfType, any, node, object, string, number, bool } = propTypes\r\n\r\nexport const floatingLabelTypes = {\r\n shrink: bool\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport const selectionsPresenterTypes = {\r\n selectionsRenderer: func,\r\n hintText: string,\r\n errorText: string,\r\n errorStyle: object,\r\n underlineErrorStyle: object\r\n}\r\n\r\nexport const selectFieldTypes = {\r\n anchorOrigin: shape({\r\n vertical: oneOf(['top', 'bottom']),\r\n horizontal: oneOf(['left', 'right'])\r\n }),\r\n style: object,\r\n menuStyle: object,\r\n menuGroupStyle: object,\r\n checkPosition: oneOf(['', 'left', 'right']),\r\n checkedIcon: node,\r\n unCheckedIcon: node,\r\n hoverColor: string,\r\n // children can be either:\r\n // an html element with a required 'value' property, and optional label prop,\r\n // an optgroup with valid children (same as bove case),\r\n // an array of either valid chidlren, or of optgroups hosting valid children\r\n children: oneOfType([\r\n shape({\r\n value: any.isRequired,\r\n label: string\r\n }),\r\n (props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName) => {\r\n const pp = props[propName]\r\n if (pp.type === 'optgroup' && pp.props.children) {\r\n if (Array.isArray(pp.props.children)) {\r\n for (let child of pp.props.children) {\r\n if (!child.props.value) {\r\n return new Error(`\r\n Missing required property 'value' for '${propFullName}' supplied to '${componentName} ${props.name}'.\r\n Validation failed.`\r\n )\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else if (typeof pp.props.children === 'object' && !pp.props.children.props.value) {\r\n return new Error(`\r\n Missing required property 'value' for '${propFullName}' supplied to '${componentName} ${props.name}'.\r\n Validation failed.`\r\n )\r\n }\r\n }\r\n },\r\n arrayOf((props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName) => {\r\n if (props[propName].type !== 'optgroup') {\r\n if (!props[propName].props.value) {\r\n return new Error(`\r\n Missing required property 'value' for '${propFullName}' supplied to '${componentName} ${props.name}'.\r\n Validation failed.`\r\n )\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else {\r\n for (let child of props[propName].props.children) {\r\n if (!child.props.value) {\r\n return new Error(`\r\n Missing required property 'value' for '${propFullName}' supplied to '${componentName} ${props.name}'.\r\n Validation failed.`\r\n )\r\n }\r\n }\r\n }\r\n })\r\n ]),\r\n innerDivStyle: object,\r\n selectedMenuItemStyle: object,\r\n menuFooterStyle: object,\r\n name: string,\r\n floatingLabel: oneOfType([string, node]),\r\n floatingLabelFocusStyle: object,\r\n underlineStyle: object,\r\n underlineFocusStyle: object,\r\n autocompleteUnderlineStyle: object,\r\n autocompleteUnderlineFocusStyle: object,\r\n hintText: string,\r\n hintTextAutocomplete: string,\r\n noMatchFound: string,\r\n noMatchFoundStyle: object,\r\n showAutocompleteThreshold: oneOfType([\r\n number,\r\n oneOf(['always', 'never'])\r\n ]),\r\n elementHeight: oneOfType([\r\n number,\r\n arrayOf(number)\r\n ]),\r\n nb2show: number,\r\n /* value: oneOfType([\r\n shape({\r\n value: any.isRequired,\r\n label: string\r\n },\r\n arrayOf(shape({\r\n value: any.isRequired,\r\n label: string\r\n })\r\n ]), */\r\n value: (props, propName, componentName, location, propFullName) => {\r\n const { multiple, value } = props\r\n if (multiple) {\r\n const index = checkFormat(value)\r\n if (!Array.isArray(value)) {\r\n return new Error(`\r\n When using 'multiple' mode, 'value' of '${componentName} ${props.name}' must be an array.