- QA needs access to the Scope of Work (if available), along with any updates to the SOW
- Website/Application is deployed to a staging environment.
- Ensure that the site is working as intended before QA starts testing.
- Developer will prepare an Acceptance Test per the Bitwise guidelines.
- Lead Dev will create the Acceptance Test as an issue in GitHub with:
- Short project or feature description
- Delivery / Testing time frame
- Associated project board
- Sandbox URL / Testflight App Name
- App Version number(s) to be tested
- Devices / Browsers to be tested
- Testing Steps
- Acceptance Test in Markdown Format. An Acceptance Test will be necessary for all new projects/features, specifically steps for navigating the project / feature.
- Project Manager (PM) fills out request form
- Provide the following details:
- Project and client name
- Billable to the client?
- Task description
- Due date (or estimate of testing time required)
- Names of PM and lead dev
- Scope of work
- List of known issues
QA Lead will schedule a kickoff meeting with QA Team, devs and PM.
If the project doesn’t have a project board in GitHub, Lead Dev will create a project board for QA using the following column titles as a guide:
- Pending
- Accepted
- In Progress
- Ready for Retest
- Done
- Rejected
- PM or Dev will introduce the QA Team to the Project-Under-Test via a demo.
- If applicable, review for each user type’s abilities and limitations.
- PM / Dev defines the priorities for testing.
- Are there any specific devices we should be looking at?
- What types of testing will we be doing for this project?
- Are there any forms of compliance that need to be followed? {reference} #98
- Points of contact are identified.
- Identify any known issues to be ignored or that are outside of scope.
- QA Team is given write access to the GitHub repository.
- Credentials are given to the team via Zoho Vault. (BWTC-QA Chamber)
- If QA is billable to the client, such as for time and materials (T&M) projects, PM will add the QA Team to the Tick project.
- Add QA to the project’s Slack channel Discussions should occur constantly within the “Working” issue, tagging people as necessary.
- A timeline for the QA sprints will be established. We generally ask for about 2 weeks.
- QA Team meets to review the application, its purpose and the most important functions of the website.
- QA Lead makes updates to project in Monday.com
- QA Lead sets up the following in GitHub repo:
- Milestone
- Labels
- QA Lead schedules Post-Sprint meeting.
- If a project board has not been set up by the developer, QA will ask for one to be set up {example} (https://github.com/Shift3/qa-team/projects/9)
- QA Testers will create a copy of the Acceptance Test to work from.
- QA will generate new issues for discovered problems. Issues will be: a. Labeled with the QA Sprint, Bug, Defect, Enhancement, etc. b. Assigned to relevant milestone and project board c. Assigned to Point of Contact (POC)
- When issues are ready for retest and deployed to a new test version, please label the issues “Ready for Retest”
- Contact QA through the project’s Slack channel.
- If the test is successful, QA Tester adds the “Testing Passed” label to the issue, and adds a comment to update the issue.
- If the testing failed, QA will add feedback on the issue and add the “Testing Failed” label.
- When “Testing Failed”, the retest process restarts.
The dev team is responsible for closing any issues. Please do not close issues if they are to be re-tested by QA.
Please keep in contact with us in the project's Slack channel whenever a push or change is being made on the staging server. For the following, contact QA via the project’s Slack channel:
- Pushing Updates
- Re-testing
- All other communication can be done via the issue’s comments section
- QA Lead will go over the testing QA has gone through.
- QA Lead will note some of the issues we ran into and ask the developers questions relevant to those issues.
- Recommendation for additional sprint or case by case retest will be made based upon workload. QA will discuss w/ PM/Devs the duration of the Retesting Sprint.
- QA Lead will close the sprint milestone to mark the end of the sprint.
- QA Lead will send a Certificate of Completion to the PM and lead dev. This certificate will include:
- Types of testing QA has completed
- Google Lighthouse score
- List of key issues QA has found
- Recommendation for additional sprint or case by case retest
- Change project to Complete status on Monday.com