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File metadata and controls

576 lines (472 loc) · 18.2 KB

Advanced Document


Compatibility Table

must use proper version of cds-mysql with @sap/cds sdk

@sap/cds version @sap/cds-mtxs version cds-mysql version
5.8.x 5.9.x
5.9.x 5.9.x
6.0.x 6.0.x
6.1.x 6.1.x
6.2.x 6.2.x
6.3.x 6.3.x
6.4.x 6.4.x
6.5.x 6.5.x
6.6.x 6.6.x
6.7.x 1.7.x 6.7.x
6.8.x 1.8.x 6.8.x
7.0.x 1.9.x 7.0.x
7.1.x 1.10.x 7.1.x
7.2.x 1.11.x 7.2.x
7.3.x 1.12.x 7.3.x
7.4.x 1.13.x 7.4.x
7.5.x 1.14.x 7.5.x
7.6.x 1.15.x 7.6.x
7.7.x 1.16.x 7.7.x
7.8.x 1.17.x 7.8.x
7.9.x 1.18.x 7.9.x

Configurations Overview

you can specify the configuration of cds-mysql at the cds.requires.db node

  "cds": {
    "requires": {
      "db": {
        "kind": "mysql",
        "csv": { "migrate": false },
        "tenant": {
          "deploy": {
            "eager": ["default"]
      "mysql": { "impl": "cds-mysql" }


interface MysqlDatabaseOptions {
   * database credentials
  credentials: MySQLCredential;
   * tenant configuration
  tenant?: {
    deploy?: {
       * auto migrate database schema when connect to it (create pool),
       * @default true
      auto?: boolean;
       * eager deploy tenant id list
       * schema sync of these tenants will be performed when server startup
       * @default ['default']
      eager?: Array<string> | string;

       * eager deploy will also include tenants from cds.env.requires.auth.users
       * @default false
      withMockUserTenants?: boolean;
       * transparent migrate, require to use `cds-mysql-build` to generate migrations.sql
       * @default false
      transparent?: boolean;
     * tenant database name prefix
    prefix?: string;
   * mysql connection configurations
  connection?: {
     * `max_allowed_packet` size of mysql database, when create the pool of tenant, `cds-mysql` will try to set the global `max_allowed_packet` variable
     * The value should be a multiple of 1024; non-multiples are rounded down to the nearest multiple.
    maxallowedpacket?: number | boolean;
   * connection pool options for each tenant
  pool?: PoolOptions;
   * csv configurations
  csv?: {
     * migrate CSV on deployment
     * @default false
    migrate?: boolean;

    identity?: {
       * `cds-mysql` will parallel to query record by keys,
       *  to check the record is existed or not
      concurrency?: number;
    exist?: {
       * when `cds-mysql` found the record is existed in database
       * update or skip that.
       * @default false
      update?: boolean;
     * enhanced csv processing for `preDelivery` aspect
     * @default false
    enhancedProcessing: boolean;

Built-In Data Type

CDS Type MySQL Type
Integer64 BIGINT
Timestamp DATETIME(3)
String NVARCHAR(255)
LargeBinary LONGBLOB
LargeString LONGTEXT

Automatically Schema Migration

cds-mysql will use the cds compiler to generate DDL SQL statements, then parse the DDL statements, and convert them into typeorm-EntitySchema objects, then do the migration with typeorm existed migration functionality.

graph LR
    CDS[CDS Definition] --> |compile CDS to DDL| DDL[Compiled DDL]
    DDL --> |ast parser| te[TypeORM Entity Metadata]
    te --> |use typeorm migrate schema|Schema[Database Schema]

It will be fully automatically, sync changed columns, views.

It will NEVER drop old tables/columns, it will be SAFE in most cases.

