This sdk enables php developers to communicate with Shoplo Multi with an oauth 2 authentication.
- guzzle
- doctrine annotations
- Compatible with PHP 5.5 or greater.
- Easy to install with Composer
The SDK can be installed with Composer.
- Install Composer.
curl -sS | php
- Install the SDK.
php composer.phar require shoplo/shoplo-multi-client
- Add doctrine annotations to autoload file or front controller.
AnnotationRegistry::registerLoader(array($loader, 'loadClass'));
- Require Composer's autoloader by adding the following line to your code.
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
Authentication using sso auth.
require_once __DIR__ . '/autoload.php';
define('SECRET_KEY', 'XXXX');
define('PUBLIC_KEY', 'XXXX');
define('CALLBACK_URL', '');
$authUrl = '';
$ssoConfig = [
'apiBaseUrl' => $authUrl,
'publicKey' => PUBLIC_KEY,
'secretKey' => SECRET_KEY,
'callbackUrl' => CALLBACK_URL,
$apiUrl = '';
$guzzleAdapter = new \ShoploMulti\Guzzle\GuzzleAdapter(
new \GuzzleHttp\Client(['base_uri' => $apiUrl])
$shoploMultiClient = new \ShoploMulti\ShoploMultiClient(
Orders resource.
$orderResource = new \ShoploMulti\Resource\ShoploMultiOrderResource($shoploMultiClient);
$with = [
'with' => [
$orders = $orderResource->getOrders($with);
$orders = $orderResource->getCount();
$orders = $orderResource->getOrder(6, $with);
$fulfillments = new \ShoploMulti\Model\Order\ShoploMultiOrderFulfillments();
$fulfillments->tracking_company = 'Poczta Polska';
$trackingUrl = '';
$fulfillments->tracking_urls = [$trackingUrl];
$fulfillments->tracking_numbers = ['123123123123'];
$response = $orderResource->createOrderFullfilments(6, $fulfillments);
Products resource.
$productResource = new \ShoploMulti\Resource\ShoploMultiProductResource($shoploMultiClient);
$with = [
'with' => [
$response = $productResource->getProducts($with);
$response = $productResource->getCount();
Customers resource.
$customerResource = new \ShoploMulti\Resource\ShoploMultiCustomerResource($shoploMultiClient);
$response = $customerResource->getCustomers();
$response = $customerResource->getCount();