\r\n Validation failed.`\r\n )\r\n }\r\n else if (index !== -1) {\r\n return new Error(`\r\n 'value[${index}]' of '${componentName} ${props.name}' must be an object including a 'value' property.\r\n Validation failed.`\r\n )\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else if (value !== null && (typeof value !== 'object' || !('value' in value))) {\r\n return new Error(`\r\n 'value' of '${componentName} ${props.name}' must be an object including a 'value' property.\r\n Validation failed.`\r\n )\r\n }\r\n },\r\n autocompleteFilter: func,\r\n selectionsRenderer: func,\r\n menuCloseButton: node,\r\n canAutoPosition: bool,\r\n multiple: bool,\r\n openImmediately: bool,\r\n keepSearchOnSelect: bool,\r\n disabled: bool,\r\n onChange: func,\r\n onSelect: func,\r\n onMenuOpen: func,\r\n onAutoCompleteTyping: func\r\n}\r\n\n\n\n// WEBPACK FOOTER //\n// ./src/types/index.js","exports.f = {}.propertyIsEnumerable;\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/core-js/library/modules/_object-pie.js\n// module id = NpIQ\n// module chunks = 0","'use strict';\n\n//This file contains the ES6 extensions to the core Promises/A+ API\n\nvar Promise = require('./core.js');\n\nmodule.exports = Promise;\n\n/* Static Functions */\n\nvar TRUE = valuePromise(true);\nvar FALSE = valuePromise(false);\nvar NULL = valuePromise(null);\nvar UNDEFINED = valuePromise(undefined);\nvar ZERO = valuePromise(0);\nvar EMPTYSTRING = valuePromise('');\n\nfunction valuePromise(value) {\n var p = new Promise(Promise._44);\n p._83 = 1;\n p._18 = value;\n return p;\n}\nPromise.resolve = function (value) {\n if (value instanceof Promise) return value;\n\n if (value === null) return NULL;\n if (value === undefined) return UNDEFINED;\n if (value === true) return TRUE;\n if (value === false) return FALSE;\n if (value === 0) return ZERO;\n if (value === '') return EMPTYSTRING;\n\n if (typeof value === 'object' || typeof value === 'function') {\n try {\n var then = value.then;\n if (typeof then === 'function') {\n return new Promise(then.bind(value));\n }\n } catch (ex) {\n return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {\n reject(ex);\n });\n }\n }\n return valuePromise(value);\n};\n\nPromise.all = function (arr) {\n var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arr);\n\n return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {\n if (args.length === 0) return resolve([]);\n var remaining = args.length;\n function res(i, val) {\n if (val && (typeof val === 'object' || typeof val === 'function')) {\n if (val instanceof Promise && val.then === Promise.prototype.then) {\n while (val._83 === 3) {\n val = val._18;\n }\n if (val._83 === 1) return res(i, val._18);\n if (val._83 === 2) reject(val._18);\n val.then(function (val) {\n res(i, val);\n }, reject);\n return;\n } else {\n var then = val.then;\n if (typeof then === 'function') {\n var p = new Promise(then.bind(val));\n p.then(function (val) {\n res(i, val);\n }, reject);\n return;\n }\n }\n }\n args[i] = val;\n if (--remaining === 0) {\n resolve(args);\n }\n }\n for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {\n res(i, args[i]);\n }\n });\n};\n\nPromise.reject = function (value) {\n return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {\n reject(value);\n });\n};\n\nPromise.race = function (values) {\n return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {\n values.forEach(function(value){\n Promise.resolve(value).then(resolve, reject);\n });\n });\n};\n\n/* Prototype Methods */\n\nPromise.prototype['catch'] = function (onRejected) {\n return this.then(null, onRejected);\n};\n\n\n\n//////////////////\n// WEBPACK FOOTER\n// ./node_modules/promise/lib/es6-extensions.js\n// module id = Nq5S\n// module chunks = 0","/*!