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Ramon edited this page Feb 13, 2018 · 10 revisions

Welcome to the SkyTube wiki!

SkyTube is an open-source YouTube player for the Android operating system. For screenshots and features, please refer to


Two flavors are available for download: SkyTube Extra and SkyTube. The code of both flavors is open-source and protected by the GPL. However, SkyTube Extra also contain the default YouTube player which is basically a closed source library developed by Google. In the near future, SkyTube Extra will also contain the Chromecast functionality - again such functionality is provided by a third party library which is also closed source. Both functionalities are not found in SkyTube's vanilla build as that goes against F-Droid official policy.

Feature SkyTube Extra SkyTube
Description Contains extra features that are powered by non-OSS libraries. Fully open-source and free software.
GPLv3 license
Official YouTube player support*
Updates availability Immediate Normally up to 5 days
Download APK Download SkyTube Extra APK Download SkyTube (Vanilla) APK

* powered by a closed-source, third party library.

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