Transparent Migration

cds-mysql support to generate readable/trackable/auditable migrations.sql to perform schema migration

to enable that, please modify the cds configuration with transparent deployment flag

  "name": "transparent-migration",
  "cds": {
    "requires": {
      "db": {
        "kind": "mysql",
        "tenant": {
+          "deploy": {
+            "transparent": true
+          }

then run the npx cds-mysql-build command to generate migrations file

  • db/last-dev/mysql.json - store the latest model
  • db/migrations.sql - store the migration statements between different versions

an example of migrations.sql

-- generated by cds-mysql
-- database migration scripts
-- do not manually change this file

-- version: 100 hash: 89d52ab9f80a0fb38b9d52bc1caeeaf532d208e4b5671818830f4fa2032c45d1 at: 2023-02-01T12:03:22.489Z
CREATE TABLE `FioriService_Forms_drafts` (`ID` varchar(36) NOT NULL, `f1` varchar(255) NULL, `f2` varchar(255) NULL, `f3` int NULL, `f4` decimal NULL, `IsActiveEntity` tinyint NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, `HasActiveEntity` tinyint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `HasDraftEntity` tinyint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, `DraftAdministrativeData_DraftUUID` varchar(36) NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`ID`, `IsActiveEntity`)) ENGINE=InnoDB CHARACTER SET 'utf8mb4' COLLATE 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci'

-- <remove some statements here> ...

-- version: 101 hash: 06962d18b51963e273375acc512ea8e96b69325620662a78d57b4cf9c2bc1877 at: 2023-02-01T12:04:16.622Z
DROP VIEW `FioriService_Persons`

ALTER TABLE `FioriService_Persons_drafts` ADD `Country` varchar(40) NULL DEFAULT 'CN'

ALTER TABLE `test_resources_fiori_db_Person` ADD `Country` varchar(40) NULL DEFAULT 'CN'

CREATE VIEW `FioriService_Persons` AS SELECT
FROM test_resources_fiori_db_Person AS Person_0;

-- version: 102 hash: c7f16bf48eb23fe3f5b52c53c53bfade82a3ce2f3a6532493b82d16cefa75e37 at: 2023-02-04T03:41:18.704Z
CREATE TABLE `cds_xt_Extensions` (`ID` varchar(36) NOT NULL, `tag` text NULL, `csn` longtext NULL, `i18n` longtext NULL, `sources` longblob NULL, `activated` text NULL, `timestamp` datetime(3) NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`ID`)) ENGINE=InnoDB CHARACTER SET 'utf8mb4' COLLATE 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci'

NOTE: mtxs - extensibility CAN NOT work with transparent migration

Multi Tenancy

Out-of-Box multi-tenancy support

  • develop the single tenant application, use the default as tenant id
  • develop the multi-tenancy application, fill the User.tenant information for each request/event, and cds-mysql will automatically sync schema/CSV and provision connection pool for that tenant
    • data isolation in mysql database level, each tenant will own its own database
    • better to create a admin user to cds-mysql so that cds-mysql could help you to create database
  • multi-tenancy could work without @sap/mtxs, but if enable the @sap/mtxs features, please find more details at MTXS documentation

CSV Migration

cds-mysql has a built-in csv migrator, it will migrate data with key validation.

  • if key of entity is existed, depends on the cds.requires.db.csv.exist.update, if the value is true, try to update, otherwise will skip the record
  • if key of entity not existed, insert (if the records has been deleted, its also will be inserted)
  • for clob columns (like cds.Binary/cds.LargeBinary), please fill csv with base64 encoded value
  • for array of columns, please fill with JSON string with correct CSV encoding, for example, use "" two double quotes to represent " double quotes.

Tips and FAQ


support UPSERT with mysql INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE feature

  • ONLY could be handled by DatabaseService, there is no builtin handler are registered for cds.ApplicationService
  • UPSERT will not return the updated object
  • till now, there are some features not well-implemented by cds team, for example, not able to automatically rewrite upsert for view
module.exports = class DemoService extends cds.ApplicationService {
  async _upsert(req) {
    const Product = "test.upsert.Product";
    const { data } = req;
    return{ ID: data.ID }));

CREATE and DROP CQN are disabled

CREATE and DROP ql are DISABLED by cds-mysql.

it means:; // with throw error 'ERR_NOT_SUPPORT_CQN_CREATE'

Large Blob Storage

if you have the blob column, and try to upload large file/binary, maybe will encounter the ER_NET_PACKET_TOO_LARGE server side error, you can configure the max_allowed_packet in server side, or configure the global variable by cds-mysql (will be restore after mysql restart)

  "cds": {
    "requires": {
      "db": {
        "kind": "mysql",
        "connection": {
          "maxallowedpacket": 104857600 // 100 MB
      "kinds": {
        "mysql": {
          "impl": "cds-mysql"