\n * Bowser - a browser detector\n * https://github.com/ded/bowser\n * MIT License | (c) Dustin Diaz 2015\n */\n\n!function (root, name, definition) {\n if (typeof module != 'undefined' && module.exports) module.exports = definition()\n else if (typeof define == 'function' && define.amd) define(name, definition)\n else root[name] = definition()\n}(this, 'bowser', function () {\n /**\n * See useragents.js for examples of navigator.userAgent\n */\n\n var t = true\n\n function detect(ua) {\n\n function getFirstMatch(regex) {\n var match = ua.match(regex);\n return (match && match.length > 1 && match[1]) || '';\n }\n\n function getSecondMatch(regex) {\n var match = ua.match(regex);\n return (match && match.length > 1 && match[2]) || '';\n }\n\n var iosdevice = getFirstMatch(/(ipod|iphone|ipad)/i).toLowerCase()\n , likeAndroid = /like android/i.test(ua)\n , android = !likeAndroid && /android/i.test(ua)\n , nexusMobile = /nexus\\s*[0-6]\\s*/i.test(ua)\n , nexusTablet = !nexusMobile && /nexus\\s*[0-9]+/i.test(ua)\n , chromeos = /CrOS/.test(ua)\n , silk = /silk/i.test(ua)\n , sailfish = /sailfish/i.test(ua)\n , tizen = /tizen/i.test(ua)\n , webos = /(web|hpw)os/i.test(ua)\n , windowsphone = /windows phone/i.test(ua)\n , samsungBrowser = /SamsungBrowser/i.test(ua)\n , windows = !windowsphone && /windows/i.test(ua)\n , mac = !iosdevice && !silk && /macintosh/i.test(ua)\n , linux = !android && !sailfish && !tizen && !webos && /linux/i.test(ua)\n , edgeVersion = getSecondMatch(/edg([ea]|ios)\\/(\\d+(\\.\\d+)?)/i)\n , versionIdentifier = getFirstMatch(/version\\/(\\d+(\\.\\d+)?)/i)\n , tablet = /tablet/i.test(ua) && !/tablet pc/i.test(ua)\n , mobile = !tablet && /[^-]mobi/i.test(ua)\n , xbox = /xbox/i.test(ua)\n , result\n\n if (/opera/i.test(ua)) {\n // an old Opera\n result = {\n name: 'Opera'\n , opera: t\n , version: versionIdentifier || getFirstMatch(/(?:opera|opr|opios)[\\s\\/](\\d+(\\.\\d+)?)/i)\n }\n } else if (/opr\\/|opios/i.test(ua)) {\n // a new Opera\n result = {\n name: 'Opera'\n , opera: t\n , version: getFirstMatch(/(?:opr|opios)[\\s\\/](\\d+(\\.\\d+)?)/i) || versionIdentifier\n }\n }\n else if (/SamsungBrowser/i.test(ua)) {\n result = {\n name: 'Samsung Internet for Android'\n , samsungBrowser: t\n , version: versionIdentifier || getFirstMatch(/(?:SamsungBrowser)[\\s\\/](\\d+(\\.\\d+)?)/i)\n }\n }\n else if (/coast/i.test(ua)) {\n result = {\n name: 'Opera Coast'\n , coast: t\n , version: versionIdentifier || getFirstMatch(/(?:coast)[\\s\\/](\\d+(\\.\\d+)?)/i)\n }\n }\n else if (/yabrowser/i.test(ua)) {\n result = {\n name: 'Yandex Browser'\n , yandexbrowser: t\n , version: versionIdentifier || getFirstMatch(/(?:yabrowser)[\\s\\/](\\d+(\\.\\d+)?)/i)\n }\n }\n else if (/ucbrowser/i.test(ua)) {\n result = {\n name: 'UC Browser'\n , ucbrowser: t\n , version: getFirstMatch(/(?:ucbrowser)[\\s\\/](\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)+)/i)\n }\n }\n else if (/mxios/i.test(ua)) {\n result = {\n name: 'Maxthon'\n , maxthon: t\n , version: getFirstMatch(/(?:mxios)[\\s\\/](\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)+)/i)\n }\n }\n else if (/epiphany/i.test(ua)) {\n result = {\n name: 'Epiphany'\n , epiphany: t\n , version: getFirstMatch(/(?:epiphany)[\\s\\/](\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)+)/i)\n }\n }\n else if (/puffin/i.test(ua)) {\n result = {\n name: 'Puffin'\n , puffin: t\n , version: getFirstMatch(/(?:puffin)[\\s\\/](\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?)