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File metadata and controls

21 lines (17 loc) · 1.42 KB

TMDB_MVVM_Java (Clean_Architecture)

A movie guide app that helps you to discover different types of movies categories in the TMDB API , movie details , movie trailers , movie reviews and adding movies to your watchlist. Implementing MVVM architecture using Dagger2, Retrofit, RxJava2, LiveData, RoomDatabase, DataBinding and Navigation Component. Applying Clean Code using OOP , SOLID Priciples , Helper Classes and Repository Pattern.

106988977_610373243194778_4263052984704696679_n 107376205_269156881038035_8726728892523833839_n 107103839_274880973946082_1657028415147045183_n

The app has following packages:

  1. data: It contains all the data accessing and manipulating components.
  2. di: Dependency providing classes using Dagger2.
  3. ui: View classes along with their corresponding Presenters.
  4. utils: Utility classes.

Navigation Component Graph

Screenshot (330)

Guide to app architecture