Database Connection Pool

cds-mysql setup pool for EACH tenant, for more options of pool, please ref options section of generic-pool

  "cds": {
    "requires": {
      "db": {
        "kind": "mysql",
        "pool": {
          "max": 50
      "kinds": {
        "mysql": {
          "impl": "cds-mysql"

Eager Tenant Deployment

cds-mysql will automatically migrate schema and pre-defined CSV data into database when connecting to database (generally it means server received the first request which need database operation).

just specify the requires.db.tenant.deploy.eager to sync schema (of target tenants) at startup

  "cds": {
    "requires": {
      "db": {
        "tenant": {
          "deploy": {
            "eager": ["default", "<a-tenant-id here>"]

Auto Incremental Key Aspect

define entity with incrementalID aspect to support the AUTO_INCREMENT syntax in mysql db

NOT COMPATIBLE with deep composition/association operations, its better to use the @sap/cds/common - cuid aspect for deep operations

using {incrementID} from 'cds-mysql';

// the entity `Animal` will have an auto-filled 'ID' field
// ONLY support single record insert
entity Animal : incrementID {
  Name : String(255);

PreDelivery Aspect for CSV migration

csv migrator will automatically fill the PreDelivery field as true for business, if user want to delete some data, just set the Disabled field as true content hash will be checked before provisioned, if one file has been filled before, cds-mysql will skip processing it.

using {incrementID, preDelivery} from 'cds-mysql';

entity Person : incrementID, preDelivery {
  Name : String(255);

then use the database model with filter

  // where Disabled = false
  entity Peoples    as projection on db.Person excluding {
  } where Disabled = false;

if enable the enhancedProcessing options

  "cds": {
    "requires": {
      "db": {
        "kind": "mysql",
        "csv": {
          "migrate": true,
          "exist": {
            "update": true
+          "enhancedProcessing": true

NOTE: cds-mysql will reject db DELETE operations for pre-delivery = true records

  "error": {
    "@Common.numericSeverity": 4,
    "code": "400",

Column Index

cds-mysql allow user define entity with mysql built-in index

@cds.typeorm.config : {indices : [{
  name    : 'ProductName', // key name
  columns : ['Name'] // index fields
entity Product : cuid {
  Name  : TranslatedText;
  Price : Decimal(10, 2);

NOTE: index migration is not well-tested, carefully use that on your own risk.


Configure database credential by environments variables

as CAP supported, developer could also use environments to configure the database credential


Configure database credential by file

create a default-env.json file into the root directory of your CAP project, it will be useful if you want to put some details information of mysql driver

for more supported options in credentials node, please ref the mysql official connection options document

    "user-provided": [
        "label": "user-provided",
        "name": "remote-mysql-service",
        "tags": ["mysql"],
        "credentials": {
          "host": "",
          "user": "user",
          "password": "cdsPas$w0rd",
          "database": "test",
          "port": 3306

Setup Database Credential for Cloud Foundry

if you want to run cds-mysql on cloud foundry for production

create mysql service by cf cups with following format

cf cups remote-mysql-service -t 'mysql' -p '{"host":"","user":"cds-user","password":"CdsUser123$","database":"cds-user","port":3306,"ssl":{"ca":"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n ......\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"}}'

you can convert PEM cert to json format with this document, just run command

awk 'NF {sub(/\r/, ""); printf "%s\\n",$0;}' cert-name.pem


Database User

for the database user which configured in credential, at least, it should have the permission to perform SQL and DML.

if the multi-tenancy or mtxs is enabled, the user need the permission to CREATE/DROP DATABASE and other DDL permission.

Limitation and Restriction

Database Technical Restrictions

hard restrictions from database

  • the maximum length of a table name is 64 characters - so the length of entity name with namespace cannot exceed 64 chars
  • The internal representation of a MySQL table has a maximum row size limit of 65,535 bytes.
  • upload attachment maybe will meet max_allowed_packet issue, it can be configured on server side.
  • MySQL does not support entities with parameters

cds-mysql Implementation Restrictions

some restrictions from cds-mysql implementation

  • date column not support default value $now
  • The Boolean type is represented as TINYINT(1) in mysql server, as a result, boolean default true/false will be converted to TINYINT DEFAULT 1/0.
  • The incrementID aspect of mysql, does not work with managed composition, because mysql do not support composite primary key contains an auto_increment column