/i)\n }\n }\n else if (/sleipnir/i.test(ua)) {\n result = {\n name: 'Sleipnir'\n , sleipnir: t\n , version: getFirstMatch(/(?:sleipnir)[\\s\\/](\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)+)/i)\n }\n }\n else if (/k-meleon/i.test(ua)) {\n result = {\n name: 'K-Meleon'\n , kMeleon: t\n , version: getFirstMatch(/(?:k-meleon)[\\s\\/](\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)+)/i)\n }\n }\n else if (windowsphone) {\n result = {\n name: 'Windows Phone'\n , osname: 'Windows Phone'\n , windowsphone: t\n }\n if (edgeVersion) {\n result.msedge = t\n result.version = edgeVersion\n }\n else {\n result.msie = t\n result.version = getFirstMatch(/iemobile\\/(\\d+(\\.\\d+)?)/i)\n }\n }\n else if (/msie|trident/i.test(ua)) {\n result = {\n name: 'Internet Explorer'\n , msie: t\n , version: getFirstMatch(/(?:msie |rv:)(\\d+(\\.\\d+)?)/i)\n }\n } else if (chromeos) {\n result = {\n name: 'Chrome'\n , osname: 'Chrome OS'\n , chromeos: t\n , chromeBook: t\n , chrome: t\n , version: getFirstMatch(/(?:chrome|crios|crmo)\\/(\\d+(\\.\\d+)?)/i)\n }\n } else if (/edg([ea]|ios)/i.test(ua)) {\n result = {\n name: 'Microsoft Edge'\n , msedge: t\n , version: edgeVersion\n }\n }\n else if (/vivaldi/i.test(ua)) {\n result = {\n name: 'Vivaldi'\n , vivaldi: t\n , version: getFirstMatch(/vivaldi\\/(\\d+(\\.\\d+)?)/i) || versionIdentifier\n }\n }\n else if (sailfish) {\n result = {\n name: 'Sailfish'\n , osname: 'Sailfish OS'\n , sailfish: t\n , version: getFirstMatch(/sailfish\\s?browser\\/(\\d+(\\.\\d+)?)/i)\n }\n }\n else if (/seamonkey\\//i.test(ua)) {\n result = {\n name: 'SeaMonkey'\n , seamonkey: t\n , version: getFirstMatch(/seamonkey\\/(\\d+(\\.\\d+)?)/i)\n }\n }\n else if (/firefox|iceweasel|fxios/i.test(ua)) {\n result = {\n name: 'Firefox'\n , firefox: t\n , version: getFirstMatch(/(?:firefox|iceweasel|fxios)[ \\/](\\d+(\\.\\d+)?)/i)\n }\n if (/\\((mobile|tablet);[^\\)]*rv:[\\d\\.]+\\)/i.test(ua)) {\n result.firefoxos = t\n result.osname = 'Firefox OS'\n }\n }\n else if (silk) {\n result = {\n name: 'Amazon Silk'\n , silk: t\n , version : getFirstMatch(/silk\\/(\\d+(\\.\\d+)?)/i)\n }\n }\n else if (/phantom/i.test(ua)) {\n result = {\n name: 'PhantomJS'\n , phantom: t\n , version: getFirstMatch(/phantomjs\\/(\\d+(\\.\\d+)?)/i)\n }\n }\n else if (/slimerjs/i.test(ua)) {\n result = {\n name: 'SlimerJS'\n , slimer: t\n , version: getFirstMatch(/slimerjs\\/(\\d+(\\.\\d+)?)/i)\n }\n }\n else if (/blackberry|\\bbb\\d+/i.test(ua) || /rim\\stablet/i.test(ua)) {\n result = {\n name: 'BlackBerry'\n , osname: 'BlackBerry OS'\n , blackberry: t\n , version: versionIdentifier || getFirstMatch(/blackberry[\\d]+\\/(\\d+(\\.\\d+)?)/i)\n }\n }\n else if (webos) {\n result = {\n name: 'WebOS'\n , osname: 'WebOS'\n , webos: t\n , version: versionIdentifier || getFirstMatch(/w(?:eb)?osbrowser\\/(\\d+(\\.\\d+)?)/i)\n };\n /touchpad\\//i.test(ua) && (result.touchpad = t)\n }\n else if (/bada/i.test(ua)) {\n result = {\n name: 'Bada'\n , osname: 'Bada'\n , bada: t\n , version: getFirstMatch(/dolfin\\/(\\d+(\\.\\d+)?)/i)\n };\n }\n else if (tizen) {\n result = {\n name: 'Tizen'\n , osname: 'Tizen'\n , tizen: t\n , version: getFirstMatch(/(?:tizen\\s?)?browser\\/(\\d+(\\.\\d+)?)/i) || versionIdentifier\n };\n }\n else if (/qupzilla/i.test(ua)) {\n result = {\n name: 'QupZilla'\n , qupzilla: t\n , version: getFirstMatch(/(?:qupzilla)[\\s\\/](\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)+)/i) || versionIdentifier\n }\n }\n else if (/chromium/i.test(ua)) {\n result = {\n name: 'Chromium'\n , chromium: t\n , version: getFirstMatch(/(?:chromium)[\\s\\/](\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?)/i) || versionIdentifier\n }\n }\n else if (/chrome|crios|crmo/i.test(ua)) {\n result = {\n name: 'Chrome'\n , chrome: t\n , version: getFirstMatch(/(?:chrome|crios|crmo)\\/(\\d+(\\.\\d+)?)/i)\n }\n }\n else if (android) {\n result = {\n name: 'Android'\n , version: versionIdentifier\n }\n }\n else if (/safari|applewebkit/i.test(ua)) {\n result = {\n name: 'Safari'\n , safari: t\n }\n if (versionIdentifier) {\n result.version = versionIdentifier\n }\n }\n else if (iosdevice) {\n result = {\n name : iosdevice == 'iphone' ? 'iPhone' : iosdevice == 'ipad' ? 'iPad' : 'iPod'\n }\n // WTF: version is not part of user agent in web apps\n if (versionIdentifier) {\n result.version = versionIdentifier\n }\n }\n else if(/googlebot/i.test(ua)) {\n result = {\n name: 'Googlebot'\n , googlebot: t\n , version: getFirstMatch(/googlebot\\/(\\d+(\\.\\d+))/i) || versionIdentifier\n }\n }\n else {\n result = {\n name: getFirstMatch(/^(.*)\\/(.*) /),\n version: getSecondMatch(/^(.*)\\/(.*) /)\n };\n }\n\n // set webkit or gecko flag for browsers based on these engines\n if (!result.msedge && /(apple)?webkit/i.test(ua)) {\n if (/(apple)?webkit\\/537\\.36/i.test(ua)) {\n result.name = result.name || \"Blink\"\n result.blink = t\n } else {\n result.name = result.name || \"Webkit\"\n result.webkit = t\n }\n if (!result.version && versionIdentifier) {\n result.version = versionIdentifier\n }\n } else if (!result.opera && /gecko\\//i.test(ua)) {\n result.name = result.name || \"Gecko\"\n result.gecko = t\n result.version = result.version || getFirstMatch(/gecko\\/(\\d+(\\.\\d+)?)/i)\n }\n\n // set OS flags for platforms that have multiple browsers\n if (!result.windowsphone && (android || result.silk)) {\n result.android = t\n result.osname = 'Android'\n } else if (!result.windowsphone && iosdevice) {\n result[iosdevice] = t\n result.ios = t\n result.osname = 'iOS'\n } else if (mac) {\n result.mac = t\n result.osname = 'macOS'\n } else if (xbox) {\n result.xbox = t\n result.osname = 'Xbox'\n } else if (windows) {\n result.windows = t\n result.osname = 'Windows'\n } else if (linux) {\n result.linux = t\n result.osname = 'Linux'\n }\n\n function getWindowsVersion (s) {\n switch (s) {\n case 'NT': return 'NT'\n case 'XP': return 'XP'\n case 'NT 5.0': return '2000'\n case 'NT 5.1': return 'XP'\n case 'NT 5.2': return '2003'\n case 'NT 6.0': return 'Vista'\n case 'NT 6.1': return '7'\n case 'NT 6.2': return '8'\n case 'NT 6.3': return '8.1'\n case 'NT 10.0': return '10'\n default: return undefined\n }\n }\n\n // OS version extraction\n var osVersion = '';\n if (result.windows) {\n osVersion = getWindowsVersion(getFirstMatch(/Windows ((NT|XP)( \\d\\d?.\\d)?)/i))\n } else if (result.windowsphone) {\n osVersion = getFirstMatch(/windows phone (?:os)?\\s?(\\d+(\\.\\d+)*)/i);\n } else if (result.mac) {\n osVersion = getFirstMatch(/Mac OS X (\\d+([_\\.\\s]\\d+)*)/i);\n osVersion = osVersion.replace(/[_\\s]/g, '.');\n } else if (iosdevice) {\n osVersion = getFirstMatch(/os (\\d+([_\\s]\\d+)*) like mac os x/i);\n osVersion = osVersion.replace(/[_\\s]/g, '.');\n } else if (android) {\n osVersion = getFirstMatch(/android[ \\/-](\\d+(\\.\\d+)*)/i);\n } else if (result.webos) {\n osVersion = getFirstMatch(/(?:web|hpw)os\\/(\\d+(\\.\\d+)*)/i);\n } else if (result.blackberry) {\n osVersion = getFirstMatch(/rim\\stablet\\sos\\s(\\d+(\\.\\d+)*)/i);\n } else if (result.bada) {\n osVersion = getFirstMatch(/bada\\/(\\d+(\\.\\d+)*)/i);\n } else if (result.tizen) {\n osVersion = getFirstMatch(/tizen[\\/\\s](\\d+(\\.\\d+)*)/i);\n }\n if (osVersion) {\n result.osversion = osVersion;\n }\n\n // device type extraction\n var osMajorVersion = !result.windows && osVersion.split('.')[0];\n if (\n tablet\n || nexusTablet\n || iosdevice == 'ipad'\n || (android && (osMajorVersion == 3 || (osMajorVersion >= 4 && !mobile)))\n || result.silk\n ) {\n result.tablet = t\n } else if (\n mobile\n || iosdevice == 'iphone'\n || iosdevice == 'ipod'\n || android\n || nexusMobile\n || result.blackberry\n || result.webos\n || result.bada\n ) {\n result.mobile = t\n }\n\n // Graded Browser Support\n // http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/articles/gbs\n if (result.msedge ||\n (result.msie && result.version >= 10) ||\n (result.yandexbrowser && result.version >= 15) ||\n\t\t (result.vivaldi && result.version >= 1.0) ||\n (result.chrome && result.version >= 20) ||\n (result.samsungBrowser && result.version >= 4) ||\n (result.firefox && result.version >= 20.0) ||\n (result.safari && result.version >= 6) ||\n (result.opera && result.version >= 10.0) ||\n (result.ios && result.osversion && result.osversion.split(\".\")[0] >= 6) ||\n (result.blackberry && result.version >= 10.1)\n || (result.chromium && result.version >= 20)\n ) {\n result.a = t;\n }\n else if ((result.msie && result.version < 10) ||\n (result.chrome && result.version < 20) ||\n (result.firefox && result.version < 20.0) ||\n (result.safari && result.version < 6) ||\n (result.opera && result.version < 10.0) ||\n (result.ios && result.osversion && result.osversion.split(\".\")[0] < 6)\n || (result.chromium && result.version < 20)\n ) {\n result.c = t\n } else result.x = t\n\n return result\n }\n\n var bowser = detect(typeof navigator !== 'undefined' ? navigator.userAgent || '' : '')\n\n bowser.test = function (browserList) {\n for (var i = 0; i < browserList.length; ++i) {\n var browserItem = browserList[i];\n if (typeof browserItem=== 'string') {\n if (browserItem in bowser) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n }\n return false;\n }\n\n /**\n * Get version precisions count\n *\n * @example\n * getVersionPrecision(\"1.10.3\") // 3\n *\n * @param {string} version\n * @return {number}\n */\n function getVersionPrecision(version) {\n return version.split(\".\").length;\n }\n\n /**\n * Array::map polyfill\n *\n * @param {Array} arr\n * @param {Function} iterator\n * @return {Array}\n */\n function map(arr, iterator) {\n var result = [], i;\n if (Array.prototype.map) {\n return Array.prototype.map.call(arr, iterator);\n }\n for (i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {\n result.push(iterator(arr[i]));\n }\n return result;\n }\n\n /**\n * Calculate browser version weight\n *\n * @example\n * compareVersions(['', '']) // 1\n * compareVersions(['', '']); // 1\n * compareVersions(['', '']); // 0\n * compareVersions(['', '1.0800.2']); // -1\n *\n * @param {Array